SYDE 675 Pattern Recognition Assignment 3


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You may want to read Duda, Hart, & Stork, pages 476-478.
You’ll need the data file assign3.mat from the course home page on LEARN.
The assign3.mat file contains samples from two classes, A and B.
We will call this initial data set D.
MED Classifier
Using D as a training set, find the two class MED classifier, using the class sample means as prototypes.
How many of the training samples are erroneously classified using this MED classifier?
We’ll take a slightly simplified approach:
1. Select, at random, one quarter of the training samples from each of class A and B.
Call this set D1. Train base classifier C1 using D1.
2. Find the samples in D which are erroneously classified by C1.
Select , at random, half of these erroneous samples and an equal number of samples correctly classified
by C1 .
Call this set D2. Train base classifier C2 using D2.
3. Finally, find all samples in D which are classified differently by C1 and C2.
Call this set D3 Train base classifier C3 using D3.
4. The final boosted classifier is found by keeping the majority vote of C1, C2, C3.
Given training set D, evaluate the above described boosting algorithm using each of the following two types
of base classifier:
1. MED classifier, using the sample means of the provided class training samples as prototypes.
2. A selected-linear classifier as described below:
First do the following q times:
• At random, select one sample from each set of provided class training samples.
• Define a corresponding MED classifier based on the distance to these selected samples.
• Approximate P() based on the rest of the training data.
Then, of the q classifiers, select the one with the lowest P().
The boosted MED classifier method will probably not work very well.
Explain why the defined boosting algorithm fails to significantly improve performance when a samplemeans based MED classifier is used as a base classifier.
Next, let q = 10 and test boosting using a selected-linear classifier as a base classifier.
Plot the resulting classification boundary.
Does the boundary vary very much from one run to the next?
Does the probability of classification error vary much between runs?
How sensitive is the probability of error for the boosted selected-linear classifier method to the choice of q?
How large/small does q need to be for reasonable results?
How does P() compare across the unboosted MED, boosted MED, unboosted selected-linear, and boosted
selected-linear (each using q = 10) classifier methods?