SPL201 – ASSIGNMENT 2 Java Generics, Concurrency, and Synchronization


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● Read the javadocs of all the interfaces we provided to you.
○ You must stick to the java documentation of each class and each method. For
classes, you must add data members only with the allowed access levels. For
methods, you must NOT change its return value type, parameters it receive, and
the Exceptions types it throws.
○ You cannot throw exceptions which are not specified in the java documentation
of the method. For example – if it is not stated in the documentation that a method
throws an exception, then you must not throw exception (in this case, DO NOT
add the keyword throws in the header of the method).
○ You can add the word “synchronized” to any method if needed.
● You should try to make your code as concurrent and as efficient as possible.
○ Java introduces a collection of concurrent data structures that can help you in
writing a concurrent code. In this collection, the different data structures are
implemented in such a way that different threads can use the data structure with
as less synchronization and blocking as possible – (it is much more efficient than
the naïve solution of synchronization methods of the data structure).
○ Read the Javadoc of each data structure you use – try to understand the level of
concurrency each data structure allows (and if it is thread-safe at all) and the
different features of it (.e.g, blocking data structure).
○ Try to synchronize as less as possible – you still need to use synchronization
where it is not avoidable.
○ The performance of your implementation can affect your grade. However,
efficiency must not come at the cost of the correctness of the required
In the following assignment you are required to implement a simple Pub-Sub framework, which
you will later use to implement a system for the MI6, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (that is
the sixth in James Bond Series, what implies the properties of the system you are to implement.
More on that in the next section. For now, please just focus on the Pub-Sub framework).
Pub-Sub is shorthand for Publish-Subscribe messaging, an asynchronous communication
method in which messages are exchanged between applications without knowing the identity of
the sender or recipient.
This assignment is composed of two main sections:
1. Building a simple Pub-Sub framework.
2. Implementing a system on top of this framework.
It is very important to read and understand the entire work prior to implementing
it. Do not be lazy here.
In this section you will implement a basic Future class which you will use during the rest of
the assignment. A Future object represents a promised result T – an object that will
eventually be resolved. The class allows retrieving the result once it is available. Future has
the following methods:
– T get(): retrieves the result of the operation. This method waits for the computation to
complete in the case that it has not yet been completed.
– resolve(T result): called upon the completion of the computation, this method sets the
result of the operation to a new value.
– isDone(): returns true if this object has been resolved.
– T get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit): retrieves the result of the operation if available. If
not, waits for at most the given time unit for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its
result, if resolved.
In this section you will build a simple Pub-Sub framework.
This framework is managed by a MessageBroker, there are 4 core concepts make up the
Pub-Sub model:
1. Topic – An intermediary channel that maintains a list of subscribers to relay messages
that are received from publishers.
2. Message – Serialized messages are sent to a topic by a publisher which has no
knowledge of the subscribers.
3. Publisher – The application that publishes a message to a topic.
4. Subscriber – An application that registers itself with the desired topic in order to receive
the appropriate messages.
The MessageBroker is incharge of:
1. Creating topics.
2. Registering subscribers to topics.
3. Delivering messages sent by publishers to the subscribers.
Note that an application can be a Subscriber and Publisher at once.
In our framework topics are defined by the messages types.
In our framework there are two different types of messages:
1. Events:
– An Event defines an action that needs to be processed. Each Subscriber specializes in
processing one or more types of events. Upon receiving an event, the MessageBroker assigns it
to the messages queue of a certain Subscriber – one which registered to handle events of this
type. It is possible that there are several Subscribers that can handle the event that was just
received. In that case, the MessageBroker assigns the event to one of the Subscribers, in a
round-robin manner (described below).
– Each Event expects a result of type Future. This result should be resolved once the
Subscriber which handles the Event completes processing it. For example: the
AgentsAvailableEvent should return an object that states whether or not a certain 00 agent (or a
couple of them) is available to execute a mission (e.g. both 007 James Bond and 006 Alec
Trevelyan took part in the execution of the mission Thunderball). Some more information might
be specified on the resolved Future object. The result type is represented in the template
Future object (T defines the result type).
