SPL 201- Assignment 3


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1. General Description:
In this assignment you will implement a book club. Users will be able to signup for reading clubs and borrow
books from each other.
You will implement both a server, which will provide STOMP server services, and a client, which a user can use
in order to interact with the rest of the users. The server will be implemented in Java and will support both
Thread-Per-Client (TPS) and the Reactor, choosing which one according to arguments given on startup. The
client will be implemented in C++ , and will hold the required logic as described below.
All communication between the clients and the server will be according to the STOMP `Simple-Text-OrientedMessaging-Protocol’ protocol.
In order to get you started, we supply few examples for different protocols and clients, the most complete one
being newfeed, we recommend you go over it, specifically, note how it can use both TPS or Reactor server
implementations. You will need to comment out lines 19 and 21 (which was added for this assignment) in
order for the supplied implementations to work.
2. STOMP Protocol:
2.1 Overview:
STOMP is a simple interoperable protocol designed for asynchronous message passing between clients via
mediating servers. It defines a text based wire-format for messages passed between these clients and servers.
We will use the STOMP protocol in our assignment for passing messages between the client and the server.
This section describes the format of STOMP messages/data packets, as well as the semantics of the data
packet exchanges. For a complete specification of the STOMP protocol, read: STOMP 1.2.
2.2 STOMP Frame Format:
The STOMP specification defines the term frame to refer to the data packets transmitted over a STOMP
connection. A STOMP frame has the following general format:


A STOMP frame always starts with a STOMP command (for example, SEND) on a line by itself. The STOMP
command may then be followed by zero or more header lines. Each header is in a : format and
terminated by a newline. A blank line indicates the end of the headers and the beginning of the body,
, which can be empty for some commands). The frame is terminated by the null character, which
is represented as ^@ above (Ctrl+ @ in ASCII , ’\u0000’in Java, and ’\0’ in C++).
2.2 STOMP Server:
A STOMP server is modeled as a set of topics (queues) to which messages can be sent. Each client can
subscribe to one topic or more and it can send messages to any of the topics. Every message sent to a topic, is
being forwarded by the server to all clients registered to that topic.
2.3 Connecting:
A STOMP client initiates the stream or TCP connection to the server by sending the CONNECT frame:
The sever may either response with a CONNECTED frame:
Or with an ERROR frame (see below).
2.4 Server Frames:
The MESSAGE command conveys messages from a subscription to the client. The MESSAGE frame must
include a destination header, which identifies the destination subscription. Another header which should be
added is the id header which contains the id the client used to subscribe to this topic. The MESSAGE frame
must also contain a message-id header with a unique message identifier. The frame body contains the
message contents. For example, the following frame shows a typical MESSAGE frame with destination and
message-id headers:
Hello Topic a
A RECEIPT frame is sent from the server to the client once a server has successfully processed a client frame
that requests a receipt. A RECEIPT frame MUST include the header receipt-id, where the value is the value of
the receipt header in the frame which this is a receipt for.
A RECEIPT frame is an acknowledgment that the corresponding client frame has been processed by the server.
Since STOMP is stream based, the receipt is also a cumulative acknowledgment that all the previous frames
have been received by the server. However, these previous frames may not yet be fully processed. If the client
disconnects, previously received frames SHOULD continue to get processed by the server.
The server MAY send ERROR frames if something goes wrong. In this case, it MUST then close the connection
just after sending the ERROR frame. The ERROR frame SHOULD contain a message header with a short
description of the error, and the body MAY contain more detailed information (or MAY be empty).
receipt-id: message-12345
message: malformed frame received
The message:
receipt: message-12345
Hello queue a!
Did not contain a destination header, which is REQUIRED for message
If the error is related to a specific frame sent from the client, the server SHOULD add additional headers to
help identify the original frame that caused the error. For example, if the frame included a receipt header, the
ERROR frame SHOULD set the receipt-id header to match the value of the receipt header of the frame which
the error is related to.
2.5 Client Frames
The SEND command sends a message to a destination – a topic in the messaging system. It has one required
header, destination, which indicates where to send the message. The body of the SEND command is the
message to be sent. For example, the following frame sends a message to the ”/topic/a” destination:
Hello topic a
The SUBSCRIBE command registers a client to a specific topic. Like the SEND command, the SUBSCRIBE
command requires destination header. Henceforth, any messages received on the subscription are delivered
as MESSAGE frames from the server to the client.The following frames shows a client subscribing to the topic,
id: specify an ID to identify this subscription. Later, you will use the ID to UNSUBSCRIBE. When an id header is
supplied in the SUBSCRIBE frame, the server must append the subscription header to any MESSAGE frame
sent to the client (i.e. If clients a and b are subscribed to /topic/foo with the id 0 and 1 respectively, and
someone sends a message to that topic, then client a will receive the message with the id header equals to 0
and client b will receive the message with the id header equals to 1).
