COMP 1405 C&D Assignment 5 Recursion, Sorting, and Pathfinding!


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Problem 1: Recursive Cached Fibonacci
One of the early problems many people start with in recursion is to generate the Fibonacci
Sequence. Put your code in the file The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of
numbers, where the n’th number is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers, (n-1) and
(n-2). Thus, the first 10 digits are: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55.
We see that the Fibonacci sequence is self-referential in its definition, which makes it an
excellent candidate for recursion! Except… There is a lot of unnecessary repetition involved in
this. To calculate even the 50’th Fibonacci number takes a very long time, and might even
cause a stack overflow! Let’s fix it with caching.
For this problem, implement a function called cachedfibonacci(int, dict={}) (note, naming just
to show types, name the parameters anything you’d like) which:
● The int parameter represents the n’th number of Fibonacci we’d like to return
● The dictionary parameter is defaulted to empty, but overtime fills up with solved
Fibonacci results
● The function returns the final value for the n’th Fibonacci number
Thus you must:
1. Recursively find the n’th Fibonacci number
2. Store each result in the cache
3. If the value you are trying to calculate is already in the cache, use that number and do
not repeat the Fibonacci calculation
Test Note: If you are properly using the cache, you should be able to calculate the 100’th
Fibonacci number (354,224,848,179,261,915,075) near-instantly. If you are not using the cache
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 5
What is a cache?
A cache just refers to a dictionary of things that we’ve already processed and don’t want to
process again. A popular place where you see caches is in your web browser. Your web
browser will visit a website and try to store as much data as it can offline. The next time you
visit the website, it will load faster because it didn’t have to download so much the second
In our case, we can have a dictionary act as a cache. The keys are the relevant inputs to our
function, the value is the final calculated value. This way, if we call the function again, we
start by checking if the key is in our dictionary. If it is, just return the value! If it isn’t, calculate
the value, and toss it into our dictionary for next time. Sometimes you store the cache
globally, but for our problem, we’re passing it as a parameter to the function each time.
The first time we call the function, we start with an empty cache.
correctly, you will likely be unable to compute the number past 50 (likely even significantly
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 5 DUE: Tue. Dec 8th @ 11:55PM
Problem 2: Cocktail Sort, and Nearest Enemies
When working with location data (x,y), it’s often important to take a list of positions and sort
them by how close they are to a specific point. Write your code in a file named
Visualization of different points on a 2D map and coordinates.
For this, we’re going to implement cocktail sort, a variation of bubble sort that bubbles values
up and down in both directions. This sort is mostly for academic purposes, used primarily as a
teaching tool for implementing algorithms, but it should still be able to perform well enough for
Write a function, closest_enemies(tuple(int,int), list(tuple(int,int))). This signature is a bit
complex, but really, it could look as simple as def closest_enemies(hero_position,
As parameters, the function accepts:
● A tuple, containing two integers, representing the x, y coordinate of our player character
○ Ex. (50, 10), (20, 35)
● A list of tuples, each tuple containing two integers, representing enemy positions
○ Ex. [ (10, 20), (55, 10), (23, -5), (0, 200) ]
The function should sort in place: This is to say, it should not need to return the list (but it
may) as it will modify the input list of enemy positions.
Write a function which uses the cocktail sort (psuedocode on next page) to sort these points by
the shortest Euclidean distance to the player’s position – not simply the value. Recall that the
distance between two points can be calculated as dist (a, b) = √(xb − xa) y ) . You
2 + ( b − ya
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 5 DUE: Tue. Dec 8th @ 11:55PM
may wish to create a function to do this, but it is not required. You must write the code
yourself: no libraries, modules, or built-in Python functions to calculate distance/sort.
Problem 2: Cocktail Sort, and Nearest Enemies (cont.)
Pseudocode for Cocktail Sort
cocktailsort(a: list of items):
Swapped = True
While Swapped:
// Shake Up
For each index i from 0 to list max – 2:
If a[i] > a[i+1] then:
Swap a[i] and a[i+1]
Set swapped to True
End if
End for
If we didn’t swap then end the loop
// Shake Down
Set Swapped to False
For each index i from list max – 2 to 0:
If a[i] > a[i+1] then:
Swap a[i] and a[i+1]
Set swapped to True
End if
End for
End while
End cocktailsort
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 5 DUE: Tue. Dec 8th @ 11:55PM
Problem 3: Searching for an Exit
This problem is to test your ability to make use of new code, solve some more recursive
problems, and start from pseudocode but specify the algorithm to a specific problem! You will be
using a technique referred to as a depth-first search (DFS) to look for an exit. A lot of the code
has already been provided to you on the cuLearn page to help you with grid coordinates and
generating a sample maze. The maze will be sent to the function as a list of lists, so there is no
specific way to get the maze data; in your main function tests, you can pull from a file, just
hardcode it, or write functions to generate them!
