CpSc 8270: Language Translation Project #2 Introduction to flex: Upside Down Da Vinci


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In order to receive credit for this assignment, your solution must meet the requirements specified in this
document and be submitted, using the handin facility, by 8 AM, Friday, September 29th, 2017. The handin
close date is set at three days after the due date. If you submit after the due date but before the handin close
date there will be a ten point deduction. No submissions will be accepted after the handin close date and no
submissions will be accepted by email.
How to Submit:
To submit your solution, copy the README file to the project directory and fill in your information.
Then do make clean on the project directory, compress the directory using tar or zip, and then submit your
compressed directory using the handin command.
Project Specification:
The purpose of this project is to help you to become familiar with flex, a tool that recognizes regular
expressions. To complete the project you must write a C
++ program that accepts text as input and writes
the text upside down and backwards. To get full credit you must use flex to read all input to your program,
your C
++ code must be well organized and use good practices, you must be able to handle the characters
illustrated in Figure 1 and on the first web page listed below, and your code should have no memory leaks.
Some helpful web sites that contain information on upside down text and mirror writing:
Figure 1: Hex codes to translate characters from normal to upside down.