ECE 220 MP12 – Classes and Inheritance


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Please work on EWS for this MP to avoid compilation error on verification script.
Your task in MP12 is to implement the Shape hierarchy shown here:
Shape class is the base class. Circle, Rectangle, Sphere, RectPrism are derived classes. The base class contains function
getName() which return the name (Circle, Rectangle, Sphere, RectPrism) of an object. For each derived classes, you need to
implement getArea(), getVolume(), and overloading operator “+” and operator “-“. Your program should read the shapes
defined in test.txt, and create a vector of Shape pointers that points to objects of each input shape. Different constructor
should be called according to the input shape. For example, if the input shape is a rectangle, class Rectangle’s constructor
should be called to initialize the length, width, and name of the rectangle object. After reading the file, given an array of shape
pointers, you have to implement MaxArea() and MaxVolume() which return the max area and max volume respectively.
The format of the test cases is as follows:
where <#objects> gives the number of objects defined in the test case. Starting from the second line, each line defines a
shape object. gives the name of the object. …. are the parameter required to initialize an object. For
circle and sphere, the only parameter is radius. For rectangle, the parameters are . For rectangle prism, the
parameters are .
Below is a sample input-output pair.

Circle 2
Rectangle 2 3
Sphere 2
RectPrism 1 2 3
The Pieces
In this MP, you are given a set of files:
main.cpp – The source file that contains the main function.
shape.hpp – The header file of the shape hierarchy.
shape.cpp – The source file of the shape hierarchy. You should write your code here.
verify.cpp – The source file of the verification program.
check.hpp – The header file of the verification program.
Shape hierarchy
The header file of the shape hierarchy is given. Your task is to implement the member functions of the class.
Read Input File
You have to implement CreateShapes() to read the input file and initialize corresponding objects. CreateShapes() return a
vector of pointers (vector<Shape*>) point to the objects initialized according to the input data.
For example, to initialize a Circle object with radius 2, you may use the following codes:
max area = 50.2655
max volume = 33.5103
class Shape{
Shape(string name, int id);
string getName();
virtual double getArea() = 0;
virtual double getVolume() = 0;
string name_;
vector<Shape*> CreateShapes(char* file_name);
To read the input file, you can use ifstream. You can find more information about ifstream on the
website( An example of using ifstream to read input file is as follows:
By executing the code piece above, “circle” is stored in name and 2 is stored in r.
MaxVolume() and MaxArea()
Given a vector of object pointers, you have to implement MaxArea() and MaxVolume(). MaxArea() and MAxVolume()
compute each objects area and volume, and return the maximum area and maximum volume respectively.
Operator Overloading
For the purposes of this MP, we have defined the addition and subtraction of 2 Rectangles/Circles/Spheres/RectPrisms to be
as follows:
Given R3 = R1 + R2: it follows that
length R3 = length R1 + length R2
width R3 = width R1 + width R2
Given R3 = R1 – R2: it follows that
length R3 = max(0, length R1 – length R2)
width R3 = max(0, width R1 – width R2)
Given C3 = C1 + C2: it follows that
radius C3 = radius C1 + radius C2
Given C3 = C1 – C2: it follows that
radius C3 = max(0, radius C1 – radius C2)
Rectangular Prisms
Given RP3 = RP1 + RP2: it follows that
length RP3 = length RP1 + length RP2
width RP3 = width RP1 + width RP2
height RP3 = height RP1 + height RP2
Shape* shape_ptr = new Circle(2);
circle 2
//in main()
String name
int r
ifstream ifs (“test.txt”, std::ifstream::in);
ifs >> name >> r;
double MaxArea(vector<Shape*> shapes);
double MaxVolume(vector<Shape*> shapes);
Given RP3 = RP1 – RP2: it follows that
length RP3 = max(0, length RP1 – length RP2)
width RP3 = max(0, width RP1 – width RP2)
height RP3 = max(0, height RP1 – height RP2)
Given S3 = S1 + S2: it follows that
radius S3 = radius S1 + radius S2
Given S3 = S1 – S2: it follows that
radius S3 = max(0, radius S1 – radius S2)
Computing Area and Volume
The fomulas for computing areas and volumes are listed as below for your reference.
Rectangle R
area of R = length * width
volume of R = 0
Circle C
area of C = radius^2 * PI
volume of C = 0
Rectangular Prism RP
area of RP = 2 * (l ength * width + length * height + width * height)
volume of RP = length * width * height
Sphere S
area of S = 4 * PI * radius^2
volume of S = (4.0 / 3.0) * radius^3 * PI
Building and Testing
To compile your program, type the following command:
To execute your program, type :
After you finish your implementation, you could verify your program by using a provided test program. To Verify your
program, use the following command
./mp12 test1.txt
make verify
./verify_mp12 test1.txt
The program will invoke a hidden checker to test your program and display the verification results.
Grading Rubric
Functionality (100%)
getName() (16%)
Class Rectangle (16%)
4% for each function
class Circle (16%)
4% for each function
class Sphere (16%)
4% for each function
class RectPrism (16%)
4% for each function
MaxArea() (10%)
MaxVolume() (10%)
If your code does not compile, you will get 0.
——————- Begin Verifying MP12 ———————
getName() 16/16
Rectangle: 16/16
Circle: 16/16
Sphere: 16/16
RectPrism: 16/16
MaxArea(): 10/10
MaxVolume(): 10/10
Your total Score for MP12: 100/100
——————– End Verifying MP12 ———————-
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