ECE 220 MP11 – Floorplan


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Please work on EWS machine for this MP.
Physical design is an important step in the design automation flow of VLSI systems. It refers to all synthesis steps that
convert a circuit representation (in terms of gates and transistors) into a geometric representation (see Figure 1).
Floorplanning is one major step in physical design. It assembles partitioned circuit modules into a rectangular chip to
optimize a predefined cost metric such as area; it is particularly crucial because the resulting floorplan affects all the
subsequent steps in physical design, such as cell placement, wire routing, and so on. In this MP, you are asked to implement
a floorplanner that layouts a set of rectangular modules and optimizes the packing area.
Figure 1: Physical design flow of VLSI systems.
Floorplan Model
The floorplan model we consider for this MP is slicing. A slicing floorplan can be obtained by repetitively cutting the floorplan
horizontally or vertically, whereas a non-slicing floorplan cannot. Figure 2 shows an example of a slicing floorplan. The
floorplan here is a slicing floorplan since each module can be sliced out through a sequence of vertical cut or horizontal cut.
In this example, the 1st vertical cut slices out the module 5, and the 2nd horizontal cut slices out the module 4. Subsequently,
the 3rd horizontal cut slices out the module 1 and the final vertical cut slices out the module 2 and module 3. On the other
hand, we cannot apply this cutting process to slice out any modules from the floorplan.
Figure 2: A slicing floorplan example.
Slicing Tree Floorplan Representation
On the basis of the property of a slicing floorplan, a tree data structure can be used to represent a slicing floorplan. A slicing
tree is a binary tree with modules at leaves and cutlines at internal nodes (non-leaf nodes). There are two cutline
types, H and V. The cutline H divides the floorplan horizontally and the cutline V divides the floorplan vertically. An example is
shown in Figure 3. The tree root, V, represents the vertical cutline that divides the floorplan into the left sub-floorplan packed
by modules 1 and 2 and the right sub-floorplan packed by modules 3, 4, and 5. The left child of the root is an internal node
with horizontal cutline, which horizontally divides the left sub-floorplan into the bottom sub-floorplan (module 1) and the top
sub-floorplan (module 2). Similarly, the right child of the root represents a horizontal cut that divides the sub-floorplan into the
bottom (module 3) and the top (modules 4 and 5) sub-floorplans, after which the top sub-floorplan is further divided into the
bottom (module 4) and the top (module 5) sub-floorplans.
Figure 3: An example of a slicing floorplan and its slicing tree representation. The corresponding postfix expression
is 12H345HHV.
The slicing tree representation is advantageous in its 1D postfix expression E = {e1, e2, e3, e4, …, e2n-1} where n is the
number of modules and ei
is an expression unit which belongs to {1, 2, 3, 4, …, n, V, H}. Here, each number denotes a
module index and H (V) represents a horizontal (vertical) cutline. The postfix expression is a postfix order of the tree nodes
and it be obtained via a postfix traversal on the slicing tree. For example, the postfix expression of the slicing tree in Figure 3
is E = {12H345HHV}. With this elegant property, design automation tools can work on the 1D postfix expression instead of
the explicit 2D layout so as to ease the optimization process. The transformation of a postfix expression E to its
corresponding floorplan can be achieved via a bottom-up approach that recursively combines the sub-floorplans on the basis
of E. The two cutlines are viewed as two binary operators. If a and b are two modules or two sub-floorplans, the
expression abH implies to place a below b, and abV implies to place a to the left of b. The resulting rectangle area can be
determined during the packing process, as illustrated in Figure 4. So by manipulating the slicing trees, we can generate
multiple floorplan representations. This technique is very useful for optimization where the chip size should be as small as
Figure 4: Transformation of a 1D postfix expression into the corresponding 2D floorplan. The resulting rectangle area can be
determined in a recursive manner.
Coding Blocks
In this MP, we have defined a set of structs and you should follow them to design your floorplanner. Definitions for these
structs can be found in floorplan.h. You can define your own structs here if necessary for your implementation (not
recommended though). The cutline_t is an enum identifier and it defines the type of a cutline, whose value could be either
vertical (V) or horizontal (H), or undefined (UNDEFINED_CUTLINE). The module_t is a struct identifier for a module, which
contains 1) an integer variable idx denoting the unique index of the module, 2) two integer variabls llx and lly denoting the
lower-left x and y coordinates of the module, and 3) two integer variables w and h denoting the width and height of the
module. The expression_unit_t defines the unit of the postfix expression, which could be either a module pointer or a cutline
value. The node_t is a struct identifier that defines the node in the slicing tree. A node is either an internal node, where a
cutline type must be explicitly specified or a leaf node where the value of module pointer must be assigned. Each node is
associated with three node pointers, parent, left, and right. The topology of the slicing tree can be implicitly inferred by these
node-to-node pointers. The pointer parent points to the parent of the node. Every node has only one parent and the parent of
the tree root is assigned by NULL. Due to the binary property of a slicing tree, a node has two children, which are connected
by the pointer left and the pointer right, respectively. A node with NULL values on both left and right pointers is a leaf node.
