TCSS 435 Programming Assignment 2


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You are to write a program that will engage the user in a 2-person game of Pentago.
Your program should use a minimax approach with several-move look-ahead and
alpha-beta pruning. The rules of the game are summarized as follows:
Pentago is a 2-player game played on a 6×6 grid. The players alternate turns. The
two players are referred to here as “W” and “B”, which also signifies the colors of
the tokens (white and black) they place on the board. The rules are summarized
below or you can refer to this Pentago Strategy!
STAR: Start with an empty board and decide who starts, and who’s playing what
GOAL: The objective is to get five marbles in a row, in any direction, before your
opponent does.
PLAY: Each turn consists of placing one marble, anywhere on the board and
twisting any of the game blocks 90 degrees, in either direction. You can place your
marble on one game block and twist any other game block.
WIN: First to five in a row wins!
• If the board is filled without a winner declared, the game ends in a tie.
• Twisting the board can cause two players to win simultaneously, which is
also a tie.
• It is possible to win the game by placing a token before twisting a game block
– in this case the game block does not need to be twisted.
Your program should adhere to the following conventions:
• Programs may be written in Java, Python (version 2.x).
• Your program should be able to make either the first or second move.
• Your program should be able to be either the player with w or b tokens.
• Your program should display a reasonable representation of a Pentago board
after each of its moves and twists, and each of its opponent’s moves and
twists, with appropriate labeling (see below figure).
• Your program should be able to recognize and declare a winner. This should
be checked after each token is placed and again after each board is twisted.
Because it is possible that the opponent may have one or more lines with 5
tokens in a row after a twist, the opponent may also win after a twist! In the
example below, player B gets 5 tokens in a row after the twist, but player W
also gets 5 tokens in a row in two separate locations. While the rules do not
discuss this circumstance explicitly, we will consider it a tie.
• Specifying Moves: The squares of the board are numbered by game block
and position. The square 3/8 refers to Game Block 3, position 8 (see figure).
A move will have the form: b/p bd , where b/p is the block and position
describing the location in which a token is placed, and bd is a block and
direction for rotation. Unlike the game as described online, a player must
provide a block and rotation for each move, even if empty blocks are present.
Thus, the sample complete moves shown above: 3/8 1R and 2/4 3L. Your
program should be able to accept input as either upper-case or lower-case
letters interchangeably
• Your program should be able to start with an empty board. Your program
should implement the game using both min-max and alpha-beta pruning.
You can choose if Human or AI should go first (randomly). Your program
output (see below) should show the board configuration and the player
moves for each turn. Write this information to the file.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit your files on Canvas using the Programming Assignment 2 submission
Link. You will submit a zip file containing:
• Source code with necessary source documentation for your program.
• Instruction.txt: Text file with instructions on how to run your program.
• Output.txt: A text file containing your output in the following format:
o Player Info (Human/AI)
o Player token (w/b)
o Player move (includes – board/position, board rotation)
o Configuration of board
This is the same console output that I should be able to see when I run your
• Readme.txt: Another text file containing the following information:
o Minmax Algorithm: Number of nodes expanded, depth level for lookahead, time and space complexity of your algorithm. Show me the
number for nodes expanded for at-least two different depth level.
o Minmax with Alpha-Beta Pruning: Number of nodes expanded, depth
level for look-ahead, time and space complexity of your algorithm.
Show me the number for nodes expanded for at-least two different
depth level.