While working in the terminal for an eternity may be appealing to some, most users would like to
interact with a graphical user interface, or GUI. GUIs, nowadays, can be found anywhere and
everywhere — on our laptops, on our phones, at fast food locations, etcetera. They have made, and
continue to make, computers easier to use for everyone.
The Java Programming Language offers built-in libraries to create graphical user interfaces, in the form
of AWT and Swing, with Swing being the newer of the two. One of the nice things about these libraries is
that they are cross-platform. If you create an application on your Mac, the same application can run
seamlessly on your friend’s PC. Below, you will use Swing to implement a small inventory tracking
An IntelliJ project has been provided for you as skeleton code, and is accessible from the course
webpage. This project contains classes and methods that have already been declared for you. All you
need to do is add implementations where you find TODO comments in AddController,
UpdateController, RemoveController, and SearchController. When you would like to
run the application, you may do so by clicking the green arrow in the InventoryRunner class — this
is where main() is declared. If you have any issues with setting this up in IntelliJ, please post on Piazza.
This application will act as an inventory tracker, and will allow the user to add, update, remove, and
search for products. The Product and InventoryModel classes have been provided for you.
Product is just a data holder that is used to store a product’s SKU, name, wholesale price, retail price,
and quantity. InventoryModel contains methods that interact with the products. You will be using
these in your controller implementations. Below you will find specifications for what each controller
should do.
The AddController class defines the semantics of adding a new product to the inventory. Your
implementations will go in the getAddButtonSemantics() and
getClearButtonSemantics() methods. These methods are used in the constructor to add action
listeners to the buttons.
The user is presented with four JTextFields and two JButtons. The clear JButton should clear
each JTextField, and request the focus of the SKU JTextField. You must perform input
validation of the SKU, wholesale price, retail price, and quantity when the user clicks on the add
In order for an SKU to be valid, it must be unique. This means you must ensure that no existing product
already has the specified SKU. If it is the case that the specified SKU is not unique, provide a suitable
error message using JOptionPane with a message type of ERROR_MESSAGE, and request the focus
of the SKU JTextField.
In order for the wholesale price, retail price, and quantity to be valid, they must be numbers. The
specified wholesale price and retail price can be a real number, but the quantity must be an integer. If
any of the inputs are invalid, provide a suitable error message using JOptionPane with a message
type of ERROR_MESSAGE, and request the focus of its JTextField.
If all inputs are valid, add the product to the InventoryModel, display a suitable success message
using JOptionPane with a message type of INFORMATION_MESSAGE, and request the focus of the
SKU JTextField.
The UpdateController class defines the semantics of updating the field value of an existing product
in the inventory. Your implementations will go in the getUpdateButtonSemantics() and
getClearButtonSemantics() methods. These methods are used in the constructor to add action
listeners to the buttons.
The user is presented with two JTextFields, one JComboBox, and two JButtons. The clear
JButton should clear each JTextField and the JComboBox, then request the focus of the SKU
JTextField. You must perform input validation of the SKU, field, and new field value when the user
clicks on the update JButton.
In order for the SKU to be valid, it must be associated with an existing product. If it is not, provide a
suitable error message using JOptionPane with a message type of ERROR_MESSAGE, and request
the focus of the SKU JTextField.
In order for the field to be valid, one must be selected from the JComboBox. If one is not, provide a
suitable error message using JOptionPane with a message type of ERROR_MESSAGE, and request
the focus of the field JComboBox.
The validity of the new field value depends on the selected field. If the field is SKU, the new SKU must be
unique. If the field is wholesale price, retail price, or quantity, the new value must be a valid number. If
the new field value is not valid, provide a suitable error message using JOptionPane with a message
type of ERROR_MESSAGE, and request the focus of the new field JTextField.
If all inputs are valid, update the product in the InventoryModel, display a suitable success message
using JOptionPane with a message type of INFORMATION_MESSAGE, and request the focus of the
SKU JTextField.
The RemoveController class defines the semantics of removing an existing product from the
inventory. Your implementations will go in the getRemoveButtonSemantics() and
getClearButtonSemantics() methods. These methods are used in the constructor to add action
listeners to the buttons.
The user is presented with one JTextField and two JButtons. The clear JButton should clear
the JTextField, then request the focus of it. You must perform input validation of the SKU.
In order for the SKU to be valid, it must be associated with an existing product. If it is not, provide a
suitable error message using JOptionPane with a message type of ERROR_MESSAGE, and request
the focus of the SKU JTextField.
If the SKU is valid, remove the product from the InventoryModel, display a suitable success message
using JOptionPane with a message type of INFORMATION_MESSAGE, and request the focus of the
SKU JTextField.
The SearchController class defines the semantics of searching for products in the inventory. Your
implementations will go in the getSearchButtonSemantics() and
getClearButtonSemantics() methods. These methods are used in the constructor to add action
listeners to the buttons.
The user is presented with one JTextField, one JComboBox, one JTextArea, and two
JButtons. The clear JButton should clear the JTextField, JComboBox, and JTextArea,
then request the focus of it. You must perform input validation of the field and the search value.
In order for the field to be valid, one must be selected from the JComboBox. If one is not, provide a
suitable error message using JOptionPane with a message type of ERROR_MESSAGE, and request
the focus of the field JComboBox.
The validity of the search value depends on the selected field. If the field is wholesale price, retail price,
or quantity, the search value must be a valid number. If the search value is not valid, provide a suitable
error message using JOptionPane with a message type of ERROR_MESSAGE, and request the focus
of the new field JTextField.
If all inputs are valid, search for the specified search value in the InventoryModel. The results should
be displayed in the results JTextArea. You may use Product’s toString() method to easily get a
String representation of each product. Then request the focus of the field JComboBox.
Submit,,, and to Vocareum through
We also ask that you submit a JAR file in order to made grading easier. One can be created with
IntelliJ. In the menu, select Build > Build Artifacts… > homework-twelve:jar >
Build. The newly created JAR will then be in the out/artifacts folder of the
homework-twelve IntelliJ project. If you need any assistance with this, please post on
Grading Rubric
– 25 points each (100 total)
– AddController
– UpdateController
– RemoveController
– SearchController