An example is shown in Figure 7. For instance, the node 0x40 (memory address) is a leaf node and the node 0x10 is the tree
root. The nodes 0x20 and 0x30 are internal nodes.
typedef enum CUTLINE {
V = 0,
H = 1,
} cutline_t;
typedef struct MODULE {
int idx;
int llx, lly;
int w, h;
} module_t;
typedef struct EXPRESSION_UNIT {
module_t* module;
cutline_t cutline;
} expression_unit_t;
typedef struct NODE {
module_t* module;
cutline_t cutline;
struct NODE* parent;
struct NODE* left;
struct NODE* right;
} node_t;
Figure 5: A slicing tree example with a table showing the corresponding data field of nodes.
In addition, we will have two global variables, num_modules and modules, defined in floorplan.cpp. As we will parse the
circuit for you (the procedure for circuit parsing is read_module), the global variable num_modules records the total number
of modules and the global variable modules is a pointer to the module array parsed from the given circuit input.
The first task you have to finish after the parsing is to create an initial slicing tree by the function init_slicing_tree. For
simplicity, we ask you to generate a slicing tree that results in a horizontally-aligned floorplan. In other words, all the modules
are aligned together and placed along a horizontal line. In this case, the resulting slicing tree is left-skewed, growing down to
the left. The right child of each node is always a leaf node attached by a module pointer. An example of a left-skewed slicing
tree with 4 modules is shown in Figure 6. You need to implement the function init_slicing_tree recursively. The
function init_slicing_tree takes a node pointer to the parent of the current recursion and an integer variable indicating the
index on the module array. At each recursion step, first generate an internal node with vertical cutline and a right child node
attached by a module pointer (as the property of a left-skewed slicing tree). Then create a left child node and step to the next
recursion parented by the current internal node. Establish the tree links appropriately (left, right, parent pointers). The
recursion ceases when no more modules can be attached, and should ultimately return a pointer to the tree root. We will
verify your initialization by its postfix expression, which should appear like “n, n-1, V, n-2, V, n-3, V… 2, V, 1, V”.
Figure 6: A left-skewed slicing tree for a horizontally aligned floorplan. The right child of any internal node is a leaf node.
Based on the above primitives, the rest job of this MP is to implement a set of functions and procedures for a slicing-tree
floorplanner. The first set consists of three fundamental tree queries, is_leaf_node, is_internal_node, and is_in_subtree.
The second set consists of two procedures, get_expression and postfix_traversal, which are essential for encoding the 2D
floorplan to a 1D postfix expression. The final set is the tree modifiers for the perturbation of slicing
trees, rotate, recut, swap_module, and swap_topology.
int num_modules;
module_t* modules;
node_t* init_slicing_tree(node_t* par, int nth);
The function is_leaf_node takes a node pointer and should return 1 if the node pointer points to a leaf node in the slicing
tree, or 0 otherwise. The function is_internal_node takes a node pointer and should return 1 if the node pointer points to an
internal node in the slicing tree, or return 0 otherwise. The function is_in_subtree takes two node pointers to
nodes a and b in the slicing tree, and should return 1 if the subtree rooted at the node b belongs to a part of the subtree
rooted at the node a. Notice that a subtree rooted at the node k is defined as the set of all downstream nodes of the
node k (inclusive). For example, the subtree rooted at the node 0x30 (memory address) in Figure 7 consists of three nodes,
0x30, 0x60, and 0x70. Further, any subtrees rooted at one of these three nodes (i.e., 0x30, 0x60, 0x70) belong to a part of
the subtree rooted at the node 0x30. On the other hand, the subtree rooted at the node 0x20 is exclusive of the subtree
rooted at the node 0x30.
