CSE143 Programming Assignment 6 OrderedSymbolTable API


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Write a program that implements a subset of the OrderedSymbolTable API using a
binary tree. You will provide the implementation details in the BinarySearchTreeST. The
provided main method IN BinarySearchTreeST.java will read in and execute a sequence of

The keys() method should return an Iterable that iterates through the keys in
sorted order. You can use the provided List implementation (DynamicArray), e.g.
public Iterable keys()
DynamicArray list = new DynamicArray();
keys( this.root, list );
return list;
private void keys( Node root, DynamicArray list )


Grading Notes

You must:
• Use the template provided for you
• Have a style (indentation, good variable names, etc.)
• Comment your code well (no need to over do it, just do it well)

You may not:
• Make your program part of a package.
• Use code from anywhere except your own brain.

Submission Instructions:

• Name a folder with your gmu username
• Put your java files in the folder (but not your .class)
• Zip the folder (not just the files) and name the zip “username-pa6.zip”
• Submit to blackboard
Grading Rubric

No Credit:
• Non-submitted assignments
• Late assignments
• Non-compiling assignments
• Non-independent work
1pt Submission Format
1pt Style and Comments
1pt min and max
2pts put
1pt get
2pts deleteMin, deleteMax
2pt keys iterator
Example Run

> java BinarySearchTreeST operations.txt
insert=[4->student4, 8->student8]
insert=[4->student4, 8->student8, 12->studentX]
insert=[4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 12->studentX]
insert=[4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->studentX]

insert=[4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12]
insert=[2->student2, 4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12]
insert=[2->student2, 4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12, 16->student16]
insert=[1->student1, 2->student2, 4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12, 16->student16]
Final symbol table=[4->student4, 6->student6, 8->student8, 10->student10, 12->student12]