Project #4 CpSc 8270: Language Translation Building an AST


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Most language translators use a scanner and parser to build an abstract syntax tree (AST) to represent the
program, where an AST is a pruned parse tree. The AST is frequently annotated with semantic information
about the language constructs in the program and this annotated AST is either (1) still called an AST, or (2)
sometimes referred to as an abstract semantic graph (ASG). We will refer to it as an AST.
The advantage of an AST representation of the program is that it represents an abstraction of the program, consisting only of those parts that are needed for translation, visualization, or optimization. For
example, the clang compiler uses llvm, which builds an AST to represent the program and, using the AST,
generates an intermediate representation of the program using llvm IR. The llvm is well documented and
there is an excellent tutorial describing the implantation of a small toy language called kaleidoscope at: The author of this tutorial provides details about the design and
implementation of the llvm ast, including code that will compile and execute. I can provide information and
a sample program if you want to try it out.
Similarly, Python also builds an AST representation of the program and makes this available through a
module called You can find information about the Python ast at:
In this project, you will use mypy to build an AST representation of the language constructs for expressions that appear in the global namespace of a Python program. You will then use the AST to interpret the
expressions. You should not translate functions (yet).
Project Specification:
1. Design and implement an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to represent and interpret your Python code.
2. Your solution should handle integer and float values and variables, print, assignment, and expressions
such as: {x + y, x − y, x ∗ y, x/y, x//y, x%y, x∗∗e, (x), −x, +x}. Don’t forget that Python uses floor
for integer division, so that -1/2 is -1, and -1/2-1/2 is also -1.
3. To implement assignment you must build a symbol table. In addition to simple assignment to a
variable, your solution should also interpret the following additional forms of assignment:
{ x+ = y, x− = y, x∗ = y, x/ = y, x// = y, x% = y }.
4. In all cases, the oracle for correctness is a Python 2.7.2 interpreter; that is, your expressions should
evaluate to the same result that a Python 2.7.2 interpreter would produce. However, unlike the Python
interpreter, the only time you are required to print a result is when the keyword print is used; for
example, if the user types x the python interpreter would print the value of x – you are not required to
do this in your mypy solution. Also, the value is essential but the format is not; for example, for the
expression 2.5*2, you may print either 5.0 or 5
5. In the directory that contains your working interpreter, place a new directory titled cases that contains
test cases that adequately test your interpreter.
6. Write a test harness,, and place it in your project folder so that it runs the test cases in cases.
7. Your code must be well organized, formatted, readable, free of warnings and leaks, and exploit object
To help you get started, I have provided an example in the course repository that builds an AST for a simple calculator program; you can find the example at: 8270Assets-2017/examples/bison/calculator/ast
This example includes a singleton, SymbolTable, that implements a symbol table for integer variables (but
not floats). You can use this example as a starting point or develop your own solution.
In the following execution, my solution is shown on the left:
Figure 1: Execution of my mypy juxtaposed with Python 2.7.6.