TCSS 422 ―Homework Assignment 4


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This assignment is intended to strengthen your understanding of paged memory management. In this
assignment you will complete the implementation of a simulator for managing the mapping between
virtual address space and physical address space. Starter code for this assignment is available on the
course Canvas page for this assignment.
Implementation Specifications
The provided page_manager.c source file contains skeletons for the two functions you’re to
implement, initialize_page_manager and access_memory. The
initialize_page_manager function is called to set up the memory manager in a specific
configuration, while the access_memory function is called to simulate a single memory operation at
a specific virtual address. This simulation is of the memory system’s address translation behavior, not
the contents of main memory, caching, paging files, or other aspects of real memory managers.
Consequently, this simulator doesn’t include a simulated main memory nor differentiate between read
and write memory operations.
The main.c source file provides a simple driver with four different simulations, i.e., memory
configurations and memory access patterns. The macros FIRST_SIMULATION_TO_RUN and
LAST_SIMULATION_TO_RUN select the range of simulations to execute. As is, only the first
simulation is executed. The execution of a simulation generates output illuminating the internal
operation of your memory manager, which may be helpful for debugging. You’re encouraged to test
your memory manager with the four provided simulations as well as create new simulations of your
void initialize_page_manager(memory_config mc)
The initialize_page_manager function receives memory configuration information necessary
to simulate the internal operation of the memory manager. The information includes the sizes of the
physical and virtual address spaces, the page size, and the number of processes that will be accessing
memory (see page_manager.h). Since at least some of this information may be needed in the
access_memory function as well, the provided code saves the configuration information in a global
variable named config, should you wish to use it. You will undoubtedly need to add further
initialization code to this function. After this function is called, the page tables of all simulated
processes are considered to be empty (no valid entries) and no physical pages hold any virtual pages.
access_result access_memory(unsigned int pid, unsigned int virtual_address)
The access_memory function simulates a single memory operation, i.e., a specific process accessing
a specific virtual address, based on the current state of the memory manager. PID numbers are nonnegative integers in the range [0, n – 1], where n is the number of processes in the preceding call to
initialize_page_manager. This function returns a structure containing information about the
internal operation of the memory manager for that memory operation, including the virtual page number
accessed, the physical page number that virtual page maps to, the complete physical address the virtual
address maps to, and whether accessing that virtual page corresponded to a page fault (the page not
existing in physical memory before the memory operation). Some of this information is not only
needed to simulate the memory operation, but will also be displayed by the simulation framework in
main.c. The majority of the memory manager will be implemented in this function (or helper
functions, depending on how you organize your code).
The memory manager needs to implement the following two policies regarding page faults. 1) If one or
more unused physical pages are available, the unused physical page with the lowest page number should
be selected to hold the virtual page in question. For simplicity, all physical pages can be used by the
memory manager (ignoring the reality that some portions of physical memory don’t hold paged data).
For example, at the beginning of a simulation, just after initialize_page_manager is called, the
first page fault should result in physical page 0 holding the first virtual page accessed. 2) If no unused
physical pages are available, a used physical page must be selected to hold the virtual page in question.
The used physical page that belongs to the same process and was accessed least recently (the further
back in the past) should be selected.
The following items should be submitted to the instructor. Failure to correctly submit assignment files
will result in a 10% grade penalty.
1) The completed page_manager.c source file.
2) Any new supporting files, e.g., additional source code, needed by page_manager.c.
Do not include any extraneous files, such as Eclipse IDE files, object files, or subversion files.