Project III: Fast R-CNN for object detection


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1 objectives
Recently, deep CNN have significantly improved image classification and object detection accuracy. Compared to image classification, object detection is a more challenging
task that requires more complex methods to solve. Due to this complexity, current approaches train models in multi-stage pipelines. Fig. 1 shows examples of single-class and
multi-classes object detection task. In this project, we learn a popular model for object
Figure 1: Examples of object detection. The left figure is single-class detection while
the right figure is multi-classes detection.
detection, Fast R-CNN. A Fast R-CNN network takes as input an entire image and a set
of object proposals. The proposals are obtained by using a region proposal algorithm
as a pre-processing step before running the CNN. The proposal algorithms are typically
techniques such as EdgeBoxes or Selective Search, which are independent of the CNN.
The network first processes the whole image with several convolutional (conv) and max
pooling layers to produce a conv feature map. Then, for each object proposal a region of
interest (RoI) pooling layer extracts a fixed-length feature vector from the feature map.
Each feature vector is fed into a sequence of fully connected (fc) layers that finally branch
into two sibling output layers: one that produces softmax probability estimates over K
object classes plus a catch-all background class and another layer that outputs four realvalued numbers for each of the K object classes. Each set of 4 values encodes refined
bounding-box positions for one of the K classes. Fig. 2 illustrates the Fast R-CNN architecture. For more details, please refer to
In this project, we use pre-trained fast R-CNN model to do object detection task.
Figure 2: Fast R-CNN architecture. An input image and multiple regions of interest
(RoIs) are input into a fully convolutional network. Each RoI is pooled into a fixed-size
feature map and then mapped to a feature vector by fully connected layers (FCs). The
network has two output vectors per RoI: softmax probabilities and per-class boundingbox regression offsets. The architecture is trained end-to-end with a multi-task loss.
2 The project includes the following two parts
2.1 Single-class object detection in one image
Use pre-trained Fast R-CNN model to do object detection in one example image. You
need to carefully select the threshold of probability that a RoI is accepted as a detection.
Only output the detection of car class. Plot the number of detections in the image
over the value of threshold. Report your finally chosen threshold. Visualize
the detected bounding boxes and the corresponding probability score of every
bounding box in the image.
2.2 Object detection on Pascal VOC 2007 dataset
Use the same model to do object detection on testing dataset of Pascal VOC 2007. There
are 20 classes in the dataset. Use the same threshold as you choose in the first part. For
each detection in a image, we compare it with ground truth annotations of the images.
If there exists an annotation which has an (> 50%) overlap with the detection, we define
the detection as a true positive. Show one example that contains true positive
detections of multi-classes. To quantitatively evaluate the detection results, plot
the precision-recall curve for car class. Report the average precision of every
category and calculate the mean average precision (MAP) over the 20 classes.
3 Data
You need to resize the image as well as the RoIs to fit the input size of the model
(set the shorter edge of the input image to 600). Before testing, remove the average
color from the input image by subtracting net.meta.normalization.averageImage.
Do some non-maximum suppression (NMS) to your detections, i.e. when two positive
detections overlap significantly, choose the one that has higher score. Set a maximum
number of detections per image before NMS.
For 2.1, use image ./example.jpg and proposals ./example boxes.mat.
For 2.2, the images are in ./data/images/ and the proposals are in ./data/SSW/.
The ground truth of bounding boxes are in ./data/annotations/. The dataset contains
4,952 images with annotations of objects from 20 classes. Use PASreadrecord.m in
./code/fast rcnn/ to read the ground truth annotations.
4 Code
1. We use matconvnet to implement this project. To compile matconvnet, run
./code/fast rcnn/Setup.m.
2. The pre-trained model is in ./data/models/. After you load the model into matlab,
run ./code/fast rcnn/preprocessNet.m to preprocess it.
3. Use net.eval({’data’, image, ’rois’, RoIs}) to evaluate the output of the
model. image is the single matrix of image. RoIs is a 5 × N matrix: the first row
are 1, the last 4 rows are positions of proposals and N is the number of proposals. In
net.vars, ’cls prob’ layer records the output of softmax layer and ’bbox pred’ layer
records the output of bounding box regressor. Use function bbx transform inv.m in
./code/fast rcnn/ to get predicted bounding boxes.