– While a Subscriber processes an event, it might create new events and publish them to
the MessageBroker. The MessageBroker will then assign the new events to the queue of one of
the appropriate Subscribers. For example: while processing an MissionReceivedEvent, the
Subscriber processing the event may need to check if a specific gadget is available in the
inventory (e.g. in Thunderball, 007 used a Sky Hook). Therefore, it must create an event for
checking the availability of this gadget in the inventory. The new event will be processed by
another Subscriber which has access to the inventory. In case the Publisher which generated
the new event is interested in receiving the result of the new event in order to proceed, it should
wait until the new event is resolved (the computation completed) and retrieve its result from the
Future object.
2. Broadcast:
– Broadcast messages represents a global announcement in the system. Each
Subscriber can register to the type of broadcast messages it is interested to receive. The
MessageBroker sends the broadcast messages that are passed to it to all the Subscribers who
are registered to the topic (this is in contrast to events – those are sent to only one of the
relevant Subscribers).
In a round-robin manner we insert the event to one of the Subscribers registered to it in turns.
For example, if two Subscribers – S1, S2 – are registered to handle events of type
MissionReceivedEvent, and there are four events of this type – MissionReceivedEvent1,
MissionReceivedEvent2, MissionReceivedEvent3, MissionReceivedEvent4, then
MissionReceivedEvent1 will be handled by S1, MissionReceivedEvent2 – by S2, and after that
we get back to S1, so MissionReceivedEvent3 will be handled by S1, and so on.
In order to specifically explain how this framework operates, we’ll (partly) describe the flow of
our system. There are four types of Subscribers:
● Intelligence: creates a MissionReceivedEvent, which holds a mission name (e.g.
Thunderball), an agent number (e.g. 007.), and a gadget (e.g. Sky Hook).
● Q: this guy has an access to the inventory, where he keeps the gadgets he invented for
the 00 agents.
● M: she’s the boss. She handles a MissionReceivedEvent (note that in the assignment
there might be several instances of M, in contrast to the traditional series, in which M is a
● Moneypenny – she checks the availability of 00 agents (as above, in the assignment
there might be several instances of Moneypenny).
In addition, there are three types of messages:
● MissionReceivedEvent
● AgentsAvailableEvent
● GadgetAvailableEvent
● TickBroadcast
● Each Subscriber should register itself to a topic in the MessageBroker and initialize itself.
During initialization, the Subscriber subscribes to the messages that it is interested to
receive. Since M handles MissionReceivedEvent, she should subscribe to receive
messages of that type. Similarly, as Q is interested in GadgetAvailableEvent, he should
subscribe to receive those messages.
● When a Subscriber subscribes for a certain message, it supplies a callback which
defines how the Subscriber should proceed upon receiving this specific type of message.
This callback will be called by the Subscriber to process the message.
Figure 1 describes the initialization phase:
Figure 1
In this part you will implement the Message Loop design pattern. In such pattern, each
Subscriber is a thread which runs a loop. In each iteration of the loop, the thread tries to fetch a
message from its queue and process it.
An important point in such a design pattern is not to block the thread for a long time, unless
there is no messages for it. Figure 2 describes the Message Loop in our system.
Figure 3 describes the interaction between the Subscribers and the MessageBroker:
1. Intelligence sends a MissionReceivedEvent to the MessageBroker.
2. The MessageBroker inserts this event to one of the M-Subscribers.
3. M fetches the event (in the message loop) and the corresponding callback is called to
handle MissionReceivedEvent.
4. In the callback, there is a need to check the availability of certain agents. Since M has no
access to the squad (where a collection of 00 agents are stored), she sends an
AgentsAvailableEvent to the MessageBroker.
5. The MessageBroker receives the AgentsAvailableEvent and returns a Future object to
M, who waits until this Future object is resolved.
6. The MessageBroker delivers the AgentsAvailableEvent to Moneypenny (who has access
to the squad).
