STA442 Homework 3, Smoothing


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STA442 Methods of Applied Statistics
1 CO2
Figure 1 shows atmoshperic Carbon Dioxide concentrations from an observatory in Haiwaii, made available
by the Scripps COϵ Program at The figure was produced with code in the appendix.
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
320 340 360 380 400
(a) all
● ●



● ●●

● ●








2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 400 405 410 415
(b) recent
Figure 1: CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
Write a short consulting report (roughly a page of writing) discussing if the CO2 data appears to be impacted
by the following events:
• the OPEC oil embargo which began in October 1973;
• the global economic recessions around 1980-1982;
• the fall of the Berlin wall almost exactly 30 years ago, preceding a dramatic fall in industrial production
in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe;
• China joining the WTO on 11 December 2001, which was followed by rapid growth in industrial
• the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on 15 September 2008, regarded as the symbolic start of the most
recent global financial crisis; and
• the signing of the Paris Agreement on 12 December 2015, intended to limit CO2 emissions.
This last event is particularly important, as it suggests the growth rate of CO2 in the atmosphere should be
lower now that it has been in the recent past.
You should
• explain fully the model you are using and why you have chosen to use it
• make your graphs look nice
• at a minimum, plot the estimated smoothed trend of CO2 and discuss whether it appears shallower or
steeper after the events listed above.
• you could consider estimating the derivative of the trend. The help files for predict.gam show how to
do this, and some code doing it in inla are in the appendix.
• visual investigation is sufficient, you aren’t expected for formally test for effects.
2 Heat
Figure 2 a shows daily maximum temperature data recorded on Sable Island, off the coast of Nova Scotia.
Figure 2 b shows the period from 2016 to the present, with summer months (May to October inclusive) in
black and winter in red. Figure 2 c shows an estimated time trend produced using code in the appendix,
and Figure 2 d shows posterior samples of this trend. Notice that the winter temperatures are more variable
than summer temperatures, and you can assume you have been advised by a reliable environmental scientist
that it is advisable to consider only summer temperatures when modelling historical temperature time series
(since winter temperatures are governed by a different and much more complex physical process).
The IPCC states
Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0°C of global warming above preindustrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8°C to 1.2°C. Global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C
between 2030 and 2052 if it continues to increase at the current rate. (high confidence)
Your task is to prepare a short report (at most 2 pages of writing) discussing whether the data from Sable
Island is broadly supportive of this statement from the IPCC. If you wish, you could write a report as a
response to the following letter.
To: You
From: Maxim Burningier
Dear highly talented Statistician,
As you are no doubt aware, my political party believes that “Climate change alarmism is based on flawed
models that have consistently failed at correctly predicting the future.” and “CO2 is beneficial for agriculture
and there has recently been a measurable “greening” of the world in part thanks to higher levels.” (see ). I have made a simple scatterplot of temperature measured at
Sable Island over time and see no relationship whatsoever. I would like to employ you to write a two-page
consulting report using the Sable Island data to refute the IPCC’s irresponsible statements about global
temperature rises. My enemies will no doubt give your report to deluded scientists who will comb over your
methods and results looking for flaws, so you must clearly explain the model you are using and justify any
model assumptions and prior distributions. Make your report self-contained so as to be understandable by
someone who has not read the instructions I’m giving you. In return for this report I will compensate you
with 100 barrels of unprocessed bitumen, a delightful substance which you may enjoy drinking with dinner
or mixing into your bath water to assist with relaxation.
Many thanks in anticipation
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
−10 0 10 20
(a) full












































































































































−10 0 10 20
degrees C

























































































2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
(b) zoom
11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0
degrees C
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
(c) fit
11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0
degrees C
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
(d) samples
Figure 2: Sable island temperature data
cUrl = paste0(“”,
cFile = basename(cUrl)
if (!file.exists(cFile)) download.file(cUrl, cFile)
co2s = read.table(cFile, header = FALSE, sep = “,”,
skip = 69, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, col.names = c(“day”,
“time”, “junk1”, “junk2”, “Nflasks”, “quality”,
co2s$date = strptime(paste(co2s$day, co2s$time), format = “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M”,
tz = “UTC”)
# remove low-quality measurements
co2s[co2s$quality >= 1, “co2”] = NA
plot(co2s$date, co2s$co2, log = “y”, cex = 0.3, col = “#00000040”,
xlab = “time”, ylab = “ppm”)
plot(co2s[co2s$date > ISOdate(2015, 3, 1, tz = “UTC”),
c(“date”, “co2”)], log = “y”, type = “o”, xlab = “time”,
ylab = “ppm”, cex = 0.5)
The code below might prove useful.
