CS2336 Assignment 4 Queues and Stacks


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You will need to use C++11 support for this exercise. For Eclipse and other GCC based compilers you will
need to use the –std=c++11 or –std=c++0x compiler option. This is not needed if you are using
Visual Studio since it does not distinguish between the various versions of C++.
In assignment 3 you created a double linked list and an ordered double linked list. You will be using the
DoubleLinkedList and ListNode classes to implement stack and queue classes. We really only need a
linked list for this exercise, but we already have a nice double linked list you have written and we are
going to make use of it. You will once again be using composition and not inheritance to reuse the
DoubleLinkedList class.
Stack class
The Stack class needs to use the DoubleLinkedList to implement the stack. Your Stack class needs to be
a template class:
class Stack
The Stack class needs to implement the following member functions:
bool empty() const
The empty member function will return true if the stack is empty.
std::size_t size() const
Returns the number of items in the stack.
DataType& top()
Returns a modifiable reference to the top item in the stack. Note, your member function can assume the
stack has at least one item or you can throw an exception, the choice is yours.
const DataType& top() const
Returns a const reference to the top item in the stack. Note, your member function can assume the
stack has at least one item or you can throw an exception, the choice is yours.
CS2336.002 Assignment 4 2
void push(const DataType& value)
Add a new item to the stack.
void pop()
Remove the top item from the stack.
Constructors and destructor
You will need a default constructor and a copy constructor and you will need a destructor.
The copy constructor needs to make a deep copy of the list. You should be able to use other member
functions to do most of the work for you.
Make sure your destructor removes any remaining items from the stack.
Other information
You can add other member functions as needed. Make sure you free up any memory you allocate.
Hopefully this is already being done for you by the DoubleLinkedList class.
You can inline trivial member functions in the Stack class (trivial being 1 or 2 lines of code).
You must implement all of the member functions shown here. You can implement additional private,
and protected member functions if you need them.
Create a header file named Stack.h that contains your Stack class definition and any implementation
code needed. Include the required header file include guards needed.
Please write a driver function (main) to test your Stack class. If you want to implement code that actually
uses the stack feel free to do so (for example, you could have an application that prints out the contents
of a linked list backwards).
Queue class
The Queue class needs to use the DoubleLinkedList to implement the queue. Your Queue class needs to
be a template class:
class Queue
The Queue class needs to implement the following member functions:
bool empty() const
The empty member function will return true if the queue is empty.
CS2336.002 Assignment 4 3
std::size_t size() const
Returns the number of items in the queue.
DataType& front()
Returns a modifiable reference to the first item in the queue. Note, your member function can assume
the queue has at least one item or you can throw an exception, the choice is yours.
const DataType& front() const
Returns a const reference to the first item in the queue. Note, your member function can assume the
queue has at least one item or you can throw an exception, the choice is yours.
DataType& back()
Returns a modifiable reference to the last item in the queue. Note, your member function can assume
the queue has at least one item or you can throw an exception, the choice is yours.
const DataType& back() const
Returns a const reference to the last item in the queue. Note, your member function can assume the
queue has at least one item or you can throw an exception, the choice is yours.
void push(const DataType& value)
Add a new item to the back of the queue.
void pop()
Remove the first item from the queue.
Constructors and destructor
You will need a default constructor and a copy constructor and you will need a destructor.
The copy constructor needs to make a deep copy of the list. You should be able to use other member
functions to do most of the work for you.
Make sure your destructor removes any remaining items from the queue.
Other information
You can add other member functions as needed. Make sure you free up any memory you allocate.
Hopefully this is already being done for you by the DoubleLinkedList class.
You can inline trivial member functions in the Queue class (trivial being 1 or 2 lines of code).
CS2336.002 Assignment 4 4
You must implement all of the member functions shown here. You can implement additional private,
and protected member functions if you need them.
Create a header file named Queue.h that contains your Queue class definition and any implementation
code needed. Include the required header file include guards needed.
Update your driver function (main) to test your Queue class as well as your Stack class. If you want to
implement code that actually uses the queue feel free to do so.
Submit all of your header and source files to eLearning to get credit for this project.
You should write stubs for all of the functions as you are creating the classes and then incrementally
implement the member functions for the Stack and Queue classes. By doing this incremental
development you will have a better idea which function is failing (because it is probably the code you
just wrote). Also, make sure you test and fix a member function before you go onto the next one.
Use good formatting in your programs. Use meaningful variable names and comment your code. Were
you happy with the comments you had put into the code you imported from assignment 3?
Let me know if you have any questions.