7. Moneypenny accepts the AgentsAvailableEvent and the corresponding callback
processes it and resolves the Future object accordingly.
8. Now that the Future object is resolved, M looks for a gadget and sends a
9. The MessageBroker insert the GadgetAvailableEvent to the queue of Q, who will
process the event and return an answer.
IMPORTANT – this is only a partial flow. The complete mechanism is reacher in details and will
be fully described later on.
To this end, each Subscriber\Publisher in our framework will run on its own thread. The different
Subscribers\Publishers will be able to communicate with each other using only a shared object –
the MessageBroker. The MessageBroker supports sending and receiving of two types of
events: Broadcast messages (which upon being sent are delivered to every subscriber of the
specific message type), and Event messages (which upon being sent are delivered to only one
of its subscribers in a round-robin manner). The different Subscribers will be able to subscribe
for message types they would like to receive using the MessageBroker. The different
Subscribers\Publishers do not know of each other’s existence. All they know of are the
messages that are received in their message-queue which is located in the MessageBroker.
When building a framework, one should change the way they think. Instead of thinking like a
programmer who writes software for end users, they should now think like a programmer writing
software for other programmers. Those other programmers will use this framework in order to
build their own applications. For this part of the assignment you will build a framework (write
code for other programmers), and the programmer which will use your code in order to develop
its application will be the future you while eventually you’ll work on the second part of the
assignment. Attached to this assignment is a set of interfaces that define the framework you are
going to implement. The interfaces are located at the bgu.spl.mics package. Read the javadoc
of each interface carefully. You are only required to implement the MessageBroker, Subscriber
and the Publisher at this part. The following is a summary and additional clarifications about the
implementation of different parts of the framework.
● Message: a data-object which is passed between Subscribers\Publishers as a means of
communication. The Message interface is a Marker interface. That is, it is used only to
mark other types of objects as messages.
● Broadcast: a Marker interface extending Message. When sending Broadcast messages
using the MessageBroker, it will be received by all the subscribers of this
Broadcast-message type.
● Event: a marker interface extending Message. A Publisher that sends an event message
may expect to be notified when the Subscriber that processes the event has completed
processing it. The event has a generic type variable T, which indicates its expected
result type (should be passed back to the Publisher). The Subscriber that has received
the event must call the method ‘Complete’ of the MessageBroker once it has completed
treating the event, in order to resolve the result of the event.
● SimplePublisher: a simple class that publishes messages (Events and Broadcasts) to
the MessageBroker, any class that has SimplePublisher as an instance becomes a
Publisher, we’ll allow only the abstract classes Subscriber and Publisher to hold an
instance of a SimplePublisher.
● Publisher: an abstract class that each Publisher in the system must extend. A publisher
that extend this class should supply the initialize method and the run method (the
Publisher is a Runnable).
● Subscriber: an abstract class that each Subscriber in the system must extend. The
abstract Subscriber class is responsible to get and manipulate the singleton
MessageBroker instance. Derived classes of Subscriber should never directly deal with
the MessageBroker. Instead, they have a set of internal protected wrapping methods
they can use. When subscribing to message types, the derived class also supplies a
callback function. The Subscriber stores this callback function together with the type of
the message it is related to. The Subscriber is a Runnable (i.e. suitable to be executed in
a thread) – its run method implements a message loop. When a new message is taken
from the queue, the Subscriber invokes the appropriate callback function.
When the Subscriber starts executing the run method, it registers itself with the
MessageBroker, and then calls the abstract initialize method. The initialize method
allows derived classes to perform any required initialization code (e.g. subscribe to
messages). Once the initialization code is completed, the actual message-loop should
start. The Subscriber should fetch messages from its message queue using the
MessageBroker’s ‘awaitMessage’ method. For each message it should execute the
corresponding callback. The Subscriber class also contains a terminate method that
should signal the message-loop that it should end. In our system every Subscriber is
also a publisher since it has an access to SimplePublisher .
● All the callbacks that belong to the Subscriber must be executed inside its own
● Registration, initialization, and unregistration of the Subscriber must be executed
inside its run method.
