
COMP 248 Assignment 2

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Question 1 – Uno deck of cards & switch statement (7 pts)
“Uno (/ˈuːnoʊ/; from Italian and Spanish for ‘one’; stylized as UNO) is an American shedding-type card
game that is played with a specially printed deck. The game’s general principles put it into the Crazy
Eights family of card games. The game was originally developed in 1971 by Merle Robbins in Reading,
Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati.” (
The deck has 108 cards and is a combination of the following cards:
1. There are 4 colors: red, blue, green and yellow numbered from 0 to 9
2. There are the following action cards

Original Uno Rules

Notice that the 2 wild cards do not have a colour.
Write a Java program using switch statements whenever possible instead of nested if statements, that
takes user input describing a playing card (value and color) in the following shorthand notation into a
single String variable:
Notation Meaning
0 …. 9 Card values
W4 Wild Draw 4
W Wild
D Draw 2
S Skip
V Reverse
R Red
B Blue
G Green
Y Yellow
Note: The Wild Draw 4 card is represented by W4 with no color and the Wild card is represented as W
with no color.
The input must be 2 character long, unless it is the simple Wild card in which case it is one-character
Your program should then display the full description of the card. Your program should indicate if the
requested card is not a valid Uno card, for example if it is 1-character long and not a W, or is 2-
characters long but not one of the cards found in the deck (Figure 2) or it is not entered in the correct
format such as the length is greater than 3 (Figure 4). Your program should accept lower and upper case
Following are some sample outputs (Figures 1 to 5) to illustrate the expected behaviour of your
program. Your program should work for any input, not just the ones in the samples below. The text in
green is user input. You can change the format and/or content of the output as long as it still conveys
the same information.
Figure 1- Valid card
Figure 2- Invalid card
Figure 3- Wild Draw 4 card
Figure 4- Simple Wild card
Figure 5- Incorrect format – Too many characters
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Question 2 – String variables/Selection & loops. (8.5 points)
Write a complete Java program which prompts the user for a sentence on one line where each word is
separated by one space, reads the line into one String variable using nextline(), converts the string into
Ubbi dubbi and displays the translated sentence.
Ubbi dubbi works by adding ub before each vowel sound in a syllable. For example, hello becomes
hubellubo. The word speak has the vowel sound ea, so in Ubbi dubbi it becomes spubeak.
Tidbit: For those who are fans of The Big Bang Theory, Ubbi dubbi was used between Penny and Amy in
season 10 episode 7 as a means of having a secret conversation, to counter Sheldon and Leonard’s
Klingon. Link to the video:

Modified Ubbi dubbi rules for this assignment
To simplify things for this assignment,
1. The vowels are a, e, i, o and u.
2. In the case that a word has 2 vowels following one another we only place ub in front of the 1st
vowel. So zoom would be zuboom and not zuboubom. Similarly, steak would be stubeak and not
stubeubak. (Figure 9)
3. For words that are 1 character or 2 character long we add ub in front of each character whether
they are vowels or consonants. (Figure 7)
4. If e is the last character of the word, we don’t add ub in front of it. For example, the word one is
translated as ubone and not ubonube.(Figure 9, last word)
5. Any other characters (punctuations, digits) are treated as non-vowels. (Figure 8)
For this assignment you can assume that
1. There is exactly 1 space between words.
2. The entered string does not start nor end with a space.
3. All words are in lower case letters.
4. The sentence has at least one non-blank character.
Following are some sample outputs (Figures 6 to 9) to illustrate the expected behaviour of your
program. Your program should work for any input, not just the ones in the samples below. The
text in green is user input. You can change the format and/or content of the output as long as it still
conveys the same information.
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Figure 8- Example with mixed words and punctuation
Figure 6 – Example with a single 1-character word sentence
Figure 7 – Example with 1-character and 2-characters long words
Figure 9- Example with words with 2 or more vowels following each other and a word that ends in e
Assume T is t
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Submitting Assignment 2
1. Compress the source codes (the .java file only please) of this assignment together into
one file following the following naming convention:
The zip file should be called a#_studentID, where # is the number of the assignment and
studentID is your student ID number. For example, for this assignment, student 123456
would submit a zip file named
You will have 2 .java files to submit for this assignment
2. Upload your compressed file using the appropriate assignment link in the Assessment
3. NOTE: The only compressed file format we accept is .ZIP. No .RAR files are accepted.
Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 1 (20 points)
Source Code
Comments for all 3 questions (1.5 pts.)
Description of the program (authors, date, purpose) 0.5 pts.
Description of variables and constants 0.5 pts.
Description of the algorithm 0.5 pts.
Programming Style for all 3 questions (3 pts.)
Use of significant names for identifiers 1 pt.
Indentation and readability 1 pt.
Welcome Banner or message/Closing message 1 pt.
Question 1 (7 pts.)
Use of switch where possible 2 pts.
Recognizing invalid card 1 pt.
Recognizing incorrect format 1 pt.
Accepting upper/lower case input 1 pt.
Displaying correct description 2 pts.
Question 2 ( 8.5 pts.)
ub in front of a single vowel 1 pts.
Only one ub when more than 1 vowel 2 pts.
Single character and 2-character words 2 pts.
e last letter of a word 2 pts.
Non-vowel characters 1.5 pts.
TOTAL 20 pts.