COMP 1405 D Assignment 1.1 Computational thinking, algorithms, flowcharts, and pseudocode


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Problem 1 of 4 (Computational Thinking, 6 marks)
Marking Scheme: 0.5/cornerstone, up to 1/example
In the lecture, we discussed the four cornerstones of computational thinking (for example,
For each of these cornerstones, provide one or two sentences about how you could apply that
technique to help solve a problem. The problem should be from something you’re interested in,
and doesn’t necessarily need to be about programming.
You may use the same example problem for all of the cornerstones, such as walking through
the problem with each step, but you can not use examples that were already discussed in the
Problem 2 of 4 (Guessing Game Flowchart, 10 marks)
Marking Scheme: Up to 5 for correctly solving, Up to 2 for correct symbols, Up to 3 for a clear solution
It’s time to plan! In this problem, you will be creating the flowchart for a basic higher/lower
guessing game. The “program” will start by picking a random number (assume this is a simple
operation) and then ask the user to make a guess. If the user guesses incorrectly, the program
should output a hint which tells them to guess higher or to guess lower.
Once the user guesses correctly, the program should output “You win!” and end. Use the
flowchart symbols that were described in the lectures. You can choose to use a computer
program to create flowcharts or draw neatly on paper.
Your goal for this problem is to create the flowchart for a guessing game, in which a player must
repeatedly guess numbers until they have guessed a secret number (assume the secret number
is 42). If the user guesses incorrectly, the user should get a hint indicating “guess higher” or
“guess lower”. When the user has guessed the number correctly, the ‘program’ should output
“You Win!” before ending. Your answer should use the flowchart symbols outlined in the
lectures. You can use a computer program to create the flowchart, or write it neatly on paper,
take a picture, and include it in your document.
COMP 1405 D Fall 2020 Assignment 1.1 DUE: Thu. Sept 24 @ 11:55PM
Problem 3 of 4 (Guessing Game Pseudocode, 10 marks)
Marking Scheme: Up to 5 for correctly solving, Up to 2 for correct format (tabs, numbering), Up to 3 for a
clear solution
Instead of using a flowchart, create a solution to the previous problem using pseudocode. Your
pseudocode should resemble that used in lectures, but as long as your meaning is
clear/unambiguous, you are free to use any words you desire.
Problem 4 of 4 (Testing the Plan, 4 marks)
Marking Scheme: Up to 2 for all steps shown correctly, Up to 2 for clear formatting
Now is your chance to test that your algorithm works. Using either the flowchart or the
pseudocode, walk through your plan with with a scripted, sample input.
Assume the random number generated is 42. The user will guess: 10, 20, 50, 25, then 42
to end the program.
You may show the steps of your walkthrough any way you like. I recommend labelling the steps
of your plan (flowchart or pseudocode) with numbers to refer to them easily, like shown in the
lectures (1.1, 1.2, 2, 3, 1). Try to show how the numbers change, and the result of comparisons
Note: This section doesn’t need to be perfectly formatted. Just show that you’ve worked through
the plan with an example. You can also clearly write this on paper, if it is easier, and take a
picture to submit.