Stat 432 Homework 3


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Question 1 (dissimilarity matrix)

[3.5 points] Consider n = 10 samples with p = 5 features (you should copy this code to generate them):
x = matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]

## [1,] -0.6264538 1.51178117 0.91897737 1.35867955 -0.1645236
## [2,] 0.1836433 0.38984324 0.78213630 -0.10278773 -0.2533617
## [3,] -0.8356286 -0.62124058 0.07456498 0.38767161 0.6969634
## [4,] 1.5952808 -2.21469989 -1.98935170 -0.05380504 0.5566632

## [5,] 0.3295078 1.12493092 0.61982575 -1.37705956 -0.6887557
## [6,] -0.8204684 -0.04493361 -0.05612874 -0.41499456 -0.7074952
## [7,] 0.4874291 -0.01619026 -0.15579551 -0.39428995 0.3645820
## [8,] 0.7383247 0.94383621 -1.47075238 -0.05931340 0.7685329
## [9,] 0.5757814 0.82122120 -0.47815006 1.10002537 -0.1123462
## [10,] -0.3053884 0.59390132 0.41794156 0.76317575 0.8811077

Calculate the dissimilarity matrix for this set of data using:
• Euclidean distance
• `1 norm distance (we covered this in class, you can also google the definition)
To show your result, do not print them. Use a heatmap (without reordering the columns and rows) to plot
them separately.

The position of each cell should match exactly the corresponding position in the dissimilarity
matrix. Or more precisely, the ith row jth column in your heatmap should represent the (i, j)th element
in the matrix. Moreover, the color of the (i, j)th element should be the same as the (j, i)th element due to
symmetry. Figure this out by reading the heatmap() function documentation.

In the hierarchical clustering algorithm, we need to evaluate the distance between two groups of subjects.
Consider the first 5 subjects as one group, and the rest subjects as another group. For this part, you cannot
use the original data matrix x, only the dissimilarity matrix can be used.

Do the following:
• Calculate the single linkage between the two groups using the dissimilarity matrix defined based on
Euclidean distance.
• Calculate the average linkage between the two groups using the dissimilarity matrix defined based on
the `1 norm distance.

Question 2 (hierarchical clustering)

[3 points] Load the handwritten zip code digits data from the ElemStatLearn package. There are two
datasets: zip.train and zip.test. Take only the observations with true digits 2, 4, 6 and 8 from the
training data.
even.train.x = zip.train[zip.train[,1] %in% c(2, 4, 6, 8), -1]
even.train.y = as.factor(zip.train[zip.train[,1] %in% c(2, 4, 6, 8), 1])

Run a hierarchical clustering (with the default Euclidean distance function dist()) to the training dataset
even.train.x and plot the dendrogram. Read the documentation of the cutree() function, and use it to
define 4 clusters from your hierarchical clustering tree. Does this clustering result match the true digits well?

Produce some summaries regarding how well they match. For example, the table() function. Now, change
the linkage method to single and average, which method seems to match the true labels the best if they
all just use 4 clusters? You can use table(cutree(hclust_fit),true_labels) to compare results.

Question 3 (PCA and clustering)

[3.5 points] Use the same dataset defined in Question 2), perform PCA on the pixels. Plot all observations on
the first two principal components and color the observations based on their true digits.

Take the first 3 principal components from the PCA and treat them as 3 new covariates. Hence, you have
a new dataset with 3 variables, and the same number of observations as the original data. Now, perform
hierarchical clustering again on this new dataset using all three linkage methods. Which one seems to match
the true labels the best?

You should again demonstrate some necessary results to support your argument. Is
this an improvement from the original hierarchical clustering method performed on the 256 pixels? Comment
on your findings.