Question 1 Write a class Triangle, which has two member variables….


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Question 1
Write a class Triangle, which has two member variables base of type int, and height of type int.
Write a constructor which initialises the base and the height of a Triangle instance.
Write a method getArea() that returns the area of the Triangle as a double.
Write a method show(), to print the dimensions and area of the Triangle instance.
Write a method compare(Triangle t1, Triangle t2), which determines compares the area of two given Triangle objects (hint: recall the Float class compare() method used in Lab #2).
In the main method of the Triangle class, obtain user input for the Triangle’s base and height.
If the user wishes to do a comparison, ask for the dimensions of Triangle t1 and Triangle t2.
You may like to use the control loop from Lab #2 Question #2.

Test cases:
Test Input Expected Output
base = 10, height = 10 50.0
base = 0, height = 10 Error – base / height cannot be 0 or negative
base = 10, height = -100 Error – base / height cannot be 0 or negative
t1 base = 10, height = 50
t2 base = 5, height = 100 t1 and t2 are equal
t1 base = 100, height = 50
t2 base = 5, height = 100 t1 is larger
t1 base = 10, height = -50
t2 base = 5, height = 100 Error – base / height cannot be 0 or negative
(The error message should appear right after t1’s dimensions have been entered)

Question 2
Implement the Equipment class from the IFCS, according to the following class diagram:

– id : String
– description: String
+ Equipment(id:String, desc:String)
+ getId() : String
+ getDesc() : String

Write an IFCSManager class to maintain an array of Equipment objects. (Hint: refer to Lab #2 Question 2).
The IFCSManager will
• add new Equipment instances
• remove an Equipment instance specified by its id
• given an id, report if the Equipment instance resides in the Lab
• display the list of Equipment instances in the Lab.
Test cases:

add new Equipment instances
Test Input Expected Output
id = 1234567
description = oscilloscope Equipment added to Lab
id = null
description = oscilloscope Error – id cannot be null
id = 1239999
description = null Error – description cannot be null

remove Equipment instances
Test Input Expected Output
id = 1234567 Equipment removed from Lab
id = null Error – id cannot be null
id = abc123 Equipment with id abc123 cannot be found.

report Equipment instances
Test Input Expected Output
id = 1234567 Equipment available in Lab
id = null Error – id cannot be null
id = abc123 Equipment not in Lab.

display the list of Equipment instances in the Lab
Expected Output
id=123456, desc=oscilloscope
id=123457, desc=multimeter
id=123460, desc=bread-board
id=123468, desc=signal generator