TCSS 435 Programming Assignment 1


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For this programming assignment, you will create a set of search algorithms that
find solutions to the 15-puzzle.
Problem Description:
The 15-puzzle is a slightly larger version of the 8-puzzle discussed in Class:
The 15-puzzle has a higher average branching factor than the 8-puzzle, but the
maximum branching factor is the same (4).
Assignment summary:
The search algorithms you are expected to implement are:
• Breadth-first search (BFS)
• Depth-first search (DFS) – depth-first search needs to check for cycles, or a
solution will most likely never be found.
• Greedy best-first search (GBFS), for h(1) and h(2) mentioned in Russell &
• A* (AStar), for h(1) and h(2) mentioned in Russell & Norvig
• Either:
o Depth-limited search (DLS), or
o Iterative deepening (ID)
INPUT: Your program will accept instructions from the command line. The program
should accept the following inputs in the following format:
• “[initialstate]” [searchmethod] [options]
• [initialstate] must contain sixteen characters, namely the digits 1-9,
letters AF, and a space, in any order.
• [searchmethod] can be: BFS, DFS, DLS, ID, GBFS, AStar.
• [options] are only relevant for DLS (depth-limited search), where the
option specifies the maximum depth to explore, GBFS and AStar, where the
option specifies which heuristic to use.
• Examples:
o “123456789AB DEFC” BFS
o “123456789AB DEFC” DFS
o “123456789AB DEFC” DLS 2
o “123456789AB DEFC” GBFS h1
o “123456789AB DEFC” AStar h2
OUTPUT: The output should be a comma-separated list of integers listing the
following format. These format should represent the state of your search tree at
the moment the solution was discovered:
• [depth], [numCreated], [numExpanded], [maxFringe]
• [depth] represents the depth in the search tree where the solution is
found. The integer will be zero if the solution is at the root and it will be “-1”
if a solution was not found.
• [numCreated] is the counter that is incremented every time a node of
the search tree is created (output 0 if depth == -1).
• [numExpanded] is the counter that will be incremented every time the
search algorithm acquires the successor states to the current state; i.e. every
time a node is pulled off the fringe and found not to be the solution (output
0 if depth == -1).
• [maxFringe] is the maximum size of the fringe at any point during the
search (output 0 if depth == -1).
• Example:
o java FifteenProblem “123456789ABC DFE” BFS
3, 54, 17, 37
• Technically, the order in which you expand the nodes for exploration is
arbitrary, but to standardize the output of your programs, please adhere to
the following convention. Expand all nodes in the following order:
o Right – (space moves right)
o Down – (space moves down)
o Left – (space moves left)
o Up – (space moves up)
• Consider the following goal states: All puzzles are solvable to either of the two
states (“123456789ABCDEF “ or “123456789ABCDFE ”)
• The successors of a state in this problem depend greatly on the position of
the blank spot. Rather than think about which tiles can move into the blank
spot, try considering where the blank spot can move. Certain numerical
qualities about this position will determine whether or not the blank can
move left, right, up, or down. If a blank spot moves up, then its location is
being swapped with the location above it.
• The heuristics can be generated by comparing the state being evaluated to
the goal state. The number of misplaced tiles is easily calculated in time
linear to the number of tiles in the puzzle, but the simple solution to the
Manhattan distance requires time quadratic to the number of tiles in the
• If you plan to start from scratch, spend a lot of time thinking about what data
structures you will use for your fringe. Much of the variation between the
algorithms comes in how to determine which elements to pull off the fringe
• Many of these algorithms are more similar than different. Think about how
you can use polymorphism to make your life easier.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit your files on Canvas using the Programming Assignment 1 submission Link.
You will submit a zip file containing:
• Source code with necessary source documentation for your program.
• Readme.txt: A text file containing the following information:
o Output for each of the search algorithm (BFS, DFS, GBFS for h1 and h2,
AStar for h1 and h2, ID or DLS) in the format explained in the output
section. Atleast show output for 2 initial state configuration.
o Time complexity for each of search above mentioned search