Roman numerals


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Write a program that
Asks the user to enter an integer.
Prints the integer in Roman numerals.
Asks the user if they’d like to convert another integer.If the user enters ‘n’ or ‘N’, end the program.
Otherwise, go back to step 1.
Handle user interaction within main().
Handle the conversion of an integer into a Roman Numeral in a separate, appropriately named function.
Please try to do this in groups, and try to use Google, etc., only for answers to questions about the language (as opposed to questions about this problem).
The user will enter the correct type of data when prompted.
Place your solution in a solution–YOURNAME subdirectory (where YOURNAME is your GitHub username).
Document and format your code well and consistently. Be sure to clearly document the source of any code, algorithm, information, etc. that you use or reference while completing your work.
Wrap lines at 79 or 80 columns whenever possible.
End your file with a blank line.
Do not use using namespace std;. You may get around typing std:: in front of things or with, e.g., using std::cout;.
main() must have its own .cpp file. I suggest calling it main.cpp.
Include your copyright and license information at the top of every file, followed by a brief description of the file’s contents, e.g.

/* —————————————————————————-
* Copyright © 2016 Ben Blazak