
C490 Homework #7

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Text book, pp134, Exercise 4.3, Favorite Website App. Snapshot your test-run, copy
source code (java code and major XML files), and paste them in your submission.


Creat a ToDoList App. You app should behave similar to snapshots shown below, and
according to the following requirements:

1) This App is similar to Twitter Searches App covered by the lecture in many ways. So
you can build this app based on the Twitter Searches. However, there are also some
differences, which you need to identify carefully.

2) The task list should be sorted in ascending order by the due date of the tasks.

3) Provides DatePickerDialog and TimePickerDialog (triggered when corresponding
button is pressed/clicked) for setting due date and time. We did not cover this topic in
lecture. So this is a part of the training on your self-learning skills.

4) When an item in the To Do Task List is pressed/clicked, an AlertDialog pops up to
show the detail of the task.

5) When an item in the To Do Task List is long pressed/clicked, an AlertDialog pops up
so that the user can choose to share/edit/delete the task.

Snapshot your test-run, copy source code (java code and major XML files), and paste
them in your submission.

Submissions: : Canvas and hardcopy


TicTacToe game. We have created a PC version in an earlier assignment. Now it is time
for the Android version!


– Submit your source code (zip your project folder for each programming project) to
Canvas (using the “Assignments” function).
– Submit a hard copy of your code and test-run output (or screenshot), your test-run
should be comprehensive.
– Make sure that you follow the “Assignment_style-guideline_C490” or you might lose