
CS 2413 Data Structures Programming Project 4

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Please note that you need to write you own stringMatch method. Consider below a set of input lines: Operating Systems, 5 1000, 80, 1800 300 4999 5000 Compiler Construction, 3 30 1000 80 Theory of Computation, 2, 80, 1000 Database Management Systems, 3 20 10 40 90 Java Programs for Beginners, 2 41 31 Statistics Introduction, 3 88 75 26 Algorithms Analysis, 1 51 3 5 80 Here are some examples for various method executions. findKeywords (3) – returns “Compiler Construction” and “Database Management Systems” and “Statistics Introduction” And (“Compiler Construction”, “Theory of Computation”) – returns 80 and 1000 OR (“Compiler Construction”, “Theory of Computation”) – returns 3, 2, 30, 80, and 1000 ExclusiveOR (“Compiler Construction”, “Theory of Computation”) – returns 2, 3, 30 Bonus Here are some examples input lines and output results are shown. Operating Systems & Compiler Construction & Theory of Computation Operating Systems | Database Management Systems & Algorithms Analysis The output for the above input lines are: 1000, 80 3 5 80 Constraints 1. In this project, the only header you will use is #include . 2. None of the projects is a group project. Consulting with other members of this class on programming projects is strictly not allowed and plagiarism charges will be imposed on students who do not follow this.