● MessageBroker: A shared object used for communication between Publishers and
Subscribers. It should be implemented as a thread-safe singleton, as it is shared
between all the Publishers and Subscribers in the system. The implementation of the
MessageBroker interface should be inside the class MessageBrokerImpl (provided to
you). There are several ways in which you can implement the MessageBroker methods;
be creative and find a good, correct and efficient solution. Notice, fully synchronizing
this class will affect all the Subscribers\Publishers in the system (and your grade)
– try to find good ways to avoid blocking threads as much as possible.
The MessageBroker manages the queues of the Subscribers. It creates a queue for
each Subscriber using the ‘register’ method. When the Subscriber calls the ‘unregister’
method of the MessageBroker, the MessageBroker should remove its queue and clean
all references related to that Subscriber. Once the queue is created, a Subscriber can
take the next message in the queue using the ‘awaitMessage’ method. The
‘awaitMessage’ method is blocking, that is, if there are no messages available in the
Subscriber queue, it should wait until a message is available.
MessageBroker methods explained:
● register: a Subscriber calls this method in order to register itself. This method
should create a queue for the Subscriber in the MessageBroker.
● subscribeEvent: A Subscriber calls this method in order to subscribe itself for
some type of event (the specific class type of the event is passed as a
● subscribeBroadcast: A Subscriber calls this method in order to subscribe itself for
some type of broadcast message (The specific class type of the broadcast is
passed as a parameter).
● sendBroadcast: A Publisher calls this method in order to add a broadcast
message to the queues of all Subscribers which subscribed to receive this
specific message type.
● Future sendEvent(Event e): A Publisher calls this method in order to add the
event e to the message queue of one of the Subscribers which subscribed to
receive events of type e.getClass(). The messages are added in a round-robin
manner. This method returns a Future object – from this object the sending
Publisher can retrieve the result of processing the event once it is completed. If
there is no suitable Subscriber, the method should return null.
● void complete(Event e, T result): A Subscriber calls this method in order to notify
the MessageBroker that the event was handled, and providing the result of
handling the request. The Future object associated with event e should be
resolved to the result given as a parameter.
● unregister: A Subscriber calls this method in order to unregister itself. Should
remove the message queue allocated to the Subscriber and clean all the
references related to this MessageBroker.
● awaitMessage(Subscriber s): A Subscriber calls this method in order to take a
message from its allocated queue. This method is blocking (waits until there is an
available message and returns it).
In this part you will build a system In Her Majesty’s Secret Service. In order to build this system,
you will use the Pub-Sub framework from part 1.
NOTE: The system described in this part is reacher in details from the one that was given above
as an example. Please pay attention.
The end-to-end description of our system is simple. Different intelligence sources will deliver info
and ask for a 00 agent (or a couple of them) and a gadget that are needed for some mission.
One of the M-subscribers will process this event, it must know whether the 00 agent is available
in the squad (M cannot perform that check on its own. She will send an event that will be
handled by one of the Moneypenny-subscribers), and whether a fit gadget in his Inventory (as
before, M cannot perform that check on its own. She will send an event that will be handled be
Q). After those checks are made, M fills a report to her diary in case all conditions are met. She
also increments a counter of total received missions (this counter is incremented whether the
mission was executed or not). This should happen while communication between the
Subscribers\Publishers is allowed only via the MessageBroker.
This section contains the data classes (a.k.a. non-runnable classes) which you need to
implement. The name of the class appears first, then a short description if needed, the
mandatory fields, and the mandatory methods (getters and setters are also needed, but will not
be specified):
● Agent – simply, a 00 agent.
● String serialNumber – eg. 006, 007, 008, 0012 (James Bond 007 is not the only
00, though he’s the famous of all). serialNumber is represented by a String (not
an int), to allow the 00 prefix… this is super important.
● String name – e.g. James Bond, Bill Fairbanks, Sam Johnston (007, 002, 0012
respectively. FYI).