In a file named, include a function called dfs(list(list(string)), tuple(int, int),
list(tuple(int, int)) = []), or as a more simple example of what it might look like in code:
dfs(maze, position, explored=[]).
You will need to make use of the functions provided to you to take in some maze and print the
maze, with a valid path from the start to end. It does not need to be the shortest path. Be
careful to review the functions that have already been written for you so you do not do
unnecessary work.
Overview of DFS and provided functions are on the next page
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 5 DUE: Tue. Dec 8th @ 11:55PM
Problem 3: Searching for an Exit (cont.)
Depth-First Search
The DFS is used a lot in computer science as a way to search trees or graphs for specific nodes
and many other purposes, but it was originally developed as a
maze solving strategy!
DFS works by following one path as far as it can – let’s say it
always goes left first. Every time it visits a spot, it adds that
position to a list of “explored” nodes so that we know not to visit
it again. When it gets to the end (no more places to go) it
returns “False” to say it didn’t find anything. If it finds what it’s
looking for, it reports back “True” to say it found it!
In the case of the graph to the right, I’ve numbered it in the
order our DFS would look at the nodes, seeking from O to X. It
clearly doesn’t take the best path, but it finds the end
DFS in your Maze
The logic of DFS remains the same, but you will need to work
out some extra logic to make it work how we need it to. We can consider our maze a “graph”
where each spot is connected to up to four other spots; the spot above, left, right, and below. It’s
considered “adjacent” if it’s one of those four positions, within bounds, and not a wall (“#”). A
function has been provided to give you all adjacent spots – don’t worry! We’re starting from “O”
(position supplied in the function) and going to “X”.
You will notice in the below pseudocode that it handles looking at everything, but doesn’t
account for actually finding the endpoint and drawing the final solution. You will need to figure
this out on your own!
Pseudocode for a Recursive Depth-First Search:
dfs(list_of_connected_points, current_point, explored=[])
Add current_point to explored
For each point adjacent to current_point:
If that point is not in the explored list:
Call DFS on the list of connected points with the new point
End if
End For
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 5 DUE: Tue. Dec 8th @ 11:55PM
Overview of provided functions on the next page
Problem 3: Searching for an Exit (cont.)
On cuLearn, you will find a Python file named Import this file into your; you can rename it anything if you’d like. There will be minor deductions for
copy-pasting the code into your file rather than importing. Make sure to include the in your submission.
This file contains a number of functions to help you avoid dealing with spatial issues when
writing your algorithm. Carefully review the purpose of these functions, how to use them, and
where they might help you.
sample_maze(): This function provides you with one sample maze. Feel free to create more
mazes if you’d like.
get_adjacent_positions(maze, position): This function will check each location around the
position provided and return a list of tuples containing the positions of each location that is
not a wall.
symbol_at(maze, position): This function returns the symbol in the maze at the provided
position. While these are simple, these functions have been provided so that you do not need to
worry about treating the list as row/col vs x/y.
add_walk_symbol(maze, position): This function will place a dot at the correct position in the
print_maze(maze): Prints the provided maze.
NOTES: These functions are provided so that you do not have to care about the format of the
positions. Using this code, you should never have to access an individual position’s x or y
coordinates. There will be deductions for not using the provided functions and relying on the
tuple’s values (i.e. calling position[0] or position[1]).
While there are no bonus marks, if you are interested in showing off some cool stuff and trying
some more complicated problems, you can build a maze generator or show off the maze
solving in turtle or pygame instead! Either one will still receive regular marks (i.e. you will not
lose marks for showing the path in 2D) as long as they’re still within spec (i.e. the correct maze
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 5 DUE: Tue. Dec 8th @ 11:55PM
format). There will be a cuLearn forum to post if you decided to do some extra, and I might show
some off in class! Don’t stress over it of course. It’s a busy time! Allocate it as you need to 🙂
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 5 DUE: Tue. Dec 8th @ 11:55PM
● Your cuLearn submission should be a single file,
● Your zip file should contain three Python files,,,,, and any other data files needed to run your program (if
you chose to use files for your maze data).
● Your zip file should contain the sample data used to test your program
● Late submissions will receive a 2.5%/hour deduction up to an 8 hour cut-off period
● Invalid submissions (incorrect name, incorrect function names) will receive a 10%
deduction immediately
● As usual, you are expected to submit periodically; as you complete questions, try to
submit to cuLearn, just in case of data loss or last-minute submission problems.
● It is your responsibility to verify the submitted files work correctly – redownload and try
them again