ROB501 Assignment 3: Stereo Correspondence Algorithms


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Stereo vision is useful for a wide variety of robotics tasks, since stereo is able to provide dense range (depth)
and appearance information. In order to accurately recover depth from stereo, however, a correspondence
or matching problem must be solved (for every pixel, ideally).

This matching process generates a disparity
map, from a pixel to an inverse depth (we use the terms disparity map and disparity image interchangeably
below). In this assignment, you will experiment with dense stereo matching algorithms.

The goals are to:
• introduce stereo block matching and demonstrate the complexities involved in block processing; and
• provide some experience with more sophisticated methods for stereo depth estimation.

The due date for assignment submission

All submissions
will be in Python 3 via Autolab; you may submit as many times as you wish until the deadline. To complete
the assignment, you will need to review some material that goes beyond that discussed in the lectures—more
details are provided below.

(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: Stereo images from the Middlebury Cones dataset, acquired from the left (a) and right (b) cameras,
and (c) the ground truth disparity image.

Stereo matching is easiest when the incoming stereo pairs are rectified, such that the epipolar lines coincide
with the horizontal scanlines of each image.

This fronto-parallel camera configuration reduces the matching
problem to a 1D search. We will make use of the the Cones dataset (and others) from the Middlebury Stereo
Vision repository and stereo images from the KITTI dataset.

Images from the Cones dataset (shown in Figure 1), which are already rectified, are provided for local testing.
More details about the datasets are available on the respective websites.

We have also provided real stereo
imagery gathered by the MER Spirit rover on Mars! You may optionally choose to try your algorithms on these
images, although no ground truth is available, unfortunately (there were apparently no Martians around at
the time of image acquisition to make accurate measurements).

The assignment has three parts, worth a total
of 50 points.

Please clearly comment your code and ensure that you only make use of the Python modules and functions listed
at the top of the code templates. We will view and run your code.

Part 0: Your Secret Identifier

To make the assignment a bit more fun, we’ll track the performance of each submission for Part 2 (see below).
Once all submissions have been received, we’ll generate a ‘leaderboard’ with the top scores (i.e., the lowest
error). Bonus marks will be awarded to the top three leaderboard entries!

Each entry on the leaderboard will be associated with a ‘secret ID,’ which will be a simple string. You may
pick your own secret ID (please be polite). For this portion of the assignment, you should submit:
• A single function in that returns your secret ID as a Python string. Please limit the length
of the string to 32 characters.

Part 1: Fast Local Correspondence Algorithms

Your first task is to implement a fast local stereo correspondence algorithm. This should be a basic, fixedsupport (i.e., fixed window size) matching routine, as discussed in Section 12.4 of the Szeliski text.

should use the sum-of-absolute-difference (SAD) similarity measure. ‘Correct’ matches can be identified using
a simple winner-take-all strategy.

For this portion of the assignment, you should submit:
• A function in, which accepts an image pair (greyscale, e.g., two example
images in the stereo directory) and produces a disparity image (map).

The function should also accept a
bounding box that indicates the valid overlap region (which we will supply), to avoid attempting to match
points that are not visible in both images.

Finally, the function should make use of a maximum disparity
parameter (which we will again supply) to bound the 1D search.1
It will be important to adjust the window size used by the SAD algorithm (via some experimentation) to
achieve the best performance.

To determine how well your algorithm is doing, you may compare the disparity
image your function generates with the ground truth disparity image. One possible performance metric is the
RMS error between the disparity images; a Python function,, is provided,
which computes the RMS error between the estimated and true disparity images:

(Id(u, v) − It(u, v))2
where N is the total number of valid (nonzero) pixels in the ground truth disparity image (inside the bounding

We will score your submissions using the function above, and also by computing the number of correct
disparity values (as a percentage—the scoring function also supplies this value).

Part 2: A Different Approach

Simple block algorithms offer reasonable performance and run quickly. A wide range of more sophisticated
algorithms exist, however, and most offer better performance. After testing your simple block matching function, your second task is to select and implement an alternative matching algorithm.

You may wish to refer
to the paper by Scharstein (2002) from the course reading list or others for possible algorithm choices.
You may choose to implement a different local matching technique or a method that makes use of some
global information.

We will not grade based on the complexity of your source code (i.e., you need not choose
1That is, your code should never search over a disparity range larger than the parameter called maxd—this will avoid wasted computation time.

(a) Left (b) Right (c) Left (d) Right (e) Left (f) Right
Figure 2: Actual stereo images acquired by the Mars Exploration Rover ‘Spirit’.
a exceedingly sophisticated algorithm). However, a portion of your assigned mark will depend on the error
scores you are able to achieve overall (see Part 1).

You should aim to consistently exceed the performance of
the local matcher from Part 1.

For this portion of the assignment, you should submit:
• A function in, which accepts an image pair (greyscale) and produces a
disparity image (map). The function should also accept a bounding box indicating the valid overlap region
(which we will supply) and a maximum disparity parameter (which we will also supply).

Note that there will be a runtime limit in terms of CPU time placed on your function for each test—it must
successfully return the disparity image within this time. The runtime limit is printed at the start of each test.

Please include a short comment section (10-12 short lines) at the top of the function that describes the matching algorithm you implemented. If you referenced a paper or another source, please identify the source in
the comment section.

Points for each portion of the assignment will be determined as follows:
• Fast local stereo correspondence function – 20 points (3 tests; 6 points, 7 points, and 7 points)
The local correspondence algorithm should achieve ERMS < 8 and pbad < 0.23 (incorrect disparities
divided by total number of valid disparities) for both the Cones dataset and Teddy dataset (the first
and second tests). For the KITTI images (the third test), the algorithm should achieve ERMS < 23 (the
disparity values in KITTI are larger) and pbad < 0.40.

• Improved stereo correspondence function – 30 points (3 tests × 10 points per test)
The improved algorithm should achieve better performance than the algorithm from Part 1. Aim for
ERMS < 5 and pbad < 0.17 for both the Cones dataset and Teddy datasets. For the KITTI images, aim for
ERMS < 15 and pbad < 0.30 (this last goal is a stretch goal and might be harder to achieve).

Total: 50 points
Bonus: Additional bonus points will be awarded for the top three submissions that produce the ‘best’ disparity
maps for a holdout stereo pair. For the holdout test, we will weight ERMS and pbad equally. There will be 5
bonus points (out of 50, so a maximum score of 55/50) for first place, 3 bonus points for second place, and
2 bonus points for third place. The leaderboard will appear on Quercus.

Grading criteria include: correctness and succinctness of the implementation of support functions, proper
overall program operation and code commenting and details, and a correct composite image output (subject
to some variation). Please note that we will test your code and it must run successfully. Code that is not
properly commented or that looks like ‘spaghetti’ may result in an overall deduction of up to 15% in case (so
be sure to include your algorithm description).
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