timeOrigin = ISOdate(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz = “UTC”)
co2s$days = as.numeric(difftime(co2s$date, timeOrigin,
units = “days”))
co2s$cos12 = cos(2 * pi * co2s$days/365.25)
co2s$sin12 = sin(2 * pi * co2s$days/365.25)
co2s$cos6 = cos(2 * 2 * pi * co2s$days/365.25)
co2s$sin6 = sin(2 * 2 * pi * co2s$days/365.25)
cLm = lm(co2 ~ days + cos12 + sin12 + cos6 + sin6,
data = co2s)
summary(cLm)$coef[, 1:2]
Estimate Std. Error
(Intercept) 337.499286660 1.027025e-01
days 0.004651719 1.277835e-05
cos12 -0.898874589 9.274641e-02
sin12 2.884495702 9.153367e-02
cos6 0.657621761 9.245452e-02
sin6 -0.613041747 9.181487e-02
newX = data.frame(date = seq(ISOdate(1990, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, tz = “UTC”), by = “1 days”, length.out = 365 *
newX$days = as.numeric(difftime(newX$date, timeOrigin,
units = “days”))
newX$cos12 = cos(2 * pi * newX$days/365.25)
newX$sin12 = sin(2 * pi * newX$days/365.25)
newX$cos6 = cos(2 * 2 * pi * newX$days/365.25)
newX$sin6 = sin(2 * 2 * pi * newX$days/365.25)
coPred = predict(cLm, newX, = TRUE)
coPred = data.frame(est = coPred$fit, lower = coPred$fit –
2 * coPred$, upper = coPred$fit + 2 * coPred$
plot(newX$date, coPred$est, type = “l”)
matlines(as.numeric(newX$date), coPred[, c(“lower”,
“upper”, “est”)], lty = 1, col = c(“yellow”, “yellow”,
newX = newX[1:365, ]
newX$days = 0
plot(newX$date, predict(cLm, newX))
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
350 360 370 380 390 400
(a) forecast
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan
334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341
predict(cLm, newX)
(b) cycle
Figure 3: Results
# time random effect
timeBreaks = seq(min(co2s$date), ISOdate(2025, 1, 1,
tz = “UTC”), by = “14 days”)
timePoints = timeBreaks[-1]
co2s$timeRw2 = as.numeric(cut(co2s$date, timeBreaks))
# derivatives of time random effect
D = Diagonal(length(timePoints)) – bandSparse(length(timePoints),
k = -1)
derivLincomb = inla.make.lincombs(timeRw2 = D[-1, ])
names(derivLincomb) = gsub(“^lc”, “time”, names(derivLincomb))
# seasonal effect
StimeSeason = seq(ISOdate(2009, 9, 1, tz = “UTC”),
ISOdate(2011, 3, 1, tz = “UTC”), len = 1001)
StimeYear = as.numeric(difftime(StimeSeason, timeOrigin,
seasonLincomb = inla.make.lincombs(sin12 = sin(2 *
pi * StimeYear), cos12 = cos(2 * pi * StimeYear),
sin6 = sin(2 * 2 * pi * StimeYear), cos6 = cos(2 *
2 * pi * StimeYear))
names(seasonLincomb) = gsub(“^lc”, “season”, names(seasonLincomb))
# predictions
StimePred = as.numeric(difftime(timePoints, timeOrigin,
units = “days”))/365.35
predLincomb = inla.make.lincombs(timeRw2 = Diagonal(length(timePoints)),
`(Intercept)` = rep(1, length(timePoints)), sin12 = sin(2 *
pi * StimePred), cos12 = cos(2 * pi * StimePred),
sin6 = sin(2 * 2 * pi * StimePred), cos6 = cos(2 *
2 * pi * StimePred))
names(predLincomb) = gsub(“^lc”, “pred”, names(predLincomb))
StimeIndex = seq(1, length(timePoints))
timeOriginIndex = which.min(abs(difftime(timePoints, timeOrigin)))
# disable some error checking in INLA
mm = get(“inla.models”, INLA:::inla.get.inlaEnv())
if(class(mm) == ‘function’) mm = mm()