● Boolean available – initialized with ‘true’. May be changed to ‘false’ by a
Moneypenny-instance, then changed to ‘true’ again when a mission is
● void acquire() – changes ‘available’ flag from ‘true’ to ‘false’.
● void release() – changes ‘available’ flag from ‘false’ to ‘true’.
● Squad (singleton) – a collection of 00 agents.
● Map agents – where a serialNumber is the key, and an agent – the
● Boolean getAgents(List serials) – return ‘false’ if one of the agents of
serialNumber ‘serial’ is missing, and ‘true’ otherwise (should acquire() the agents
before, in addition). If an agent is in the Squad, but is already acquired for some
other mission, the function will wait until the agent becomes available.
● void releaseAgents(List serials) – releases the agents with the specified
serials (in case mission is aborted)
● List getAgentsNames(List serials) – returns a list of the names
of the agents with the specified serials.
● void sendAgents(List serial, int timeTick) – simulates executing a mission
by calling sleep() (the required sleep-time – in time-ticks! – is given as parameter),
and then calls the release() method of the agents with the specified serial
● void load (Agent[] agents) – initialization method for the Squad.
● Gadget – simply a String (e.g. Sky Hook, Explosive Pen).
● Inventory (singleton) – that’s where Q holds his gadget.
● List gadgets.
● Boolean getItem(String gadget) – return ‘false’ if the gadget is missing, and ‘true’
otherwise. The method should permanently remove() the gadget from the list too
(as traditionally, a 00 agent never brings back a gadget in one piece… For
simplicity, the gadget will be removed even in a case were the mission will be
eventually aborted).
● printToFile(String filename) – prints all of the reports to a json file.
● void load (String[] gadgets) – loads the gadgets to the inventory in the initialization
● MissionInfo – information about a mission.
● String missionName.
● List serialAgentsNumbers.
● String gadget.
● int timeIssued – in this time-tick, the mission will be sent by the Intelligence
● int timeExpired – if this time-tick is reached before execution of a mission, it won’t
be executed at all.
● int duration – duration of the mission in time-ticks. this parameter will be passed
to the send(int time) function of the required agent.
● Report – in which mission details are specified. The following details are required:
● String mission name.
● int M – remember that in our assignment there are several M-instances. They
differ by serial number. The M instance who handled the mission will assigns its
serial number to this parameter.
● int Moneypenny – same as above. The Moneypenny-instance who calls
squad.getAgents() for this mission will have its serial number here.
● List agentsSerialNumbers
● List agentsNames
● String gadgetName
● int timeIssued – the time-tick when the mission was sent by an Intelligence
● int QTime – the time-tick in which Q Received the GadgetAvailableEvent for that
● int timeCreated – the time-tick when the report has been created.
● Diary (singleton) – where all reports are stored.
● List reports – only executed missions will be reported here.
● int total – total number of received missions (executed / aborted) be all the
● printToFile(String filename) – prints all of the reports and the number of received
missions (int total) to a json file.
● void addReport(Report reportToAdd) – adds a report to the diary.
● void incrementTotal – total number of received missions.
The following message classes are mandatory. The fields that these messages hold are
omitted. Apply your reasoning and complete what’s needed.
● MissionReceivedEvent
● AgentsAvailableEvent
● GadgetAvailableEvent
● TickBroadcast – A broadcast messages that is sent by the TimeService at every passed
time-tick. It will be described below.
You may create more types of messages to get things done, if you find it necessary.
5.4 ACTIVE OBJECTS (Subscribers/Publishers)
Remember: Subscribers\Publishers MUST NOT know of each other. A Subscriber\Publisher
must not hold a reference to other Subscribers\Publishers, neither get a reference to another
● TimeService (There is only one instance of this Publisher).
This Publisher is our global system timer (handles the clock ticks in the system). It is responsible
for counting how much clock ticks passed since its initial execution and notify every other
Subscriber (that is interested) about it using the TickBroadcast.
The TimeService sends a time-tick every 100 milliseconds, and takes as a constructor argument
(int duration) the number of ticks before termination.
