STAT480 Homework 7


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Exercises for All Students
Exercise 1:
Create and populate a stocks table for the stocks data. The table should contain the same columns as the data
set (market, stocksymbol, datemdy, price_open, price_high, price_low,
price_close, volume, price_adj_close). The first three fields should be STRING; the price fields
should be FLOAT; and volume should be INT.
Show 5 records from the table.
Exercise 2:
Create a table for the records for IBM (stock symbol “IBM” in the NYSE market). Show 5 results from that table.
Using Hive queries find the highest daily high price and the lowest daily low price for IBM within the data set, and
the dates on which those max high and min low prices occurred.
Exercise 3:
Create a view for the max daily spread (high price – low price) for each stock symbol and include the market in the
view (group by symbol and market in case the same symbol occurs on multiple markets).
Obtain the minimum, average, and maximum daily spreads from the data in this view.
Additional Exercise for Graduate Students
Exercise 4:
For each market, determine the company with the largest daily price spread, the value of that company’s max
daily price spread, and the date on which it occurred. The view from exercise 3 and the original table should be
useful for this.