
CST8130: Data Structures — Assign #1- Bank Simulator

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In this assignment, you will complete an objectoriented version of the software managing Bank
customers’ Bank Accounts. Note you may NOT
use the ArrayList class in Java for this
assignment. We will use this assignment as the
base for many following assignments. You
must use the classes as named in this
assignment, but you can use different methods
and data member names as long as your
solution follows all Object Oriented Principles.
1. Our Bank Simulator will consist of
information about customer Bank Accounts.
I have simplified the requirements for this
assignment to set boundaries on your time.
2. The Bank Simulator consists of a
dynamically allocated array of Bank
Accounts of two types – either Savings
accounts or Chequing accounts. A bank
account consists of an account number (up
to 8 digits long), customer name and a
double balance. A Savings account has two
additional fields – a rate of interest and a
minimum balance amount (at the end of the
month, the customer is given interest based
on their account balance as long as the
account balance is more than the minimum
balance amount). A Chequing account has
one additional field compared to a Bank
Account – that is the monthly fee that is
3. The Simulator will give the user –
presumably the user is a bank employee – a
menu of choices of actions (ie this is not
simulating a customer using a bank
machine). These actions will include
• adding a new Bank Account
• displaying the information for a specific
bank account
• updating the balance for a specific bank
account (withdrawal or deposit)
• running the monthly update on all
• loading Bank Account data from a file
• (optional) saving Bank Account data to
a file
4. Your program should build a Bank
“database” – for now this is a dynamically
allocated array. The required size of this
array is unknown – but we will implement it
as a dynamically allocated array of objects
of type Bank Account (instantiated with
either a Savings Account or a Chequing
Account object). How you handle the size
of this array is an important part of the
5. The file format will be as follows for each
line in the file:
• a char – either s (for savings) or c
(for chequing)
• an int – Account Number – max 8
• a string – first name of customer
• a string – last name of customer
• a double – Bank Balance
• for savings account – a double
interest rate (represented by percent
– ie 1% is 0.01) followed by a
double minimum balance OR for
chequing account – a double –
monthly fee
6. Your program should handle ALL errors,
It should never stop executing without
giving a message about why it is doing
so. Do NOT ever use the command
System.exit() – instead you should issue an
appropriate message and return to the
calling method (ultimately back to method
main). If you are having the user enter data
– do not continue until proper data has been
entered. If you are reading from the file and
encounter bad data, then exit gracefully with
messages. This means all your methods
which handle data should return a boolean –
true if the data was ok – false if it was not –
and all calls to these methods should check
the return value.
7. You do NOT need to resize the array once
you have made it should it become full. You
should not allow more entries than you have
space for – an error message is sufficient in
this situation.
CST8130 – Data Structures Assign1: Dynamic Memory Allocation/ Using Files
8. All Java conventions MUST be followed – ie
capital and lower case letters when
appropriate, etc. All data members MUST
be private (except in BankAccount class
where they are protected).
9. Do not use ONLY the get/set design pattern
in this assignment. In order to emphasize
OOP, I would like all processing of data
members in a class to be handled in the
class – and the get/set pattern allows this to
be broken. See description for methods for
each class below which will help this
• Start this assignment WELL BEFORE it
is due. I do not accept late
assignments. Check the submission
requirements and make sure you follow
• Work incrementally. Do not write more
than approx. 20 lines of code without
testing your code. EVER. My
recommendation is that you start with
the code for the menu in method
main…then add each menu selection
one at a time. I have listed the menu
selections in order that would be easiest
to implement!!
• Do not just blindly follow my descriptions
for each of the methods in the class. I
suggest you start with Assign1 class
and write the loop for the menu. Then,
add one menu item processing at a
time, adding the appropriate methods to
each class.
• Enjoy ☺
You must submit to the assignment link in
Blackboard by the due date and time a zip file
(named YourLastnameYourFirstNameAssign1)
• all source code – ie .java files (Note – I
may choose to re-compile your
program….so all code must be available
to me) with header information
(containing your name, course and
section info, date, description of class,
description of each data member and
method in class)
• all .class files
• Your test plan in either .docx or .xls
Failure to provide any of the above will have an
effect on your grade for this assignment.
Marking guide will be published shortly.
Class Assign1:
• This class will contain method main
which will contain the menu.
