CSDS 297/397 Special Topics: C/C++ Programming Challenge 1: C++ Basics, Loops, File I/O, String Manipulation


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Write a program that asks the user to input a string which may contain digits (0 through 9).
Your program should output the string which is identical to the input string except all digits of the
input string are in sorted order but same locations in the output string.
Here are a couple of examples:
Input: S = ”I 1ave n0umbe3rs i8n the str1ing in sor5ted7 or3de7r 9!”
Output: S = ”I 0ave n1umbe1rs i3n the str3ing in sor5ted7 or7de8r 9!”
Input: S = ”Ohh no, I do not have a number!”
Output: S = ”Ohh no, I do not have a number!”
Input: S = ”Heheh, I have 1”
Output: S = ”Heheh, I have 1”
Input: S = ”0, that 1s f4in6e!”
Output: S = ”0, that 1s f4in6e!”
Input: S = ”1, 0 963 587120 4725”
Output: S = ”0, 0 112 234556 7789”