Overview for Milk Weights Program
Goal : Create an interactive data visualizer program with a graphic user interface (GUI) to help a
local farm analyze and report on the milk that has been sold to them by their farmers. The data is in
one file per month-year, so a year’s worth of data is in 12 files that must be read into the program and
used to display results and print reports.
Must be able to construct from information read from multiple files and also write current data (that
was added interactively by the user) to a file.
At Program launch
When the program is run, a GUI interface is displayed to the user.
It must be obvious to the user how to interact with your program. For example, the user
must see or be instructed on how to add data, read input from a file as well as how to enter
new data interactively. Use labels, context-sensitive help pop-up messages, what and where
to click, select, type, etc.
Use standard JavaFX layout managers and controls like Border, HBox, VBox, GridPane,
Button, Labels, TextFields, etc. (you may use other JavaFX components too, these are just
reminders about the types we demonstrated).
Must not use third party packages or SceneBuilder to design the interface or provide UI
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The code to create and show GUI must be hard-coded by you. If you find code fragments
and wish to use them, be sure to document (comment with URL) the source of any code
fragments you use.
Once the program is running
The user must be able to:
Must be able to read milk weight data that is stored in the given input data file formats
(see (
for samples, but do not hard-code as we must be able load our own csv data files). Do
not limit the farm id to those you know from sample. Assume that some user will have
their own farm ids that may be different. Accept any string as a farm id.
[optional] Must be able to write internal data to a file with same format as input files.
This will allow you to use your program to create new data for loading on a later run.
Must handle bad user input without crashing and with reasonable error messages for
the user. Note: it does not have to accept and fix bad data, and may end the program
in most severe cases, but it must be clear to the user what went wrong.
[optional] Must allow the user to add/edit/remove milk weight information for the farms
for each month in the current data set
[optional] Must be able add data via GUI for a new month and or a new farm (allow the
user to enter the farm ID, and save and store as all CAPS).
Must display statistics as described below for individual farms and any given month
The UI components must be dynamic with only appropriate user interface controls
being active if they apply.
Must hide/show user controls as appropriate.
The final design must be modular and support JUnit testing of independent data and
computation components (this is a requirement even if you do not write the unit tests
for your types).
The internal data structure must be efficient enough for any required query options.
Must show/hide/compute summary information about milk received and the total share
of net profit.
Input File format
Copy (
wrap=1) into your project and unzip to find the following data sets. For any given
sample run chose all file in the same dataset (folder) :
small – just a few farms worth of data for one year
medium – a different set of more farms for one year
large – a different set of many farms for one year
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missing – data files that are missing values – so you can see how your program
handles missing data
error – has unexpected errors – so you can see how you program handles
unexpected names, data, types for the weight
must be able to write data to a file (no strict requirement), and display computed results to the
user via the GUI (charts would be nice too, but data tables are accepted)
the user must be able to choose which way (write to file or display) and be able to select date
ranges, months, or years
the details of the output are up to you, but the value must match our expect for any date range
and data set chosen
FARM REPORT [required, get at least this one working]
Prompt user for a farm id and year (or use all available data).
Then, display the total milk weight and percent of the total of all farm for each month.
Sort, the list by month number 1-12, show total weight, then that farm’s percent of the
total milk received for each month.
ANNUAL REPORT [next most important to get working]
Ask for year.
Then display list of total weight and percent of total weight of all farms by farm for the
Sort by Farm ID, or you can allow the user to select display ascending or descending by
MONTHLY REPORT [next most important to get working]
Ask for year and month.
Then, display a list of totals and percent of total by farm.
The list must be sorted by Farm ID, or you can prompt for ascending or descending by
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DATE RANGE REPORT [least points, but still worth some if
you can get this working]
Prompt user for start date (year-month-day) and end month-day.
Then, display the total milk weight per farm and the percentage of the total for each farm
over that date range.
The list must be sorted by Farm ID, or you can prompt for ascending or descending order
by weight or percentage.
must allow the user to add data by reading in from a file
must allow the user to add/edit/remove existing data for a given farm, year, month, and day
must allow the user to display min, max, average, by month for user specified farm and year
must allow the user to display min, max, average, for all farms for user-specified month and year
must include each farm’s percent of the total (known as their share) for any display showing all
must allow user to display each farm’s share (% of milk for given month or year) of net sales
Draft design doc for students
Students should keep the following areas in their mind while designing their design doc (a1)
object-oriented design
interfaces if possible to help divide work
simple classes to dev and test
design components (methods) that can call each other to create different output variations
UML class diagrams
find a way to allow user to select and display required operation
Getting Started
1. Read this assignment
1. Brainstorm some ideas for what your program’s user interface (UI) would or could look like.
2. What data structures are needed for each required operation (data report, data view) UI
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3. What are the interactions from the user, between all UI controls?
2. Work on the back-end data structure(s) needed
1. What data structures will provide the functionality and have reasonable time and space
complexity analysis for the required operations.
2. Implement the least dependent classes and unit test them before using instances of them in
other classes.
3. Make and test back-end data structures work from the command-line before trying to use in
your JavaFX program.
3. Learn some JavaFX to get a graphic user interface (GUI) to appear
1. Complete JavaFX assignment (p2)
2. Create a JavaFX project ( would be a great way to host and work on this project)
3. Get a GUI to pop up
4. Get some UI controls to show up
4. Complete the design.pdf of your program and submit it (a1 Milestone 2: Design
( )
5. Get the basics of your JavaFX GUI to show up in your JavaFX project
1. choose a layout for your scene
2. add controls to main scene
3. add scene(s) to main stage
4. make the main (primary) stage visible
6. Get a file chooser to work or other, so user can select file (or multiple files) and have data
uploaded to your program.
7. Get other GUI components added
8. Get your GUI to display and show UI controls
9. Submit: a2 Milestone 2: GUI (
10. Add functionality your GUI program so that UI controls work and get the data as needed from the
back-end data structures you created.
11. Ensure that all parts work as expected.
12. Focus on correct functionality first.
13. Test efficiency for large data sets when all works for smaller data sets.
14. Submit: a3 Milestone 3: Final Project
Start early.
Watch for announcements regarding changes to the scope of the problem.
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Use git/GitHub to help facilitate work and store backups.
Get simple parts working as quickly as possible. Don’t try to do it all at once. This project
should and will take time, put some time into it daily for best result. Watch for our design to be
released as well as modifications to the requirements as we get feedback and questions on the
If you cannot complete all requirements, document what you are able to complete. Since you
will be working on the project alone, we will adapt requirements to this new situation. But, we
do want to see what everyone is able to design for a user to view these data files in various
Meet with TAs and get feedback early and often on your ideas. We are here to help. Let us
help you sooner rather than later.