CSC 115 Assignment #1


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Description – Part 1
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of Assignment #1 Part 1 you will be able to:
 Use a Java class to instantiate objects and manipulate its attributes using the class methods.
 Write Java programs that are able to input data from a text file.
Your Tasks:
1. Carefully review the class provided. In part 1 (this part) of Assignment 1 you are
not expected to alter the coding in this file in any way. However, you need to add the following
documentation to
 Immediately prior to each of the constructor methods add (appropriately) one of the
following comments:
// Default Constructor
// Constructor for a new complex number, with:
// – real component = r
// – imaginary component = i
 Immediately prior to each of the accessor methods add a comment with the format below,
replacing the XXX with the appropriate attribute name:
// Accessor for the XXX attribute
 Immediately prior to each of the mutator methods add a comment with the format below,
replacing the XXX with the appropriate attribute name:
// Mutator for the XXX attribute
 Test that the added documentation did not affect the code by compiling:
The result should be a simple success message.
2. Using the class provided write your own Java program, called, that instantiates complex numbers (ie, calls the constructor of the
Complex class) and then outputs them, as follows:
 one with value 2 + 4i,
 another with value 4 + -5i, and
 an array of complex numbers that contain the values that are found in the file
ComplexData.txt. The file will contain a single integer on the first line indicating the
number of lines that follow, then each of the following lines will contain two integers, the
first one will be used for the real part of a complex number, the second one will be used for
the imaginary part of the same complex number. (An example input file is provided.)
 After all of the numbers have been created, print them to the output screen, using calls to
the toString() method of the Complex1 class.
 Add documentation to the file includes a name, purpose, author, edit date, list of credits.
The solution to the problem (stated above) must be contained in one Java file, called
The class must be used, including using its methods, wherever possible but none of
the attributes nor method code should altered in any way.
Sample Output:
Test that your program functions correctly by (first) compiling it:
Once it is compiled without errors, execute the program:
java ComplexExerciser1
An output using the example data as provided in the ComplexData.txt file is as follows:
First complex number:2 + 4i
Second complex number:4 + -5i
From File:
2 + -2i
132 + 0i
-17 + 6i
2 + 1i
4 + -1i
0 + 7i
Because this assignment will be graded using an automated marking system your output, using this
example input, should appear exactly the same, including spacing and line wraps, as the above.
Submitting your Solution:
When complete (including suitable documentation) submit your and files to the CSc 115 Connex Site using the Assignments: Assignment 1.
Due: Before 8:30 pm on Friday January 24,
Description – Part 2
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of Assignment #1 Part 2 you will be able to:
 Discern the difference between static methods and instance methods
 Add instance methods to a Java class.
 Test the functionality of the created class by instantiating objects and manipulating attributes
using instance methods.
Your Tasks:
The file provided is the same as with the addition of a tester (a main
method used to test instance methods within the class) and ‘stub’ methods that will be expanded by
you. Use for this part of the assignment.
 Adjust the toString() method in such that it improves the appearance of
complex numbers with imaginary parts that are 0 or negative, as follows:
o When the imaginary component of a Complex2 object is negative, replace the plus sign (+)
between the real and the imaginary parts of the number with a minus sign (-).
o When the imaginary component of the Complex2 object is zero, do not output the
imaginary part or the sign between the parts.
For example:
Correct output: 3 – 2 i Incorrect output: 3 + -2 i
Correct output: 7 Incorrect output: 7 + 0 i
 Create another constructor method in It will have only one integer parameter
that will be used for the real attribute; the corresponding imaginary attribute will be equal to 0.
 Write method called add with the following method signature:
public Complex2 add(Complex2 val)
The method you write need will return a complex number whose value is the sum of the existing
(Complex2) number plus the parameter val.
Before you go on: and in case you don’t remember complex numbers from your previous math
courses: A description of the theory and some exercises are provided in the file Complex Numbers
Worksheet. Please complete the exercises on the worksheet.
 Write a method called subtract with the following method signature:
public Complex2 subtract(Complex2 val)
The method you write need will return a complex number whose value is the difference between
the existing (Complex2) number minus the parameter val.
 Write method called multiply with the following method signature:
public Complex2 multiply(Complex2 val)
The method you write need will return a complex number whose value is the product of the
existing (Complex2) number multiplied by the parameter val.
 Write method called divide with the following method signature:
public Complex2 divide(Complex2 val)
The method you write need will return a complex number whose value is the quotient of the
existing (Complex2) divided by the parameter val. (The resulting complex number *does* have
integer valued attributes, thus truncation of fractional results should occur.)
 Add a comment at the top of your file that explains the difference between a static
method (example: main) and the instance methods (example: add, subtract, multiply, divide, . . .) .
 Add documentation to your file. Suitable documentation for this assignment is:
 The file needs a name, purpose, author, edit date, list of credits
 Every method needs a description, input, output
 Throughout the code, every 3-6 lines, that form a functional group, require a descriptive
Test the functionality of each new method using the Tester method provided in Compile
it using:
Once it is compiled without errors, execute the tester using:
java Complex2
The output of your tester should be the following:
Complex Number Tester Output:
Real Constructor Test: Should Output 423 : 423
Add Tester: Should Output -1 + 3i : -1 + 3i
Subtract Tester: Should Output -5 + 5i : -5 + 5i
Multiply Tester: Should Output -2 + 11i : -2 + 11i
Divide Tester: Should Output -2 + 1i : -2 + 1i
Submitting your Solution:
 When complete (including suitable documentation) submit your files to the CSc 115 Connex Site
using the Assignments: Assignment 1 link.
Due: Before 8:30 pm on Friday January 24, 2014.
Observe: Your complete Assignment 1 submission requires 3 java files:, and