STA442H1 S Assignment 2


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1. For this question you have to simulate a dataset. Let’s assume the outcome Y depends on 50
covariates X1, X2, . . . , X50 linearly. That is the relationship is presented with the following
Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + · · · + β50X50 + ϵ (1)

(a) [8 Marks] Perform the following simulations.
• Generating training sets of size 100. That is,
– Generate 100 random values of all X variables from standard normal distribution.
That is X1 ∼ N(0, 1), X2 ∼ N(0, 1). . . X50 ∼ N(0, 1)
– Generate ϵ also from standard normal ϵ ∼ N(0, 1)

– Generate βs from some Uniform distribution where β1 to β20 are simulated from
Uniform(0.5, 1.5) and β21 to β50 are simulated from Uniform(0.2, 0.4)
– Then generate Y using (1)
• Generating test set of size 1000,
– Generate 1000 random values of all X variables from standard normal distribution. That is X1 ∼ N(0, 1), X2 ∼ N(0, 1). . . X50 ∼ N(0, 1)
– Generate ϵ also from standard normal ϵ ∼ N(0, 1)
– Use the same βs generated for the training set.
– Then generate Y using (1)

(b) [5 Marks] Fit a linear regression where Y is the outcome and X1, X2, …, X50 are the
predictors. Calculate the prediction error from the test set.

(c) [5 Marks] Fit a Ridge regression and again calculate the prediction error from the test

(d) [5 Marks] Fit a LASSO and again calculate the prediction error from the test set.
(e) [5 Marks] Which method in (b) – (d) provides the lowest prediction error on the test
set? Explain why.

(f) [15 Marks] Change the training set size to 10000 from 100. Perform (a) – (d) again.
Which method now provides the lowest prediction error? Explain why?

2. For this problem you need to load the NHANES dataset using the following command
## If the package is not installed then use ##
install.packages(‘NHANES’) ## And install.packages(‘tidyverse’)
small.nhanes <- na.omit(NHANES[NHANES$SurveyYr==”2011_12″
& NHANES$Age > 17,c(1,3,4,8:11,13,25,61)])
small.nhanes <- small.nhanes %>%
group_by(ID) %>% filter(row_number()==1)

This is data collected by US National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The preceeding
codes creates a small dataset of the original NHANES dataset. With this dataset answer the
following questions,

(a) [5 Marks] Randomly select 500 observations from the data. For this selection use your
student ID as seed. Fit a logistic regression to predict smoking status (variable SmokeNow),
using all the other variables (excluding ID). Explain your results in few sentences.

(b) [5 Marks] Perform a model selection procedure based on step wise methods (both AIC
and BIC) and also using elastic-net. Do they select the same model? Why or why not?
For the elastic-net selection, consider α = 0.5 and 1.

(c) [5 Marks] Perform an internal validation using cross-validation. Explain your results.
(d) [5 Marks] Construct the Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Calculate the
area under the curve (AUC). How would you interpret the AUC.

(e) [5 Marks] Predict the probabilities for the remaining 310 observations. Calculate the
deciles for the predicted probabilities. Does the observed and the predicted probabilities
differ for the deciles?

(f) [10 Marks] For this problem you need to load the NHANES dataset but keeping all the
rows of the data. You can use the following commands
small.nhanes <- na.omit(NHANES[NHANES$SurveyYr==”2011_12″
& NHANES$Age > 17,c(1,3,4,8:11,13,25,61)])

Fit a mixed effects logistic regression. Only consider random intercept for subject ID.
Use all the available predictors. Interpret the results.