CSDS 297/397 Special Topics: C/C++ Programming Assignment 2: Functions, Arrays, & Pointers


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Please download HW2.zip. It contains project templates for each question, with a main and a
header file containing the function prototypes you should use.
Question 1
Write a function with the following prototype:
void codeCipher(const int amt, char * str, int n)
This function should take a pointer to a sequence of characters str which is of size n, and shift
the value of each character by amt. For instance, shifting the character a by 1 should produce b,
and shifting a by 2 should produce c.
Shifts should loop within the uppercase and lowercase characters. If a character is shifted
enough that it stops being in the original category, it should start again from the beginning of the
category. For instance, shifting z by 1 should produce a, and shifting Z by 2 should produce B. All
other characters should not be shifted.
Thus, if we call
codeCipher(5, “The answer to Question 1 is…!”, 31)
the result would be
“Ymj fsxbjw yt Vzjxynts 1 nx…!”
Question 2
Write a function with the following prototype:
std::string buildSentence(char components[], int lc, int places[], int lp)
This function will build a string based on an array of characters and an array of index places. lc
will always be the length of components and lp will always be the length of places. Each integer
in places will be nonnegative and less than lc (so that the builder cannot exceed the length of
components). The string is created by using the entries in places as indices to sample characters
from components. For instance,
buildSentence(“ol,wrd eH”, 9, {8, 7, 1, 1, 0, 2, 6, 3, 0, 4, 1, 5}, 12)
would return “Hello, world”.
Question 3
Write a function with the following prototype:
std::string flipEveryXthWord(std::string sentence[], int size, int x)
This function takes in a sentence as an array of strings. There are a total of size strings.
Each string can contain one or more words, separated by spaces. Your function should return a
single string with every xth word of the strings in sentence reversed. For instance,
flipEveryXthWord({“This gnirts i”, “s on”, “t a test !drow”}, 3, 2)
should return “This string is not a test word!”.
Question 4
Write a function with the following prototype:
void moveD(int * block, int width, int height, int target)
This function should take in a pointer to a block of memory containing integers, which is width
“wide” and height “tall”. It should then find every instance of an integer equal to target, and
should move this instance as far down as it can possibly go. The integer that was originally in the
position the target now takes, should be placed where the target was originally. If it is not possible
to shift the target, the function should skip it and move on. The block is altered “in place”; the
function never needs to return anything whether it is successful or not. For instance, the following
1 2 0 0 5
2 2 9 8 4
3 2 9 0 4
6 6 6 6 0
is called with
void moveD(&block, 5, 4, 0)
This would leave the block looking like this:
1 2 6 6 5
2 2 9 8 4
3 2 9 0 4
6 6 0 0 0