The UNSUBSCRIBE command removes an existing subscription, so that the client no longer receives messages
from that destination. It requires an id header. For example, the following frame cancels the previous
subscription to ”/topic/a” identified by the id 78:
A client can disconnect from the server at any time by closing the socket but there is no guarantee that the
previously sent frames have been received by the server. To do a graceful shutdown, where the client is
assured that all previous frames have been received by the server, the client should:
1. Send a DISCONNECT frame with a receipt header set (which again, need to be unique from the client
side). For example:
2. Wait for the RECEIPT frame response to the DISCONNECT. For example:
Note that the receipt header can be added to ANY client frame which requires a response.
3. Implementation Details:
3.1 General Guidelines:
• The server should be written in Java. The client should be written in C++ with BOOST. Both should be
tested on Linux installed at CS computer labs.
• You must use maven as your build tool for the server and makefile for the c++ client.
• The same coding standards expected in the course and previous assignments are expected here.
• You can complete both parts simultaneously, you can emulate the server/client using an implementation
from here, ActiveMQ, Stompy, or Gozirra should all work fine.
3.2 Server:
You will have to implement a single protocol, supporting both the Thread-Per-Client and Reactor server
patterns presented in class. Code seen in class for both servers is included in the assignment wiki page. You
are also provided with 3 new or changed interfaces:
• Connections
This interface should map a unique ID for each active client connected to the server. The implementation of
Connections is part of the server pattern and not part of the protocol.It has 3 functions that you must
implement (You may add more if needed):
boolean send(int connectionId, T msg);
Sends a message T to client represented by the given connectionId.
void send(String channel, T msg);
Sends a message T to clients subscribed to channel.
void disconnect(int connectionId);
Removes an active client connectionId from the map
• ConnectionHandler
A function was added to the existing interface.
void send(T msg);
sends msg T to the client. Should be used by the send commands in the Connections implementation.
• StompMessagingProtocol
This interface replaces the MessagingProtocol interface. It exists to support peer 2 peer messaging via the
Connections interface. It contains 3 functions:
void start(int connectionId, Connections connections);
Initiate the protocol with the active connections structure of the server and saves the owner client’s
connection id.

void process(String message);
As in MessagingProtocol, processes a given message. Unlike MessagingProtocol, responses are sent via the
connections object send functions (if needed).
boolean shouldTerminate();
true if the connection should be terminated
Left to you, are the following tasks:
1.Implement Connectionsto hold a list of the new ConnectionHandler interface for each active client. Use
it to implement the interface functions. Notice that given a connections implementation, any protocol should
run. This means that you keep your implementation of Connections on T.
public class ConnectionsImpl implements Connections{…}.
2.Refactor the Thread-Per-Client server to support the new interfaces. The ConnectionHandler should
implement the new interface. Add calls for the new Connections interface.
3.Refactor the Reactor server to support the new interfaces. The ConnectionHandler should implement the
new interface. Add calls for the new Connections interface.
You may add classes as you wish. Note that the server implementation is agnostic to the STOMP protocol
implementation, and can work with different STOMP implementations, as long as they follow the rules defined
by the protocol.
Leading questions:
• Which classes and interfaces are part of the Server pattern and which are part of the Protocol
• When and how do I register a new connection handler to the Connections interface implementation?
• When do I call start to initiate the connections list? Start must end before any call to Process occurs. What
are the implications on the reactor? (Note: start cannot be called by the main reactor thread and must
run before the first )
• How do you collect a message? Are all message types collected the same way?
• You can test tasks 1 –3 by fixing one of the examples in the impl folder in the supplied spl-net.zip to work
with the new interfaces (easiest is the echo example)
• You can complete tasks 1 and 2 and return to the reactor code later. Thread per client implementation
will be enough for testing purposes
• Note that the server only responds to frames sent by the clients, and holds no logic whatsoever! Every
SEND frame from one of the clients is being distributed to the appropriate topic.
Testing run commands:
• Build using `mvn compile
• Thread per client server: ` mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=”bgu.spl.net.impl.stomp.StompServer” –
Dexec.args=” tpc’
• Reactor server: ` mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=”bgu.spl.net.impl.stomp.StompServer” –
Dexec.args=” reactor’
The server directory should contain a pom.xml file and the src directory. Compilation will be done from the
server folder using: mvn compile
The server should be implemented in the file `StompServer`, under `stomp` subdirectory.
