SYDE 675 Pattern Recognition Assignment 2


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This assignment looks at experimental and analytical error rates.
We have the same three cases from the previous assignment, all of which are Gaussian. You should be able
to re-use your code with minimal modifications.
To keep answers consistent, do not generate your own data points. Please use file assign2.mat from the
1. µA =

ΣA =

1 0
0 1 #
µB =

ΣB =

1 0
0 1 #
2. µA =

ΣA =

4 3
3 4 #
µB =

ΣB =

4 3
3 4 #
3. µA =

ΣA =

3 1
1 2 #
µB =

ΣB =

7 −3
−3 4 #
4. Two non-Gaussian classes, the data points found in assign2.mat.
In all cases the two classes are equally likely.
Analytical Error Rates:
First we consider deriving analytical error rates for the first three cases.
Derive the exact probability of error P()for GED and MED for each of cases 1 and 2. Keep your derivations
Case 3 is harder, because the covariances are not the same. Derive the exact probability of error P() for
MED. However don’t try to work out P() for GED, you will find it quite hard. Instead, discuss how you
might attack this problem. That is, if I didn’t let you use a computer, how would you go about setting up the
problem to figure out PGED(). Would you try the exact value or a bound? Why?
Experimental Error Rates:
Now we’ll continue with three studies of experimental classification error:
1. Classifier variability given very limited data:
We will use only five samples from each class (i.e., total of ten) to learn the classifier. So, for each of
the four cases, and for each of the five distance-based classifiers (MED, GED, 1NN, 3NN, 5NN, but
not MAP), we want to estimate the probability of error P() based on the remaining 200 − 5 = 195
data points per class.
Since we have N = 200 data points per class, we can do this 200/5 = 40 times, giving us 40 separate
estimates of P(), allowing us to compute an overall average and standard deviation.
Prepare a table showing µP() and σP()
for each of the four cases and five classifiers.
2. Classifier accuracy and assessment using all of the data as training:
We want to use as many training samples as possible. We will use N − 1 = 199 data points per class,
leaving two points (one from each class) for testing. Since two points are too little to meaningfully
estimate P(), we will jackknife:
for i=1:200
Learn Classifier Ci, skipping data point i in each class
Use the learned classifier Ci to classify the skipped points i
Let mi be the number of these which are misclassified, 0 ≤ mi ≤ 2
Estimate P() = 1
i=1 mi
Prepare a table showing P() for each of the four cases and five classifiers.
3. Experimental vs. Analytical Errors:
Prepare a table comparing the experimental and analytical values of P() for each of the first three
cases for the MED and GED classifiers.
Discuss the results and comment on your observations for all three studies.