
COSC 326 Étude 3 Poker Hands

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A standard deck of playing cards consists of 52 cards. These are divided into four suits
called clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. Each suit consists of 13 different cards
numbered 1 to 13. Card 1 may also be called Ace, card 11 may also be called Jack, card
12 may also be called Queen, and card 13 may also be called King.
For the purpose of this problem the following is valid input:
A poker hand consisting of a single line with five different cards, separated by
single separators.
A separator may be any one of: – / (with only one separator type allowed to
be used in one hand).
A card consists of a number immediately followed by a letter to indicate suit (c, d, h, s,
C, D, H, S). Cards 1, 10, 11, 12, and 13 may alternatively be represented by a letter (a, t,
j, q, k, A, T, J, Q, K).
The order of cards is determined first by their rank:
2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < 6 < 7 < 8 < 9 < 10 < 11 < 12 < 13 < 1, and for cards of equal rank the suit ordering is C < D < H < S. The standard output format is: Five cards in increasing order on a single line, separated by single spaces, with each card consisting of: • A number for cards 2–10, but a capital letter for cards 1, 11, 12 and 13 (A, J, Q, and K respectively). • A capital letter to indicate suit (C, D, H, or S). Task Write a program that performs the following tasks for each line of input: 1. Reads the line of input. 2. Checks whether the input is a valid poker hand. 3. If the input is valid, outputs the poker hand in standard format, otherwise outputs Invalid: (there is a single space after the colon) followed by the input. For example these two lines of input: 6s/3d/KC/13S/Ad hello should produce output like: 3D 6S KC KS AD Invalid: hello The input/output requirements for this étude are strict. That means that I will simply be using diff (or equivalent) to compare the output of your program to the correct output. You must work alone on your program, but you should feel free to share test data etc. with others (indeed, this is encouraged). (2, Individual)