
ROB313: Introduction to Learning from Data Assignment 1 

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Q1) 4pts Implement the k-NN algorithm for regression with two different distance metrics (`2
and `1). Use 5-fold cross-validation1
to estimate k, and the preferred distance metric
using a root-mean-square error (RMSE) loss. Briefly describe your search procedure to
estimate k and the distance metric. Compute nearest neighbours using a brute-force

Apply your algorithm to all regression datasets (use n train=1000, d=2 for rosenbrock).
For each dataset, report the estimated value of k and the preferred distance metric,
and report the cross-validation RMSE and test RMSE with these settings. Format
these results in a table.

Plot the cross-validation prediction curves (merging the predictions from all splits)
for the one-dimensional regression dataset mauna loa at several values of k for the `2
distance metric. In separate figures, plot the prediction on the test set, as well as the
cross-validation loss across k for this model. Discuss your results.

Q2) 2pts Test the performance of your k-NN regression algorithm when a k-d tree data structure
is used to compute the nearest neighbours2
for multiple test points simultaneously.

Conduct performance studies by making predictions on the test set of the rosenbrock
regression dataset with n train=5000. Report the run-time for varying values of d
in a single plot. Use the `2 distance metric and k = 5. Comment on the relative
performance of the k-d tree algorithm versus the brute-force approach implemented
in your answer to Q1. Use the time.time function to measure elapsed wall-clock time
for your studies.

Q3) 2pts Implement the k-NN algorithm for classification with two different distance metrics
(`2 and `1). Estimate k and the preferred distance metric by maximizing the accuracy
(fraction of correct predictions) on the validation split. Briefly describe your search
procedure to estimate k and the distance metric. Compute nearest neighbours using
a k-d tree data structure, as you had done in Q2.

Apply your algorithm to all classification datasets. For each dataset, report the estimated value of k and the preferred distance metric, and report the validation accuracy
and test accuracy with these settings. Format these results in a table.

1Note that data utils.load dataset returns a training and validation set, however, to perform crossvalidation, merge these two sets first, i.e. for the inputs: x train = np.vstack([x valid, x train])
2We do not expect you to implement this data structure. Instead, you may use the scikit-learn implementation sklearn.neighbors.KDTree with the default parameters.

Q4) 4pts Implement a linear regression algorithm that minimizes the least-squares loss function (using the singular value decomposition). Apply to all datasets (regression and
classification). Use both the training and validation sets to predict on the test set, and
format your results in a table (present test RMSE for regression, and test accuracy
for classification). Compare the performance of this method to the k-NN algorithm.

Submission guidelines: Submit an electronic copy of your report (maximum 10
pages in at least 10pt font) in pdf format and documented python scripts. You should
include a file named “README” outlining how the scripts should be run. Upload a single
tar or zip file containing all files to Quercus. You are expected to verify the integrity of your
tar/zip file before uploading. Do not include (or modify) the supplied *.npz data files or the
data module in your submission.

The report must contain
• Objectives of the assignment
• A brief description of the structure of your code, and strategies employed
• Relevant figures, tables, and discussion
Do not use scikit-learn for this assignment, except where explicitly specified. Also, do not
use the scipy.spatial module in this assignment. The intention is that you implement
the simple algorithms required from scratch. Also, for reproducibility, always set a seed
for any random number generator used in your code. For example, you can set the seed in
numpy using numpy.random.seed