TCSS 422 ―Homework Assignment 3


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This assignment is intended provide you with further experience in multithreaded programming. In this
assignment you will implement a small multithreaded program that analyzes a set of image files. The
I/O portion of the program (loading image in from disk) cannot benefit much from concurrency and so
will be handled by just a single thread. The CPU intensive portion of the program (analyzing each
image) can benefit from concurrency and so will be handled by multiple threads. Images are analyzed
to identify the largest axis-aligned rectangle of uniform color within the image. This type of image
“landmark” can be useful in more advanced algorithms that perform image searches and comparisons.
Starter code for this assignment is available on the course Canvas page for this assignment.
Implementation Specifications
The provided analyzer.c source file contains a skeleton for the entry function you’re to implement,
analyze_images_in_directory. This function will need to create threads, invoke other
function that you write, etc., to implement the functionality of the program. The provided main.c
source file contains a simple driver that reads in two command-line arguments, passes them to
analyze_images_in_directory, and then displays the results of the analysis as returned by that
struct ImageInfo * analyze_images_in_directory(int thread_limit,
const char * directory,
int * images_analyzed)
This function should return a new, dynamically allocated array of ImageInfo structures that hold the
results of the image analyses. ImageInfo, defined in analyzer.h, records the path of an image,
i.e., its location in the file system, and the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of a
rectangle within the image. The parameter thread_limit specifies the maximum number of
simultaneous threads performing image analysis. The parameter directory specifies the directory
that should be searched for images to analyze. The parameter image_analyzed points to an integer
that should be set to the total number of images that were analyzed (the number of valid elements in the
returned array).
One thread should load images from disk while one or more additional threads analyze images that have
already been loaded. The I/O thread will need to go through all the files in the specified directory and
load only those that are images in BMP format (recognizable by the extension .bmp). Each loaded
image will be handled by an individual analysis thread. This setup is very similar to a producer-
consumer problem with the I/O thread representing one producer and the analysis threads representing
multiple consumers.
There should be no more than thread_limit analyzer threads at any one time. If there are loaded
images that aren’t being analyzed and there are less than thread_limit analyzer threads in existence,
a new analyzer thread should be created. Once an image has been analyzed, it is no longer needed. You
should not make any assumptions about the total number of images that will be analyzed or the relative
speed at with the I/O thread and the analyzer threads will be executed.
The BMP file format is a (relatively) simple raster (pixel-based) image format. The image is a rectangle
of some width and height, and the color of every pixel is described in the file. This file format is a
binary format not a text format, i.e., it contains binary data not ASCII-encoded text. The details of this
format can be found on There is no standard C
library function for loading such a file, and you are prohibited from using third-party libraries or code.
You must write the code to load this type of image file yourself. However, you do not need to support
all the features this file format supports. Specifically, you only need to be able to load BMP files that
use 24 bits per pixel and uncompressed pixel data. Three small BMP images are provided for initial
testing purposes and a larger collection will be released later.
The analysis of each image consists of locating within the image the rectangle of pixels of uniform color
that has the largest area. The coordinates of this rectangle are used in the array that is eventually
returned by the analyze_images_in_directory function. If the image contains several such
rectangles of equal area, the rectangle nearest the top of the image should be recorded (and if there are
still several such rectangles, the rightmost rectangle should be recorded).
It’s highly recommended that you complete this program incrementally, adding functionality in stages:
1) Iterate through the contents of a directory and identify BMP image files.
2) Load each image file.
3) After each image file is loaded, analyze it (basically a single-threaded version of the program).
4) Load and analyze images in separate threads.
The following items should be submitted to the instructor. Failure to correctly submit assignment files
will result in a 10% grade penalty.
5) The completed analyzer.c source file.
6) Any new supporting files, e.g., additional source code, needed by analyzer.c.
Do not include any extraneous files, such as Eclipse IDE files, object files, or subversion files.