Read from (TW)
• Chapter 19
Read from:
• The Engineer’s Guide to Spark (in Blackboard “Free Books and Chapters” folder)
• Spark SQL and DataFrames (in Blackboard “Free Books and Chapters” folder)
For this assignment you will be using your Hadoop environment including the pyspark CLI.
Exercise 1)
Use the TestDataGen program from previous assignments to generate a new foodratings.txt data file.
Copy the file to HDFS, say into the /user/maria_dev directory.
Read in the text file into an RDD named ex1RDD.
This RDD should now have records each consisting of a single string having 6comma-separated parts something like the following:
List the first five records of the RDD using the “take(5)” action and copy them and the “magic number to your assignment submission for this exercise.
Exercise 2)
Create another RDD called ex2RDD where each record of this new RDD has 6 fields, each a string, by splitting apart each record on “,” boundaries from the ex1RDD.
The records of the new RDD should look something like:
u’Joe’, u’44’, u’33’, u’41’, u’1‘, u’5’
u‘Mel’, u’13’, u’33’, u’30’, u’50, u’6’‘
u‘Mel’, u’12’, u’40’, u’30’, u’42‘, u’1’
u’Sam’, u’15’, u’28’, u’28’, u’39‘, u’3’
List the first five records of this RDD using the “take(5)” action and copy them to your assignment submission for this exercise.
Exercise 3)
Create another RDD called ex3RDD from ex2RDD where each record of this new RDD has its third column converted from a string to an integer.
The records of the new RDD should look something like:
u’Joe’, u’44’, 33, u’41’, u’1‘, u’1’
u‘Mel’, u’13’, 33, u’30’, u’50‘, u’2’
u‘Mel’, u’12’, 40, u’30’, u’42‘, u’3’
u’Sam’, u’15’, 28, u’28’, u’39‘, u’4’
Hint: Use a lambda function something like the following:
lambda line : [line[0], line[1], int(line[2]), line[3], line[4], line[5]]
List the first five records of this RDD using the “take(5)” action and copy them to your assignment submission for this exercise.
Exercise 4)
Create another RDD called ex4RDD from ex3RDD where each record of this new RDD is allowed to have a value of < 25 for its third field.
The records of the new RDD should look something like:
u’Joe’, u’44’, 21, u’41’, u’1‘, u’6’
u‘Mel’, u’13’, 3, u’30’, u’50‘, u’1’
u‘Mel’, u’12’, 4, u’30’, u’42‘, u’4’
u’Sam’, u’15’, 8, u’28’, u’39‘, u’5’
List the first five records of this RDD using the “take(5)” action and copy them to your assignment submission for this exercise.
Exercise 5)
Create another RDD called ex5RDD from ex4RDD where each record is a key value pair where the key is the first field of the record and the value is the entire record
The records of the new RDD should look something like:
(u’Joe’, (u’Joe’, u’44’, 21, u’41’, u’1‘, u’1’))
(u’Mel’, (u‘Mel’, u’13’, 3, u’30’, u’50‘, u’6’))
List the first five records of this RDD using the “take(5)” action and copy them to your assignment submission for this exercise.
Exercise 6)
Create another RDD called ex6RDD from ex5RDD where the records are organized in ascending order by key
The records of the new RDD should look something like:
(u’Joe’, (u’Joe’, u’44’, 21, u’41’, u’1‘, u’4’))
(u’Mel’ ,(u‘Mel’, u’13’, 3, u’30’, u’50‘, u’3’))
(u’Sam’ ,(u‘Sam’, u’23’, 3, u’40’, u’20‘, u’7’))
List the first five records of this RDD using the “take(5)” action and copy them to your assignment submission for this exercise.