The TimeService stops sending TickBroadcast messages after the duration ends.
(See the Java Timer class. It’s helpful)
● Intelligence
Holds a list of Info objects (described above). Each Info has a timeIssued member. When this
time-tick is reached, Intelligence Publisher Sends a MissionReceivedEvent with the information
that is needed to accomplish the mission.
● Moneypenny
Only this type of Subscriber can access the squad. Three are several Moneypenny-instances –
each of them holds a unique serial number that will later be printed on the report.
● Q (There is only one instance of this Subscriber).
Q is the only Subscriber that has access to the inventory. The time-tick in which Q receives a
GadgetAvailableEvent will be printed in the report (if the mission was eventually executed).
● M
M handles MissionReceivedEvent.
For simplicity, when M-instance receives such an event, it should do the tasks in the following
order: first it tries to acquire the necessary agents, then it checks the availability of the required
gadget, and only then it checks if the mission’s expiry time had reached. If not – then M
acknowledges Moneypenny to Agent.send() the required agents, and a report will be added to
the diary (if expiry time passed, M orders Moneypenny to release() ll agents).
In any case (mission either executed or aborted), Diary.total will be incremented.
Each of the M instances holds a unique serial number that will later be printed on the report.
Please follow the order specified above. Otherwise, your output may be inconsistent with the
required output.
Very Important:
Only Q knows about the inventory, only Moneypenny-instances know about the squad, only
M-instances know about the diary. All communication between the Publishers/Subscribers is
done via messages and Future objects that are sent/received to/from the MessageBroker.
Tips for implementation:
1. Make sure you understand the flow. You can draw a diagram that describes the events
exchange between the Subscribers\Publishers since a mission is received, until it is completed.
2. Use blocking method carefully.
3. When several resources are acquired, a deadlock may occur. How would you avoid it?
4. Understand the behavior of the collections you use and try always to find the best collection
for your needs. For example: BlockingQueue has a blocking method – where do you need it?
Where don’t you need it?
All your input files for this assignment will be given as JSON files. You can read about JSONs
syntax here.
In Java, there are a number of different options for parsing JSON files. Our recommendation is
to use the ‘Gson’ library. See the Gson User Guide and APIs, there are a lot of informative
examples there.
Attached to this assignment is an execution file example. The file holds a json object which
contains the following fields:
For passive objects:
● Inventory: An array of the gadgets in the inventory.
● Squad: An array of the 00 agents.
For Subscribers\Publishers:
● Intelligence: An array of arrays. The “outer” array represent intelligence sources (its size
is the number of sources), while each “inner” array contains the missions each source
will send (as events) to the MessageBroker. e.g. in the json file given to you as an
example, there are two intelligence sources – one of them sends the first array of
missions, and the other one sends the second array of missions.
For every mission, there will be a time parameter – that one determines the time-tick in
which the Publisher is supposed to send a corresponding event.
● Moneypenny: the number of Moneypenny instances will be given as a parameter.
Remember – these instances differ by serial number that will be printed to the reports.
● M: same as above.
● Time: The termination tick will be given as a parameter.
Your program should output the following two json objects, each one in a different file. The
names of the output files are given as command line arguments (see next section). The json
files you will generate represent the two objects:
● List the gadgets that are left in the inventory when the program terminates.
● Diary.total followed by List from the diary of M.
The SystemRunner class will run the simulation. When started, it should accept as command
line argument the name of the json input file and the names of the two output files – the first file
is the output file for the gadgets, and the second is for the List – the exact order of the
parameters should be:
1. “inputFile.json”
2. “inventoryOutputFile.json”
3. “diaryOutputFile.json”
The SystemRunner should read the input file, Next it should create the passive objects
(Inventory, Squad of Agents), and finally – create and initialize the Subscribers and Publishers.
At a certain time-tick, the program should terminate – all Subscribers should unregister
themselves and terminate gracefully (that’s important!). After that happens, the SystemRunner
should generate the output files and exit.
