STA6241 – STDA Homework 1 solved


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1. Suppose we want to simulate a random vector Y ∼ N(µ, Σ). If Σ (Matern) is symmetric
and positive definite, it can be represented using the Cholesky decomposition Σ = LL0
where L is a lower triangular matrix. Consider the following algorithm for simulating
Y :
• Calculate the matrix L.
• Sample Z ∼ N(0, I), where I is the n × n identity matrix.
• Let Y = µ + LZ.
(a) Show that Y generated in this way has the correct distribution. You may use
the fact that a linear function of a multivariate normal random variable is again
multivariate normal; just show the mean and variance are correct.
(b) Write a function or a few lines of code in R to implement this method for arguments mu and Sigma. You may use the built-in function chol for the Cholesky
decomposition and rnorm to generate Z.
(c) For a mean and covariance function of your choosing, use your code from (b)
and make a few plots illustrating realizations of a Gaussian process on [0; 1], but
changing the different parameters in the model. These differences will be easier
to see if you keep the same Z sample but just change mu and Sigma.
2. The file CAtemps.RData contains two R objects of class SpatialPointsDataFrame,
called CAtemp and CAgrid. CAtemp contains average temperatures from 1961-1990 at
200 locations (latitude and longitude) in California in degrees Fahrenheit, along with
their elevations in meters. CAgrid contains elevations in meters over a grid of locations.
I’ve given you some code to get started with this data in HW1.R.
Consider the following model for the temperature data.
Yi = µ(si
; β) + e(si
; σ
, ρ, τ )
where µ(si
, β) = β0+β1Longitude(s)+β2Latitude(s)+β3Elevation(s) and e(si
; σ
, ρ, τ )
is a zero mean stationary Gaussian process with exponential covariance function.
Another way of writing this is as
Yi = µ(si
; β) + e(si
; σ
, ρ) + i
where now Z is a mean zero Gaussian process like e but without the nugget term, and
the i are iid N(0, τ 2
), independent of Z. This is important because we want to predict
; beta) + Z(si
; σ
, ρ) without the measurement error.
(a) Using the CAtemp data, form a preliminary estimate of β using ordinary least
squares and make a color plot of the residuals. Include your estimates and plot.
(b) Estimate the variogram nonparametrically and then fit the exponential variogram
to it using weighted least squares. Make and include a plot of the nonparametric
and parametric variogram functions. Also store your parameter estimates and
report them.
(c) We will now form the GLS estimate of β by hand, rather than using the gls
function. (This function doesn’t handle longitude and latitude well, and I also
want to give you some practice with matrix calculations in R.)
• Use the rdist function in fields to create a matrix of distances (in miles)
between pairs of locations in CAtemp.
• Create the covariance matrix, plugging in your estimates from the fitted variogram. (Hint: Sum two matrices, one without a nugget and one using the
diag function to create the matrix τ
• Invert the covariance matrix and store it for later reference.
• Create the X matrix. (Hint: Use cbind.)
• Put all the pieces together to form βbGLS.
(d) Calculate and plot the EBLUP of µ + Z at the locations in CAgrid, plugging in
your estimates from (b) and (c). Calculate and plot the (estimated) standard
error of Z at each prediction location.