TDT4195: Visual Computing Fundamentals Digital Image Processing – Assignment 3


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In this assignment, you can use existing implementations of morphological operations,
such as scipy.ndimage.binary_closing() from SciPy1
(Python) and imclose()
from MATLAB2
Objective: Gain experience with (a) how an image can be segmented into a set of disjoint
regions, (b) how mathematical morphology can be used to manipulate the contents of
images, and (c) how basic shape recognition can be accomplished.
Task 1: Theory Questions [1 point]
a) [0.2 points] What are the main aims of segmentation in computer vision? Give at
least three reasons why segmentation is difficult.
b) [0.4 points] The Hough transform is a technique for identifying probable instances
of a particular shape within an image.
Consider the 14 images in Figure 2. The seven images in the left-hand column are
binary images, while the seven images in the right-hand column are images of the
Hough parameter space for straight lines.
For each of the seven binary images in the left-hand column (A-G), indicate which
image in the right-hand column (1-7) is the result of applying the Hough transform
for straight lines. Explain your reasoning.
Failure to provide an explanation will result in a severe score deduction.
c) [0.2 points] Are morphological operations linear? Explain your reasoning.
d) [0.2 points] Determine the erosion A B of the 6 × 5 binary image in Figure 1
(a). Use the 2 × 2 structuring element next to the image. The reference pixel is
indicated by a circle.
1 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
1 1
Figure 1: A binary image and a structuring element. The foreground is coloured white
and given the symbol 1. The background has the symbol 0 and is coloured black. The
reference pixel in the structuring element is indicated by a black circle.
E 5
F 6
G 7
Figure 2: The left-hand column contains binary images, while the right-hand column
contains the parameter space of images created using the Hough transform for straight
lines. The contrast has been slightly adjusted for some of the parameter space images to
improve visibility. The ordering has been randomised. For the images in the right-hand
column, the vertical axis indicates the distance from the origin, while the horizontal axis
represents the angle from −
to π
, in radians.
Task 2: Region Growing [1 point]
Region growing is a region-based segmentation algorithm that uses a set of seed points
and a homogeneity criteria H(Rk) to perform segmentation. For each seed point s
a region is grown by inspecting neighbouring pixels and evaluating whether or not to
include them in region Ri using the homogeneity criteria H(Rk). The neighbouring pixels
that are currently being evaluated are typically called candidate pixels. The growing of a
region stops when there are no more candidate pixels to inspect.
One simple homogeneity criteria is a threshold, where the threshold defines the
maximum difference in intensity between the seed point and the current candidate pixel.
This can be expressed mathematically as: |I i,j − s
| < T for a threshold T, a seed point
intensity value s
, and a candidate pixel intensity value I i,j in image I . That is, the
pixel at location (i, j) is accepted into region Rk associated with s
if the aforementioned
statement is true.
Segmenting the image in Figure 3 (a) using region growing with four manually selected
seed points can be seen in Figure 3 (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) is an X-ray image of a defective weld. In (b) the image has been segmented
using region growing with four manually selected seed points.
a) [1 point] Implement a function that segments a greyscale image using an arbitrary
number of seed point coordinates. You must implement the region growing approach
outlined above from scratch.
When growing a region around a particular seed point, you may expand your set of
candidate pixels using either a von Neumann neighbourhood (4-connectedness) or a
Moore neighbourhood (8-connectedness).
i) Use your region growing implementation to segment one or more appropriate
images. Show the before and after image in your report. Additionally, please
write down which seed point coordinates you selected.
Hint: Seed point coordinates can be picked manually by, for example, picking locations
of pixels in the original image which are clearly within the region(s) you want to
Task 3: Noise Removal in Binary Images [0.5 points]
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) illustrates a noisy binary image. This could, for instance, be the result of
having applied thresholding on a noisy greyscale image. An almost noise free version can
be seen in (b).
a) [0.5 points] Use what you know about erosion, dilation, opening, and closing to
remove the noisy elements from the image in Figure 4 (a). Your result should look
something like the one in Figure 4 (b).
i) In your own words, explain your noise removal process.
ii) Display the result in your report.
Hint: Ensure that the image is a binary image before applying applying morphological
operations. This is easily done by thresholding.
Task 4: Boundary Extraction [0.5 points]
There are many useful applications of mathematical morphology, and in this task we will
look at one that can be built using only erosion.
One way to extract edge information from binary images can be seen in Equation 1.
Aboundary = A − (A B) (1)
where A is the binary image where we want to find edges, B is a structuring element,
and is morphological erosion. The operation is commonly called boundary extraction.
The shape of the extracted boundary depends on the structuring element we elect to use.
For this task, a simple 3 × 3 structuring element of all ones will suffice.
a) [0.5 points] Implement a function that extracts the boundary from a binary image
using arithmetic operations and morphological erosion as seen in Equation 1. Feel
free to experiment with different structuring elements.
Apply your function on the noise-free binary image from the previous task and
display the result in your report.
Task 5: Shape Recognition [3 points]
In this task, you will create a script / program that will be able to segment, locate,
and record the shape type of all coloured shapes in a set of 2D colour images. Take a
look at Figure 5 to see the three images we have made available to you. These are all
attached with the assignment on Blackboard. An overview of all valid shapes can be seen
in Figure 6.