Class BankAccount:
• This class will be the base class and
contain the common data members for
all Bank Accounts (ie accountNumber,
firstName, lastName, balance)
• Methods:
o toString():String – returns the
data of the account formatted to
o addBankAccount(): boolean –
prompts user to enter data for
this object from keyboard – edits
data, and doesn’t allower user
to continue with bad data
o isEqual (int): boolean –
compares int parameter to
account number in object and
returns true/false appropriately
o isGreater (double): boolean –
compares the double parameter
to the balance in object and
returns true/false appropriately
o updateBalance (double) –
updates the balance in the
object by the parameter amount
o monthlyUpdate() – processes
the object with monthly update
(empty for base class)
o readFile(Scanner): boolean –
uses Scanner object parameter
to fill object with data- returns
false if bad data is encountered,
else returns true
CST8130 – Data Structures Assign1: Dynamic Memory Allocation/ Using Files
Class SavingsAccount:
• This class will be inherited from
BankAccount and contains the data
members for a savings account (ie
double interestRate, double
• Methods:
o toString(): String – returns the
data of the account formatted to
o addBankAccount(): boolean –
prompts user to enter data for
this object from keyboard – edits
data, and doesn’t allower user
to continue with bad data
o monthlyUpdate() – processes
the object with monthly update
of adding interest (as long as
bank balance is more than
minBalance, else displays error
o readFile(Scanner): boolean –
uses Scanner object parameter
to fill object with data- returns
false if bad data is encountered,
else returns true
Class ChequingAccount:
• This class will be inherited from
BankAccount and contains the data
members for a chequing account (ie
double fee)
• Methods:
o toString(): String – returns the
data of the account formatted to
o addBankAccount(): boolean –
prompts user to enter data for
this object from keyboard – edits
data, and doesn’t allow user to
continue with bad data
o monthlyUpdate() – processes
the object with monthly update
of withdrawing the fee (as long
as bank balance is more than
fee, else displays error
• readFile(Scanner): boolean – uses
Scanner object parameter to fill
object with data- returns false
if bad data is encountered, else
returns true
Class Bank:
• This class will contain the array of
BankAccount objects (which are
instantiated with either SavingAccount
or ChequingAccount objects); You will
need to keep two ints as well – a
maxSize and numAccounts
• Methods:
o default constructor () – allocates
default size of 1000
o initial constructor (int) –
parameter is size of array to be
o addAccount:boolean – success
add or not; prompts user to
enter data for an account which
is added to array – either
chequing or savings account is
added if there is room
o toString() – String – prompts
user to enter an account
number to display, then returns
data formatted to display or an
error message
o update():String – prompts user
to enter which account number
to update, and by how much
and then updates the balance
appropriately – returns success
message or error message
o toFind () :int – prompts user to
enter which account number
they wish to find and returns
array index of where it is found
otherwise returns -1
o monthlyUpdate() – process
through each current account in
the array and updates the
balance appropriately
o readFile():boolean – prompts
user for name of file to process,
opens that file , then reads
through the file and adds
accounts to the array if there is
room. Returns false if any bad
data is encountered, else
returns true
o openFile():Scanner – returns the
Scanner object if a file (name
input by user) is opened, else
returns null
CST8130 – Data Structures Assign1: Dynamic Memory Allocation/ Using Files
Sample Output -THIS IS NOT A TEST
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: a
Enter an s for Savings Account or c
for Chequing Account: s
Enter account number: 123123
Enter customer first name: Linda
Enter customer last name: Crane
Enter balance: 500.00
Enter monthly minimum balance:
Enter monthly interest rate: .01
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: d
Enter account number to find:
Account:123123 Linda Crane Balance
$500.0 minimum Balance $250.0
interest rate $0.01
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: a
Enter an s for Savings Account or c
for Chequing Account: c
Enter account number: 222222
Enter customer first name: Donald
Enter customer last name: Duck
Enter balance: 1000.00
Enter monthly fee: 10
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: d
Enter account number to find:
Account:222222 Donald Duck Balance
$1000.0 monthly fee $10.0
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: u
Enter account number to find:
Enter amount to update (negative
for withdrawal, positive for
deposit): -300
Account updated
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: d
Enter account number to find:
Account:222222 Donald Duck Balance
$700.0 monthly fee $10.0
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: m
Adding interest of 0.01% to account
123123. New balance is $ 505.0
Deducting fee of $10.0 from account
222222. New balance is $ 690.0
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: f
Enter name of file to process:
Enter your choice: a – add new
account; d – display an account;
u – update balance on account; m –
run month end update; f – enter
info from file; q – quit: d
Enter account number to find:
Account:45645645 Linda Crane
Balance $2000.0 monthly fee $10.0