SOEN 331-S: Formal Methods for Software Engineering Assignment 3


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4 System specification
Consider an alarm system that monitors (a) temperature and (b) carbon monoxide (CO)
levels. Carbon monoxide measurement indicates the presence of CO in parts per million
4.1 Top level specification
Initially the system would be idle. While idle, the system can be activated, or shut off.
While active, the system can become idle but it cannot be shut off. The system can only be
shut off while idle.
4.2 Active
Once activated the system enters some initial mode whereby it displays ’Configuring mode’
on some screen and allows its user to perform some basic configuration by setting the thresholds for temperature and CO level (above either of which the alarm would go off). The system
acknowledges the setting of each threshold with a double beep. If the user attempts to confirm the setting of any of the two thresholds with an illegal value, then the system will reject
this setting and will generate an error. An illegal value for a temperature threshold would
be one that is not greater than the current room temperature. An illegal value of the CO
level threshold would be one that is not between 100 and 120. In other words, the system
provides little flexibility on the threshold range for CO.
The system can allow its user to skip configuration if this has already been set and no additional settings are required.
Upon entering and confirming proper threshold settings, the system moves to a reading mode
whereby it will read in the current temperature level and the current CO level in a series
of cycles. While in reading mode, the system continuously slowly blinks some red led. The
system will initially indicate that has entered the reading mode by getting into some idle
mode whereby it performs a sequence of beeps. After 5 seconds it will leave this idle mode
(generating a prolonged beep to indicate so), and it will enter a monitoring mode that serves
as the starting point of the cycle of temperature and CO level readings.
4.3 Reading cycle
The system stays in this starting point for 15 seconds and then it proceeds to read in the
current temperature and the current CO level.
ˆ If the current temperature is at least 5 degrees below its set threshold or if the CO
level is between 50 (inclusive) but less then 75, then the system sets on an orange led
light, and it returns to its starting point.
ˆ If the current temperature is less than 5 degrees below its set threshold or if the current
CO level is between 75 (inclusive) and less than 100, then the system lights on some
red led and returns to its starting point.
ˆ In the case where the readings fall outside the above conditions, the system returns to
the starting point.
The description above completes one reading cycle. The system will repeat this cycle in 15
seconds as indicated above.
While in reading mode, the system can allow the user to enter configuration mode and re-set
the thresholds.
4.4 Emergency
If while at reading mode the current temperature or the current CO level reach (or exceed)
their corresponding threshold levels, then the system enters an emergency mode while at the
same time it sends some notification. We may assume that this notification is sent to some
external system (like e.g. a security provider or the Fire Department).
While in emergency mode the system produces a siren sound. The system can exit the
emergency mode through a reset button at which point it will display ’Exit emergency’ on
its display. Upon exiting the emergency mode, the system goes back into a reading mode.
5 Your assignment
1. (80 points) Create the state transition diagram of a UML state machine that models
the system above. Use any drawing tool
2. (20 points) Translate the UML state machine into a declarative model (Prolog database).
Make sure you maintain a record of all your interaction with the Prolog interpreter
and execute the following queries:
(a) What events, if any, are legal while the system is at any given mode, e.g. while
being active? Create a rule that succeeds by encapsulating any such events into
a list, and returns the list.
(b) Create a rule that succeeds by collecting all system actions into a list and returns
such list.
(c) Create a rule that for a given pair of source-destination states, the rule succeeds by returning a list of criteria under which the system can perform a transition from the source to the destination. The criteria are defined as event-guard
(d) Create a rule that succeeds by returning a list of source-destination state pairs,
not taking into consideration any recursive or internal transitions.
6 What to submit
You must produce a single pdf file with any and all state transition diagrams that model the
system specification as a UML state machine. You must also provide two additional files: A
pl file that contains your declarative model and any and all rules, and a txt file contains
your interaction with the Prolog interpreter according to the queries defined above. Please
package all files into a single zip file. Name the zip file after the Concordia id of the person
who will submit, e.g., and submit it at the Electronic Assignment Submission
portal at
under Assignment 3.