STATS/CSE 780 Homework Assignment 2


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Find a dataset that is suitable for classification. Some sites for dataset search are 1) Google Dataset
Search, or 2) Kaggle Datasets, or 3) UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Do not use datasets that have been used in class or collected for your research (not publicly
available) or in the textbooks used in this course or R or Python package data.

The dataset must have at least five variables.
1. Briefly describe your chosen dataset and clearly explain where it was sourced.

2. Produce some numerical and graphical summaries of the data. Do there appear to be any
patterns? (what are variables, summaries, number of observations, data types, correlation,
association analysis, outliers, and missing values analysis.)

3. Split the data into a training set and a hold-out set. Describe your choice of splitting.

4. Perform the following methods on the training set: logistic regression, K-nearest neighbor,
and decision tree.

(i) For each classifier, describe if you used any data or statistical transformation or select
subset of predictors.

(ii) For each classifier, describe the choice of tuning parameters (if any).

(iii) For each classifier, describe the most important predictor variable(s) to classify the
response or explain why can’t you find this from the classifier.

(iv) For the logistic regression, interpret the regression coefficient of the most important
variable to classify the response.

5. Use the hold-out set to evaluate the performance of the classifiers. Compare and contrast the
performance of the classifiers using the miss-classification error rate. If the classifier needs a
cutoff to classify the labels, use sensitivity and specificity analysis to find the cutoff.

6. Perform logistic regression with shrinkage (lasso) on the training set.
(i) Which shrinkage value seems to perform the best on this data set?
(ii) Compare and contrast the interpretation with and without shrinkage.
(iii) Compare and contrast the performance with and without shrinkage on the hold-out set.

7. Clearly state what conclusions (at least two) can be drawn from your analysis — these
conclusions should be cast in the context of your chosen dataset.

Grading scheme
1. source of dataset [1]
describe your dataset [1]
explain why the dataset is fit to the classifiers [1]
2. variable description (selected or group of variables) [1]
statistical summaries – no points if the graphs and tables are not
readable [2]
number of observations versus variables [1]
data types [1]
correlation, association analysis – no points if the graphs and tables
are not readable [2]
outliers detection and handling – no points if the graphs and tables
are not readable [2]
missing value detection and handling – no points if the graphs and
tables are not readable [1]

3. describe the (stratification) splitting [1]

4. (i) data and statistical transformation or subset of predictors for each
classifier [3]
(ii) Choice of tuning parameters for each classifier [3]
(iii) the most important predictor for each classifier [3]
(iv) Interpret the logistic regression coefficient [1]

5. sensitivity and specificity analysis to find the cut-off(s) [2]
Compare and contrast the performance of the classifiers (at least three
statements, use graphs) – no points if the graphs and tables are not
readable [3]

6. (i) Perform logistic regression with shrinkage and find the value of shrinkage [2]
(ii) Compare and contrast the interpretation (at least one statement) [1]
(iii) Compare and contrast the performance (at least one statement) [1]
7. at least thwo conclusions drawn from your analysis (should be cast in
the context of your chosen dataset) [2]

References Reference list starts on a new page, references are appropriate and list
out in the report [2]
Supplementary material starts on a new page, code readability, all
codes are within the margins, the R codes and the outputs for the
questions are presented [3]
The maximum point for this assignment is 40. We will convert this to 100%.