mm$latent$rw2$min.diff = NULL
assign(“inla.models”, mm, INLA:::inla.get.inlaEnv())
co2res = inla(co2 ~ sin12 + cos12 + sin6 + cos6 +
f(timeRw2, model = ‘rw2′,
values = StimeIndex,
prior=’pc.prec’, param = c(log(1.01)/26, 0.5)),
data = co2s, family=’gamma’, lincomb = c(derivLincomb, seasonLincomb, predLincomb), = list(hyper=list(prec=list(prior=’pc.prec’, param=c(2, 0.5)))),
# add this line if your computer has trouble
# control.inla = list(strategy=’gaussian’, int.strategy=’eb’),
matplot(timePoints, exp(co2res$summary.random$timeRw2[,
c(“0.5quant”, “0.025quant”, “0.975quant”)]), type = “l”,
col = “black”, lty = c(1, 2, 2), log = “y”, xaxt = “n”,
xlab = “time”, ylab = “ppm”)
xax = pretty(timePoints)
axis(1, xax, format(xax, “%Y”))
derivPred = co2res$summary.lincomb.derived[grep(“time”,
rownames(co2res$summary.lincomb.derived)), c(“0.5quant”,
“0.025quant”, “0.975quant”)]
scaleTo10Years = (10 * 365.25/as.numeric(diff(timePoints,
units = “days”)))
matplot(timePoints[-1], scaleTo10Years * derivPred,
type = “l”, col = “black”, lty = c(1, 2, 2), ylim = c(0,
0.1), xlim = range(as.numeric(co2s$date)),
xaxs = “i”, xaxt = “n”, xlab = “time”, ylab = “log ppm, change per 10yr”)
axis(1, xax, format(xax, “%Y”))
abline(v = ISOdate(2008, 1, 1, tz = “UTC”), col = “blue”)
matplot(StimeSeason, exp(co2res$summary.lincomb.derived[grep(“season”,
rownames(co2res$summary.lincomb.derived)), c(“0.5quant”,
“0.025quant”, “0.975quant”)]), type = “l”, col = “black”,
lty = c(1, 2, 2), log = “y”, xaxs = “i”, xaxt = “n”,
xlab = “time”, ylab = “relative ppm”)
xaxSeason = seq(ISOdate(2009, 9, 1, tz = “UTC”), by = “2 months”,
len = 20)
axis(1, xaxSeason, format(xaxSeason, “%b”))
timePred = co2res$summary.lincomb.derived[grep(“pred”,
rownames(co2res$summary.lincomb.derived)), c(“0.5quant”,
“0.025quant”, “0.975quant”)]
matplot(timePoints, exp(timePred), type = “l”, col = “black”,
lty = c(1, 2, 2), log = “y”, xlim = ISOdate(c(2010,
2025), 1, 1, tz = “UTC”), ylim = c(390, 435),
xaxs = “i”, xaxt = “n”, xlab = “time”, ylab = “ppm”)
xaxPred = seq(ISOdate(2010, 1, 1, tz = “UTC”), by = “5 years”,
len = 20)
axis(1, xaxPred, format(xaxPred, “%Y”))
0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20
1960 1980 2000 2020
(a) random effect
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
log ppm, change per 10yr
1980 2000
(b) derivative
0.990 0.995 1.000 1.005
relative ppm
Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar
(c) seasonal
390 400 410 420 430
2010 2015 2020 2025
(d) predicted
Figure 4: INLA results
heatUrl = “”
heatFile = tempfile(basename(heatUrl))
download.file(heatUrl, heatFile)
x = readRDS(heatFile)
x$month = as.numeric(format(x$Date, “%m”))
xSub = x[x$month %in% 5:10 & !$Max.Temp…C.),
weekValues = seq(min(xSub$Date), ISOdate(2030, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, tz = “UTC”), by = “7 days”)
xSub$week = cut(xSub$Date, weekValues)
xSub$weekIid = xSub$week
xSub$day = as.numeric(difftime(xSub$Date, min(weekValues),
units = “days”))
xSub$cos12 = cos(xSub$day * 2 * pi/365.25)
xSub$sin12 = sin(xSub$day * 2 * pi/365.25)
xSub$cos6 = cos(xSub$day * 2 * 2 * pi/365.25)
xSub$sin6 = sin(xSub$day * 2 * 2 * pi/365.25)
