STAT 435 Homework # 1


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1. We will perform k-nearest-neighbors in this problem, in a setting with 2 classes,
25 observations per class, and p = 2 features. We will call one class the “red”
class and the other class the “blue” class. The observations in the red class
are drawn i.i.d. from a Np(µr, I) distribution, and the observations in the blue
class are drawn i.i.d. from a Np(µb, I) distribution, where µr =


is the
mean in the red class, and where µb =


is the mean in the blue class.
(a) Generate a training set, consisting of 25 observations from the red class
and 25 observations from the blue class. (You will want to use the R
function rnorm.) Plot the training set. Make sure that the axes are
properly labeled, and that the observations are colored according to their
class label.
(b) Now generate a test set consisting of 25 observations from the red class
and 25 observations from the blue class. On a single plot, display both the
training and test set, using one symbol to indicate training observations
(e.g. circles) and another symbol to indicate the test observations (e.g.
squares). Make sure that the axes are properly labeled, that the symbols
for training and test observations are explained in a legend, and that the
observations are colored according to their class label.
(c) Using the knn function in the library class, fit a k-nearest neighbors
model on the training set, for a range of values of k from 1 to 20. Make a
plot that displays the value of 1/k on the x-axis, and classification error
(both training error and test error) on the y-axis. Make sure all axes and
curves are properly labeled. Explain your results.
(d) For the value of k that resulted in the smallest test error in part (c)
above, make a plot displaying the test observations as well as their true
and predicted class labels. Make sure that all axes and points are clearly
(e) In this example, what is the Bayes error rate? Justify your answer.
2. We will once again perform k-nearest-neighbors in a setting with p = 2 features.
But this time, we’ll generate the data differently: let X1 ∼ Unif[0, 1] and
X2 ∼ Unif[0, 1], i.e. the observations for each feature are i.i.d. from a uniform
distribution. An observation belongs to class “red” if (X1−0.5)2+(X2−0.5)2 >
0.15 and X1 > 0.5; to class “green” if (X1 − 0.5)2 + (X2 − 0.5)2 > 0.15 and
X1 ≤ 0.5; and to class “blue” otherwise.
(a) Generate a training set of n = 200 observations. (You will want to use
the R function runif.) Plot the training set. Make sure that the axes are
properly labeled, and that the observations are colored according to their
class label.
(b) Now generate a test set consisting of another 200 observations. On a single
plot, display both the training and test set, using one symbol to indicate
training observations (e.g. circles) and another symbol to indicate the
test observations (e.g. squares). Make sure that the axes are properly
labeled, that the symbols for training and test observations are explained
in a legend, and that the observations are colored according to their class
(c) Using the knn function in the library class, fit a k-nearest neighbors
model on the training set, for a range of values of k from 1 to 50. Make a
plot that displays the value of 1/k on the x-axis, and classification error
(both training error and test error) on the y-axis. Make sure all axes and
curves are properly labeled. Explain your results.
(d) For the value of k that resulted in the smallest test error in part (c)
above, make a plot displaying the test observations as well as their true
and predicted class labels. Make sure that all axes and points are clearly
(e) In this example, what is the Bayes error rate? Justify your answer, and
explain how it relates to your findings in (c) and (d).
3. For each scenario, determine whether it is a regression or a classification problem, determine whether the goal is inference or prediction, and state the values
of n (sample size) and p (number of predictors).
(a) I want to predict each student’s final exam score based on his or her
homework scores. There are 50 students enrolled in the course, and each
student has completed 8 homeworks.
(b) I want to understand the factors that contribute to whether or not a
student passes this course. The factors that I consider are (i) whether or
not the student has previous programming experience; (ii) whether or not
the student has previously studied linear algebra; (iii) whether or not the
student has taken a previous stats/probability course; (iv) whether or not
the student attends office hours; (v) the student’s overall GPA; (vi) the
student’s year (e.g. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or grad student).
I have data for all 50 students enrolled in the course.
4. In each setting, would you generally expect a flexible or an inflexible statistical
machine learning method to perform better? Justify your answer.
(a) Sample size n is very small, and number of predictors p is very large.
(b) Sample size n is very large, and number of predictors p is very small.
(c) Relationship between predictors and response is highly non-linear.
(d) The variance of the error terms, i.e. σ
2 = Var(), is extremely high.
5. This question has to do with the bias-variance decomposition.
(a) Make a sketch of typical (squared) bias, variance, training error, test error,
and Bayes (or irreducible) error curves, on a single plot, as we go from
less flexible statistical learning methods to more flexible approaches. The
x-axis should represent the amount of flexibility in the model, and the
y-axis should represent the values of each curve. There should be five
curves. Make sure to label each one.
(b) Explain why each of the five curves has the shape displayed in (a).
6. This exercise involves the Boston housing data set, which is part of the MASS
library in R.
(a) How many rows are in this data set? How many columns? What do the
rows and columns represent?
(b) Make some pairwise scatterplots of the predictors (columns) in this data
set. Describe your findings.
(c) Are any of the predictors associated with per capita crime rate? If so,
explain the relationship.
(d) Do any of the suburbs of Boston appear to have particularly high crime
rates? Tax rates? Pupil-teacher ratios? Comment on the range of each
(e) How many of the suburbs in this data set bound the Charles river?
(f) What are the mean and standard deviation of the pupil-teacher ratio
among the towns in this data set?
(g) Which suburb of Boston has highest median value of owner-occupied
homes? What are the values of the other predictors for that suburb, and
how do those values compare to the overall ranges for those predictors?
Comment on your findings.
(h) In this data set, how many of the suburbs average more than six rooms per
dwelling? More than eight rooms per dwelling? Comment on the suburbs
that average more than eight rooms per dwelling.