5.8 JUnit Tests
Testing is an important part of developing. It helps us make sure our project behaves as we
expect it to. This is why in this assignment, you will use Junit for testing your project. You are
required to write unit tests for the classes in your project. This must be done for (at least) the
following classes:
● MessageBroker
● Future
● Inventory
● Squad
You need to submit the unit tests by 15.12.2019 (before the deadline of the
● You should write input to test your application. We supplied you with one input file which
you can use as an example – but please test your application with input files of your own,
and check different scenarios. We will run your program on several input files.
● The output of your program is several serialized objects, that is, the output files you
generate includes binary data. You have to de-serialize these files in order to get the
actual objects. After you get the actual objects, you can run the methods of the class on
them (we need the getters methods).
● What to check:
○ Correctness – if all of the required items for a mission (agents, gadgets) are
available and the current time is legal the mission should be executed.
○ Consistency: few examples.
number of sent mission >= Diary.total >= Diary.reports.size() >= 0.
Squad.getAgent() returns true only if the agent is available. In addition, after this
function returns ‘true’, Agent.available = false.
Inventory.getItem() returns true only if the item exists. In addition, after this
function returns ‘true’, Gadget.available = false.
For any given executed mission, Report.time <= Mission.timeExpired. ○ Round-Robin scheduling - the events are processed by the Subscribers in round-robin, e.g. if there are 5 events of MissionReceivedEvent and 5 M-instances, we expect each M to process one event. 5.10 BUILDING THE APPLICATION: MAVEN In this assignment you are going to be using maven as your build tool. Maven is the de-facto java build tool. In fact, maven is much more than a simple build tool, it is described by its authors as a software project management and comprehension tool. You should read a little about how to use it properly. IDEs such as Eclipse, Netbeans and Intellij all have native support for maven and may simplify interaction with it - but you should still learn yourself how to use it. Maven is a large tool. In order to make your life easier, you have (in the code attached to this assignment) a maven pom.xml file that you can use to get started - you should learn what this file is and how you can add dependencies to it (and what are dependencies). 5.11 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS 5.10.1 FILE STRUCTURE Attached to this assignment is a project. You can use to start working on your project. In order for your implementation to be properly testable, you must conform to the package structure as it appears in the supplied project. 5.10.2 SUBMISSION ● Submit all the package (including the unit tests). ● You need to submit the Unit Tests as well, therefore your POM should include a dependency for JUNIT. ● Submission is done only in pairs. If you do not have a pair, find one. You need explicit authorization from the course staff in order to submit without a pair. You cannot submit in a group larger than two. ● You must submit one ‘.tar.gz’ file with all your code. The file should be named "assignment2.tar.gz". Note: We require you to use a ‘.tar.gz’ file. Files such as ‘.rar’, ‘.zip’, ‘.bz’, or anything else which is not a ‘.tar.gz’ file will not be accepted and your grade will suffer. ● The submitted compressed file should contain the ‘src’ folder and the ‘pom.xml’ file only! no other files are needed. After we extract your compressed file, we should get one src folder and one pom file (not inside a folder). ● Extension requests are to be sent to majeek at cs. Your request email must include the following information: ○ Your name and your partner's name. ○ Your id and your partners id. ○ Explanation regarding the reason for the extension request. ○ Official certification. ● Request without a compelling reason will not be accepted. 5.12 GRADING Although you are free to work wherever you please, assignments will be checked and graded on Computer Science Department Lab Computers - so be sure to test your program thoroughly on them before your final submission. "But it worked fine on my windows-based home computer" will not earn you any mercy points from the grading staff if your code fails to execute at the lab. Grading will tackle the following points: ● Your application design and implementation. ● Automatic tests will be run on your application. Your application must complete successfully and in reasonable time. ● Liveness and Deadlock: causes of deadlock, and where in your application deadlock might have occurred had you not found a solution to the problem. ● Synchronization: what is it, where have you used it, and a compelling reason behind your decisions. Points will be reduced for overusing of synchronization and unnecessary interference with the liveness of the program. ● Checking if your implementation follows the guidelines detailed in “Documentation and Coding Style”.