SYSC 3101 – Programming Languages Assignment 2 – Racket Interpreter Design and Implementation


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In this document, Racket refers to the language and interpreter provided by the DrRacket IDE,
and racket-1 refers to the Racket program that interprets a subset of Racket. You have been
provided with two implementations of racket-1. File racket1.rkt contains the interpreter
developed at UC Berkeley. File racket1-trace.rkt contains the same interpreter, but it has been
modified slightly to display information that helps us trace its execution as it evaluates
Part 1
You do not have to submit your solutions for Part 1. These exercises will help you understand
racket-1 before you do the programming exercises in Part 2.
Exercise 1
Launch DrRacket. In the Interactions area, type the expressions listed in the table. Note what
Racket’s REPL displays.
Expression Racket displays racket-1 displays
(quote (1 2 3))
(if (= 5 (+ 2 3)) “equal” “not equal”)
(lambda (x) (+ x 1))
(* 2 3)
(* 2 3 4)
(* 2 (* 3 4))
((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 5)
Open racket1.rkt in DrRacket, and click Run. Start racket-1’s REPL by typing (racket-1) in
the Interactions area. Repeat the experiments you ran with Racket (type each expression after the
Racket-1: prompt). To stop racket-1 and return to Racket, just evaluate an illegal expression;
for example, ().
Were there any experiments where the values displayed by Racket differed from those displayed
by racket-1?
Exercise 2
Take your time with this exercise. It is intended to help you understand how racket-1 evaluates
different types of expressions. Adding new features to the interpreter should then be
Open racket1-trace.rkt in DrRacket, and run racket-1’s REPL. Type the same expressions you
used in Exercise 1 and observe the execution traces. For each expression, how many times is
eval-1 called? How many times is apply-1 called? How many times is substitute called?
Make sure you understand each call to procedures eval-1, apply-1 and substitute. What
arguments are passed to each call? What does each procedure return?
Exercise 3
One of your colleagues has decided to reorder the cond clauses in eval-1 so that the clause for
procedure applications (pair?) appears after the clause for symbols but before the clause for
quotes. The goal is to make the interpreter more efficient. The reasoning behind this decision is:
because programs usually contain more applications than quotes, ifs and lambda definitions, the
modified eval-1 will usually check fewer clauses than the original eval-1 before identifying
the type of an expression.
What is wrong with this plan? (Hint: What will the modified evaluator do with the expressions
(quote (1 2 3)) and (lambda (x) (+ x 1))?)
Exercise 4
When executed by Racket, this expression uses map to apply a lambda procedure to each
number in a list of integers. The result is a list containing the squares of the numbers in the list.
> (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) ‘(1 2 3 4))
‘(1 4 9 16)
All of Racket’s primitives are automatically available in racket-1, so you might think you could
use Racket’s primitive map function. Try this experiment in racket-1 (use the interpreter in
racket1-trace.rkt, so that you have an execution trace to follow) :
Racket-1: (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) ‘(1 2 3 4))
Explain what happens.
Part 2
Modify racket1.rkt with your solutions to Exercises 5 through 7, and submit this file to cuLearn.
Use comments to indicate clearly the locations of all your modifications. Consider using
racket1-trace.rkt to prototype your solutions, adding display expressions to help you trace
your modifications. After testing your solutions, copy them (without the display expressions)
to racket1.rkt.
Exercise 5
Use Racket to evaluate these expressions. Note the values displayed by Racket’s REPL.
(quote 1)
(quote (1 2 3))
(quote 1 2 3)
Now run racket-1, and evaluate the same three expressions. Clearly, the way that racket-1
evaluates quote expressions with multiple arguments is broken. Change the racket-1 interpreter
in racket1.rkt so that it displays an error message and terminates when it evaluates a quote
expression with multiple arguments.
Exercise 6
Write a map-1 primitive for racket-1 (call it map-1 instead of map so you and racket-1 don’t get
confused about which procedure is which). For example:
Racket-1: (map-1 (lambda (x) (* x x)) ‘(1 2 3 4))
‘(1 4 9 16)
Hint 1: define a helper procedure named map-exp? that determines if an expression begins with
map-1. map-exp? will be similar to the helper procedures in racket-1 that determine if an
expression is a quote, if or lambda expression.
Hint 2: your map-1 primitive should call Racket’s map primitive to perform the mapping
operation. As an example of how a racket-1 primitive can use a Racket primitive, have another
look at how the cond clause that handles if expressions calls Racket’s primitive if procedure.
Hint 3: you do not have to change apply-1 or substitute. Defining map-exp? and adding a
few lines of code to eval-1, is all that’s required.
If you’re stuck, review Part 1, Exercises 1 and 4.
Exercise 7
Racket’s and form provides a way of combining tests. The syntax of this form is:
(and expr1 expr2 expr3 …)
An and form produces #f if any of its expressions produces #f. Otherwise, it produces the value
of its last expression.
If no expressions are provided, the result is #t; that is, (and) produces #t.
If a single expression is provided, (and expr), the result of the and expression is the result of
expr. Some examples:
> (and 1)
> (and (+ 2 3))
Otherwise, the first expression, expr1, is evaluated. If it produces #f, the result of the and
expression is #f, and the remaining expressions are not evaluated. If evaluating expr1 produces
#t, the result of the and is the same as an and expression containing all the expressions except
expr1. Some examples:
> (and #f (error “doesn’t get here”))
> (and #t 5)
> (and (= 5 (+ 2 4)) (* 3 4))
#f ; (* 3 4) is not evaluated
> (and (= 5 (+ 2 3)) (* 3 4))
> (and (= 5 (+ 2 3)) (< 6 (* 4 3))) #t > (and (= 5 (+ 2 4)) (< 6 (* 4 3))) #f ; (< 6 (* 4 3)) is not evaluated Modify the racket-1 interpreter to add the and special form. Ensure that as soon as a #f value is computed, your and returns #f without evaluating any further expressions. 4