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Three images with a checkerboard background and various shapes. The
orientation of each shape may vary.
This may seem like quite a daunting task due to how open-ended it is, thus to facilitate
the process we have split the task into three subtasks. First, you will remove the grid
making up the checkerboard, then you will isolate all shapes and label them as separate
connected components, and finally, you will perform basic shape recognition.
Figure 6: Overview of all valid shapes on the violet and green checkerboard. Notice that
a black border has been added around the white hexagon for clarity.
Important: You may use any existing library / algorithm / function call to solve the
subtasks. We only ask that you explain what you did to solve each subtask, as well as
briefly explain how each technique you make use of works. For instance, if you want to
use the Canny edge detector, then you would need to briefly explain the steps that make
up the algorithm. Additionally, you must display the result of each subtask procedure for
the three input images attached with the assignment.
Make sure to read / explore the documenation of whatever image processing / computer
vision library you elect to use, for example, scikit-image in Python or various toolboxes
a) [0.8 points] Implement a procedure that takes in one of the three supplied colour
images and returns a binary image where most, if not all, of the checkerboard edges
have been removed. By checkerboard edges we mean the edges spanning the image
vertically and horizontally, thereby making up the checkerboard grid.
Below is a listing of a few algorithms and phrases that should guide you in the right
Canny edge detector
Hough transform
Mathematical morphology
Sobel operator
Hint: Think about which colour space you work in at all times. For example, if
you’re having trouble with greyscale, you should try to work in some other space.
b) [0.8 points] Implement a procedure that takes in a binary image developed by
the procedure in the first subtask. The procedure should clean up any remaining,
problematic, noise and return a set of isolated shapes that can be analysed further.
The result, could, for example, be an image where each shape is given its own label.
The labelling of shapes can, for instance, be achieved using connected-component
labelling or the Moore neighbourhood algorithm.
c) [1.4 points] Implement a procedure that takes in a labelled image, or set, produced
by the second subtask and returns a list of all the shape types appearing in the
image, along with their centroid. In other words, this procedure should recognise
shapes and record their centre position.
Given a labelled shape within an image, there are several shape, or rather boundary,
descriptors that you can easily compute in order to analyse them. Examples include
centroid, diameter, perimeter length, area, eccentricity, and bounding box. Many of
these, and more, are often computed using statistical moments3
For each of the three input images, visualise the detected shape centroids and shape
types. Briefly discuss how well your shape recognition system works for the three
3Typically referred to as image moments in literature.
Optional: Morphological Skeletonisation [0 points]
This task is optional. The intention with this task is for you to gain further insights into
the capabilities of mathematical morphology.
Skeletonisation, or medial axis transform, is a process for reducing an object to a set
of points that have more than one closest point to the boundary of the object. That is,
for a binary image, foreground pixels are removed until only a skeleton of the foreground
regions remain. An example of a binary image along with its skeleton can be seen in
Figure 7.
(a) (b)
Figure 7: (b) is the skeleton of the box in (a).
One way to find the skeleton(s) of a binary image is to iteratively apply morphological
thinning until there is no change in the processed image. This process can be seen outlined
in pseudocode below:
Algorithm 1: Morphological skeletonisation.
Input : Binary image Image B
Output : Skeleton image S
S ← B
Sprevious ← S
S ← perform morphological thinning on S
while S 6= Sprevious;
Now that we know how to skeletonise a binary image, we can focus our attention on
how to thin a binary image. There are multiple ways to do this, but we will be using
the hit-or-miss transformation4
. This is a morphological operation that takes in a binary
image and two structuring elements collectively called a composite structuring element.
The hit-or-miss transformation ⊗ consists of two applications of erosion: one between the
binary image and the first structuring element, and a second between the complement
of the binary image and the second structuring element. For a binary image A and
structuring elements B = (C , D), the hit-or-miss transformation is defined as:
A ⊗ B = (A C ) ∩ (Ac D) (2)
4Sometimes also referred to as the hit-and-miss transformation.
Intuitively, the currently inspected pixel will only be set to the foreground colour if:
(i) C translated over the pixel hits, and (ii) D translated over the pixel misses.
Using the hit-or-miss transformation, a single morphological thinning step can be
performed by running the following operation eight times:
X i = X i−1 ∩ (X i−1 ⊗ B
for k = 0 . . . 8 − 1 (3)
where X 0 is the input binary image and B(k)
is the kth composite structuring element.
For practical purposes the complement (·)
can be computed using a logical NOT, while
the intersection ∩ can be computed using a logical AND.
As mentioned above we need to apply Equation 3 eight times, with a different composite
structuring element each time. These consist of two groups of which are unique, while
the rest are simply rotations. The two unique composite structuring elements can be seen
in Figure 8.
C (0) =
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
D(0) =
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
C (1) =
0 0 0
1 1 0
0 1 0
D(1) =
0 1 1
0 0 1
0 0 0
Figure 8: The two structuring elements on the left-hand side correspond to the first
composite structuring element B(0), while the two on the right correspond to the second composite structuring element B(1). The centre pixel is the reference pixel for all
structuring elements.
By considering all 90◦
rotations of the two composite structuring elements in Figure 8,
we get a total of eight composite structuring elements. All of these have to be used
according to Equation 3, in order to apply a single thinning operation. With this
knowledge you should have no problem implementing skeletonisation for binary images.