CS 18000 HW 11: March Madness Simulator


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For this homework, you will be creating a simple GUI interface to simulate games in the annual
NCAA March Madness tournament. This program will ask for the team names, the win
percentage for each team (the chance of each respective team winning, must add up to 100) ,
and number of simulations that you want to run. The goal of this program is to decide the
number of times each team wins based on the number of simulations you will run. You will
utilize JOptionPane methods in order to complete the homework. Your program should be
written in a class named MarchMadness.java. Below are the required tasks to be implemented.
Task 1: Implement the team name and seeding pop-up windows
Task 2: Implement the simulation count pop-up window
Task 3: Implement the simulations
Task 4: Implement the result pop-up windows.
Task 5: Implement the repetition pop-up windows.
Task 1: Implement the team name and seeding pop-up windows
For this task, you are going to implement a set of pop-up windows to gather the names and win
percentages for the two competing basketball teams
First, you are going to create a pop up window for collecting the first team’s name from the
user. If the name that the user inputs is empty, you need to send an error dialog and ask for the
name again. Keep doing this until the user enters a proper string. You will do the same to get
the second team’s name.
Once you take in the name inputs, you will need two different dialogs to take in the win
percentage for each team. Remember, the win percentages between the two times must add
up to 100 and neither can be above 100 or below 0! If the percentages don’t add up to 100,
the user will be notified with an ERROR_MESSAGE message box. Keep asking the user for these
inputs, until they fit the constraints.
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Name one input message Name error message
Name two input message
Team one win percentage input Invalid input for win percentage message
Team two win percentage input
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Simulations input message dialog
Task 2: Implement the simulation count pop-up window
For this task, you will be implementing the option dialog to choose the number of times the
two teams play against each other.
You will need to use the JOptionPane option dialog for this. Look up the Java API for more
information. You will be populating the dialog with four different choice buttons. The user will
be able to select 5, 10, 15, or 20 simulations to run.
Main pop-up window
Task 3: Implement the simulations
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Now that the user has entered the inputs and the number of simulations that they want to run,
now you need to calculate the number of times that each team wins based on their win
Task 4: Implement the result pop-up windows.
For this task, you are going to implement the message dialog that displays the results of the
Example/Demonstration (20 simulations):
Result windows
Task 5: Implement the repetition pop-up windows.
For this task, you are going to implement the set of pop-up windows asking whether to do the
simulations again with new teams.
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
After showing the result, there will be a YES_NO_OPTION window asking the user whether to
do it again. If the user chooses yes, send them back to the first screen where you take in the
first team’s name. If the user chooses the no option instead, send them a thank you dialog and
exit the program.
Repetition sequence
Yes No
(Go back to the first window)
(Go back to the input window) –the program ends–
Starter Code
There is no starter code for this assignment
Purdue University
CS 18000
Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Items required for submission via Blackboard:
● MarchMadness.java
● 20 pts. for input in task 1
● 20 pts. each for results in task 2, 3, 4
● 20 pts. for loop in task 5
NOTE: This homework will be fully manually graded.