xSub$yearFac = factor(format(xSub$Date, “%Y”))
lmStart = lm(Max.Temp…C. ~ sin12 + cos12 + sin6 +
cos6, data = xSub)
startingValues = c(lmStart$fitted.values, rep(lmStart$coef[1],
nlevels(xSub$week)), rep(0, nlevels(xSub$weekIid) +
nlevels(xSub$yearFac)), lmStart$coef[-1])
mm = get(“inla.models”, INLA:::inla.get.inlaEnv())
if(class(mm) == ‘function’) mm = mm()
mm$latent$rw2$min.diff = NULL
assign(“inla.models”, mm, INLA:::inla.get.inlaEnv())
sableRes = INLA::inla(
Max.Temp…C. ~ 0 + sin12 + cos12 + sin6 + cos6 +
f(week, model=’rw2′,
param = c(0.1/(52*100), 0.05)) +
f(weekIid, model=’iid’,
param = c(1, 0.5)) +
f(yearFac, model=’iid’, prior=’pc.prec’,
param = c(1, 0.5)),
family=’T’, = list(
hyper = list(
prec = list(prior=’pc.prec’, param=c(1, 0.5)),
dof = list(prior=’pc.dof’, param=c(10, 0.5)))),
control.mode = list(theta = c(-1,2,20,0,1),
x = startingValues, restart=TRUE),
control.compute=list(config = TRUE),
# control.inla = list(strategy=’gaussian’, int.strategy=’eb’),
data = xSub, verbose=TRUE)
sableRes$summary.hyper[, c(4, 3, 5)]
0.5quant 0.025quant
precision for the student-t observations 3.211698e-01 3.141445e-01
degrees of freedom for student-t 1.379119e+01 1.142332e+01
Precision for week 3.439837e+09 2.608100e+09
Precision for weekIid 8.335287e-01 7.665303e-01
Precision for yearFac 2.038099e+00 1.348922e+00
precision for the student-t observations 3.312381e-01
degrees of freedom for student-t 1.673788e+01
Precision for week 4.543424e+09
Precision for weekIid 8.875598e-01
Precision for yearFac 2.753691e+00
sableRes$summary.fixed[, c(4, 3, 5)]
0.5quant 0.025quant 0.975quant
sin12 -4.6739279 -5.189943 -4.15843811
cos12 4.7607402 4.470423 5.05090575
sin6 -2.0499222 -2.273244 -1.82670780
cos6 -0.1529845 -0.324455 0.01837625
Pmisc::priorPost(sableRes)$summary[, c(1, 3, 5)]
mean 0.025quant 0.975quant
sd for t 1.763458e+00 1.737520e+00 1.784166e+00
sd for week 1.709116e-05 1.483571e-05 1.958113e-05
sd for weekIid 1.097193e+00 1.061454e+00 1.142182e+00
sd for yearFac 7.091899e-01 6.026184e-01 8.610067e-01
mySample = inla.posterior.sample(n = 24, result = sableRes,
num.threads = 8, selection = list(week = seq(1,
weekSample =, lapply(mySample, function(xx) xx$latent))
plot(x$Date, x$Max.Temp…C., col = mapmisc::col2html(“black”,
forAxis = ISOdate(2016:2020, 1, 1, tz = “UTC”)
plot(x$Date, x$Max.Temp…C., xlim = range(forAxis),
xlab = “time”, ylab = “degrees C”, col = “red”,
xaxt = “n”)
points(xSub$Date, xSub$Max.Temp…C.)
axis(1, forAxis, format(forAxis, “%Y”))
matplot(weekValues[-1], sableRes$summary.random$week[,
paste0(c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975), “quant”)], type = “l”,
lty = c(1, 2, 2), xlab = “time”, ylab = “degrees C”,
xaxt = “n”, col = “black”, xaxs = “i”)
forXaxis2 = ISOdate(seq(1880, 2040, by = 20), 1, 1,
tz = “UTC”)
axis(1, forXaxis2, format(forXaxis2, “%Y”))
myCol = mapmisc::colourScale(NA, breaks = 1:8, style = “unique”,
col = “Set2”, opacity = 0.3)$col
matplot(weekValues[-1], weekSample, type = “l”, lty = 1,
col = myCol, xlab = “time”, ylab = “degrees C”,
xaxt = “n”, xaxs = “i”)
axis(1, forXaxis2, format(forXaxis2, “%Y”))