3.3 Client:
An echo client is provided, but it is a single threaded client. While it is blocking on stdin (read from keyboard) it
does not read messages from the socket. You should improve the client so that it will run 2 threads. One
should read from keyboard while the other should read from socket. The client should receive the server’s IP
and PORT as arguments. You may assume a network disconnection does not happen (like disconnecting the
network cable). You may also assume legal input via keyboard. The client should receive commands using the
standard input. Commands are defined below this. You will need to translate from keyboard command to
network messages and the other way around to fit the specifications. Notice that the client should close itself
upon reception of an RECEIPT message in response of an outgoing DISCONNECT command. The Client
directory should contain a src, include and bin subdirectories and a Makefile as shown in class. The output
executable for the client is named StompBookClubClient and should reside in the bin folder after calling make.
Testing run commands: StompBookClubClient
The Stomp Book Club
This section describes the commands the client will receive from the console, and what it will do with them –
namely, what frames it will send to the server and what possible responses the client may receive. Please note
that all commands can be processed only if the user is logged in (apart from login). In all these commands, any
error (whether an error frame or an error in the client side) should produce an appropriate message to the
client stdout. In case of an error frame you can print the message header if it is informative enough, or the
entire frame.
The client should print all frames received from the server, in the format:
Commands for all users:
• Login Command
o Structure: login {host:port} {username} {password}
o For this command a CONNECT frame is sent to the server.
o You can assume that username and password contain only English and numeric The possible
outputs the client can have for this command:
▪ Socket error: connection error. In this case the output should be “Could not connect to
▪ New user: If the server connection was successful and the server doesn’t find the
username, then a new user is created, and the password is saved for that user. Then the
server sends a CONNECTED frame to the client and the client will print “Login
▪ User is already logged in: If the user is already logged in, then the server will respond
with a STOMP error frame indicating the reason – the output in this case should be
“User already logged in”.
▪ Wrong password: If the user exists and the password doesn’t match the saved
password, the server will send back an appropriate ERROR frame indicating the reason –
the output in this case should be “Wrong password”.
▪ User exists: If the server connection was successful, the server will check if the user
exists in the users list, and if the password matches, also the server will check that the
user does not have an active connection already. In case these tests are OK, the server
sends back a CONNECTED frame and the client will print to the screen “Login
• Join Genre Reading Club Command
o Structure: join {genre}
o For this command a SUBSCRIBE frame is sent to the {genre} topic.
o As a result, a RECIEPT will be returned to the client. A message “Joined club {genre}” will be
displayed to the screen.
• Exit Genre Reading Club Command
o Structure: exit {genre}
o For this command a UNSUBSCRIBE frame is sent to the {genre} topic.
o As a result, a RECIEPT will be returned to the client. A message “Exited club {genre}” will be
displayed to the screen.
• Add Book Command
o Structure: add {genre} {book name}
o For this command a SEND frame is sent to the topic {genre} with the content: “{user} has added
the book {book name}
o The book will be added to the client inventory.
o The inventory is per genre, no book is multi genre.
• Borrow Book Command
o Structure: borrow {genre} {book name}
o For this command a SEND frame is sent to the topic {genre} with the “{user} wish to borrow
{book name}“ in the content.
o The server distribute the msg to all users subscribed to the {genre}, if one of them holds the book
in his stock, he will send a SEND frame to the topic {genre}, with “{username} has {book name}”
as content.
o If some one has the requested book, another SEND frame will be sent to the {genre} topic, with
“Taking {book name} from {book owner username}”, this will result in the book adding up to the
original (the borrower) user inventory, and being removed from the lender inventory.
o Transitive borrowing is allowed (I.e. Bob borrows from John which borrowed from Alice).
o If multiple users has a book, the borrower will take from the first one only (according to msg
arrival order).
o This command has multiple frames involved.
• Return Book Command
o Structure: return {genre} {book name}
o For this command a SEND frame is sent to {genre} topic with the content “Returning {book name}
to {book lender}”.
o This will result in removing the book from the borrower inventory, and adding it back to the
o If a book has been double borrowed, it need to be returned in the correct order.
• Genre Book Status Command
o Structure: status {genre}
o For this command a SEND frame is sent to the {genre} topic with “book status” in the body.
o All the subscribed users will send a SEND frame, each with its current inventory, each book
seperated by a comma (,), and the name (example below).
• Logout Command
o Structure: logout
o This command tells the client that the user wants to log out from the library. The client will send
a DISCONNECT to the server.
o The server will reply with a RECEIPT frame.
o The logout command, removes the current user from all the topics.
o Once the client receives the RECEIPT frame, it should close the socket and await further user
4. Examples:
Command Frames Sent Frames Recieved
login bob
join sci-fi SUBSCRIBE
add sci-fi Foundation SEND
Bob has added the book
Bob has added the
book Foundation
borrow sci-fi Dune SEND
Bob wish to borrow Dune
Bob wish to borrow
Taking Dune from john
john has Dune
Taking Dune from
return sci-fi Dune SEND
Returning Dune to john
Returning Dune to
status sci-fi SEND
book status
Book status
Harry Potter and
the Methods of