TCSS 422 ―Homework Assignment 1


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This assignment is intended to help you practice using the C programming language, particularly those
aspects that are different from Java. You will implement five independent functions, each spanning
different aspects of C. The intellectual complexity of the functions is at an introductory programming
level, i.e., TCSS 142 or 143, so that you can focus on expressing the necessary computation in C rather
than determining what computation is needed. It’s recommended that you use some C reference
material, such as the C Tutorial posted on Canvas, to help you grasp the syntactic and semantic
differences between C and Java. Starter code for this assignment is available on the course Canvas page
for this assignment.
Implementation Specifications
There are five provided files for this assignment:
● main.c – The main source file containing the five functions you’re to implement and some
basic driver code.
● books.txt – A data file used by the third function you’re to implement.
● lexicon.h, lexicon.c, words.txt – Additional source code and a data file used by the
fifth function you’re to implement. This additional source code is already complete and you
should not modify it.
Inside main.c you’ll find skeletons for the five functions you’re to implement, as well as brief
examples of invoking each method (located in a similarly named test function). The five functions
are intended to be completed in order, but since there are no computational dependencies among the
functions they may be completed in any order. You can add helper methods, new types, etc., but do not
modify the interface to these five methods.
void multiply(int num1, int denom1, int num2, int denom2,
int * rNum, int * rDenom)
This function should multiply two fractions together, producing a product in lowest terms. The first two
parameters, num1 and denom1, represent the numerator and denominator of the first fraction,
respectively. Similarly, num2 and denom2 represent the second fraction. The product’s numerator
should be stored at the address specified in rNum (short for resulting numerator) and the product’s
denominator should be stored at the address in rDenom. Remember, the product’s numerator and
denominator should be in lowest terms. If the product is positive, both its numerator and denominator
should be positive. If the product is negative, only its numerator should be negative.
char * rotate(const char * str, int amount)
This function should copy and rotate the string str, returning the rotated copy. The memory for the
copy should be allocated dynamically and the original string should not be modified. A string rotation
shifts the characters in the string left or right. If amount is positive, each character should be moved
amount places to the right. If amount is negative, each character should be moved amount places to
the left. Characters that “fall off” the left or right sides of the string should “wrap around” to the other
side. No characters should be lost, and the length of the rotated string is the same as the original string.
The magnitude of amount may be equal to or greater than the length of the string, the rotation
continues to wrap around in that case. For example, the string “Hello” rotated by 2, 7, or 12 would
all produce the string “loHel”. Lastly, this function should run in O(n) time, where n is the length of
the string.
int readAndDisplayBookInformation(const char * path)
This function should read in and display book information from a file located at path. The file is in a
comma separated value (CSV) format with each line containing information about one book (title,
author, and publication year). The information for each book in the file should be displayed in a very
specific format. For example, the first line in the provided books.txt file is,
A Tale of Two Cities,Charles Dickens,1859
Which should be displayed as,
“A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens (1859)
All displayed lines should follow the above format. You may assume that no line in the file is longer
than 80 characters. This function should return 0 if there was a problem reading the file, or a non-zero
value if all I/O completed successfully.
void initializeAndShuffleDeck(struct Card deck[52])
This function should initialize and shuffle, i.e., randomize, an array of structures that represent a deck of
52 standard playing cards. Each card has a rank and a suit, each represented by a char value. Ranks
use char values ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘0’, ‘J’, ‘Q’, ‘K’, ‘A’, and suits
use char values ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘h’, ‘s’. Each card is a unique combination of a rank and suit. This this
function is invoked the array has not been initialized, but when this function finishes the array should
contain unique cards in some random order. The provided test function for this function merely displays
the contents of the array, which will likely be different every time you execute the program. For
2c 6c Ks 4h 5s 4c Ah 3h Qh 9c 7d 3s Qc
Jd 4d 9d 0d 8d Kh Kd 2h 3d 9s 8h 6h Jh
Jc 4s 7h 5h 5d 7c 8c 0h 7s 8s Qd 0c 5c
Ac Qs 6s 9h 3c 0s Js Kc 2d 2s 6d As Ad
struct ListNode * findWords(const char board[4][4])
This function should find all the words that can be formed within a 4×4 grid of letters (like in the game
of Boggle). The list of found words are returned in a linked list of strings. Both the linked list nodes
and the strings should be allocated dynamically.
Words can be formed starting at any of the 16 letters in the grid and following
a path to adjacent letters, horizontally, vertically, diagonally. For example, in
the grid shown to the right the word “detail” can be formed following the path
shown in blue.
In order to identify words in the grid you’ll need a collection of all possible
words to compare against. This collection is already implemented and
available via the functions in lexicon.h. The isWord function indicates
whether a string is a legal word and the isPrefix function indicates
whether a string is a proper prefix of some word in the lexicon. You shouldn’t
use the loadLexicon or destroyLexicon functions within findWords. Based on the words in
the provided lexicon, the example grid above contains the words: alit, dept, detail, heil, hips, hist, ital,
jilt, jilted, lait, late, lated, lied, lite, petal, pish, pished, shed, sheila, ship, shipt, sped, tail, tied, zeta.
The words in the returned linked list may be in any order, and words that can be formed multiple ways
in the grid, e.g., dept, can be present multiple times in the list.
The following items should be submitted to the instructor. Failure to correctly submit assignment files
will result in a 10% grade penalty.
1) The completed main.c source file.
2) Any new supporting files, e.g., additional source code, needed by main.c.
Do not submit unmodified provided files, e.g., lexicon.h and lexicon.c. Do not include any
extraneous files, such as Eclipse IDE files, object files, or subversion files.
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