The procedure get_expression traverses the slicing tree in a postfix order and encodes it into a postfix expression. The
postfix expression should be stored in the given array pointed by expression. In order to obtain the postfix expression of the
slicing tree, you have to finish the recursive procedure postfix_traversal, which is an internal call of the
procedure get_expression. The procedure postfix_traversal takes three input arguments, a node pointer pointing to a
subtree from which the current recursive call takes place, an integer pointer indicating the position where the postfix
expression needs to fill, and a pointer to the expression array. The algorithm of postfix traversal on a tree is given by Figure
7. The postfix traversal is performed in a recursive manner. A node is processed as long as both its two children nodes are
handled. Using the postfix traversal algorithm, the derived postfix expression of the slicing tree in this example should
be 12H34VV, where the course of the postfix traversal is shown in the table.
Figure 7: An example of postfix (postorder) traversal on a slicing tree. The derived postfix expression is 12H34VV.
The procedure rotate takes a pointer to an arbitrary node in the slicing tree and rotates the corresponding module (if any) by
90 degree. In other words, the width and the height of the module should be swapped. Similarly the procedure recut changes
the cutline from either horizontal direction to vertical direction or vertical direction to horizontal direction. On the other hand,
the procedure swap_module takes two node pointers and swaps the corresponding module pointers. Finally, the
procedure swap_topology swaps the two subtrees rooted at two given node pointers. For the first three
procedures, rotate, recut, and swap_module, simply change the data field of each node and do not modify the topology of
the tree. For the procedure swap_topology, you have to manipulate the link between tree nodes in order to change the tree
topology (i.e., left, right, parent pointers in the node struct should be redirected appropriately). An example of the
operation swap_topology is demonstrated in Figure 8.
int is_leaf_node(node_t* ptr);
int is_internal_node(node_t* ptr);
int is_in_subtree(node_t* a, node_t* b);
void get_expression(node_t* root, int N, expression_unit_t* expression);
void postfix_traversal(node_t* ptr, int* nth, expression_unit_t* expression);
Figure 8: An example of the operation swap_topology on two nodes 0x40 (memory address) and 0x30. The data field on
corresponding nodes should be modified accordingly.
The coding sections you have to finish have been marked by “TODO” in floorplan.c.
Benchmark Description
A circuit benchmark example (circuit1.txt) is shown in the following block. The first line is always a positive number N (>2)
indicating the total number of modules. After that, N lines are followed with each line consisting of 1) an integer number
indicating the unique index of a module, and 2) the width and height of this module. All data field are integers (i.e., no floating
points). Although we have provided a parser for you and you don’t have to worry about the I/O, reading the format will help
you understand the problem. More details about the parsing process can be referred to the procedure read_module.
Building and Testing
In this MP, we provide you a makefile to help automatically build and manage your project. Under the directory of your source
codes, type the command “make floorplanner” to compile and build your source code into an executable binary. You will find
a binary named “floorplanner” in the same folder, if no error messages occur. Similarly, the command “make clean” will
remove all compiled files and temporary objects.
You can start testing your code after you successfully compile and build the source codes. Simply type “make circuit_name”,
where circuit_name is replaced with circuit1, circuit2, circuit3, circuit4, and circuit5. You will find results on the screen. By
default, the library has been installed on EWS machine and you should be able to compile your MP without error.
void rotate(node_t* ptr);
void recut(node_t* ptr);
void swap_module(node_t* a, node_t* b);
void swap_topology(node_t* a, node_t* b);
0 280 296
1 333 188
2 523 192
3 549 296
~> make floorplanner
~> make circuit1
Presentation Slide
The presentation slide for this MP can be found here: presentation.pptx or presentation.pdf Please carefully read the
presentation before you start.
Grading Rubric
Functionality (90%)
1. is_leaf_node function: 5%
2. is_internal_node: 5%
3. is_in_subtree: 10%
4. rotate: 5%
5. recut: 5%
6. swap_module: 5%
7. swap_topology: 10%
8. get_expression: 20%
9. init_slicing_tree: 25%
Style and comments (10%)
If your code doesn’t compile, you will receive zero.
****************************** VERIFICATION ******************************
Circuit: 4 golden_modules, slicing tree size = 4 leaves and 3 internals
(1) Function ‘init_slicing_tree’: correct! +25
(2) Function ‘is_leaf’ : correct! +5
(3) Function ‘is_internal’ : correct! +5
(4) Function ‘is_in_subtree’ : correct! +10
(5) Procedure ‘rotate’ : correct! +5
(6) Procedure ‘recut’ : correct! +5
(7) Procedure ‘swap_module’ : correct! +5
(8) Procedure ‘swap_topology’ : correct! +10
(9) Procedure ‘get_expression’ : correct! +20
Your final score for this MP : 90
**************************** END VERIFICATION ****************************
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