Project 2: Multi-Agent Pacman


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CS 4300: Artificial Intelligence
In this project, you will design agents for the classic version of Pacman, including ghosts.
Along the way, you will implement both minimax and expectimax search and try your
hand at evaluation function design.
As in Project 1, this project includes an autograder for you to grade your answers on your
machine. This can be run with the command:
The code for this project consists of several Python files, some of which you will need
to read and understand in order to complete the assignment, and some of which you
can ignore. Download from here
which will contain all the code and supporting files.
1 Files to edit
For all the problems in this project, you would have to edit just one python file namely:, where all of your multi-agent search agents will reside.
2 Supporting Files
The following python files would help you in understanding the problem and the get you
familiar with the different data structures and games states in Pacman.
• The main file that runs Pacman games. This file describes a Pacman
GameState type, which you use in this project.
• The logic behind how the Pacman world works. This file describes several
supporting types like AgentState, Agent, Direction, and Grid.
• Useful data structures for implementing search algorithms.
3 Multi-Agent Pacman (95 pts)
For all the problem titles described below, please refer to the link http://ai.berkeley.
edu/multiagent.html for the problem description and what is expected of each problem.
As always autograder has different test cases against which you can run your program
to check the correctness. Please ensure your code is readable and use comments in your
code to make it more clear for the person reading your code.
For the questions asked below, please ensure your response is brief and to the point.
Please dont write paragraphs of text as responses to these questions.
3.1 Reflex Agent (19 pts)
1. (18 pts) Code implementation
2. (1 pt) What feature (or features) did you use for your evaluation function?
3.2 Minimax (19 pts)
1. (18 pts) Code implementation
2. (1 pt) When Pacman believes that his death is unavoidable, he will try to end the
game as soon as possible because of the constant penalty for living. Give an explanation as to why the Pacman rushes to the closest ghost in this case ?
3.3 Alpha-Beta Pruning (19 pts)
1. (19 pts) Code implementation
3.4 Expectimax (19 pts)
1. (18 pts) Code implementation
2. (1 pt) You should find that your ExpectimaxAgent wins about half the time, while
your AlphaBetaAgent always loses. Explain why the behavior here differs from the
minimax case.
3.5 Evaluation Function (19 pts)
1. (18 pts) Code implementation
2. (1 pt) What features did you use for your new evaluation function?
4 Self Analysis (5 pts)
1. What was the hardest part of the assignment for you?
2. What was the easiest part of the assignment for you?
3. What problem(s) helped further your understanding of the course material?
4. Did you feel any problems were tedious and not helpful to your understanding of
the material?
5. What other feedback do you have about this homework?
5 Evaluation
Your code will be autograded for technical correctness. Please do not change the names
of any provided functions or classes within the code, or you will wreak havoc on the
autograder. If your code passes all the test cases in the autograder you would receive full
points for the implementation.
However even if your code does not necessarily pass all the test cases, we would evaluate
your code and then award you partial points accordingly. In such cases it would be even
more beneficial if you could give a short description of what you tried and where you
had failed and that would help us in giving you better points.
6 Submission Instructions
• For the final submission you would be turning in a zipped folder of the python
files and a PDF document containing your responses to questions from previous
• Please ensure all the submissions are done through canvas. Please do not email the
instructor or the TAs with your submission. Submissions made via email would not
be considered for grading.
• Naming: Your upload should be named in the format where
huidi is your Utah uid and hnumberi is the Project number. Ex: u0006300-Proj0.pdf
• For this project fill in portions of the files to edit. Once you have completed the code,
zip your entire project folder, rename it as per the conventions stated above and
submit it via canvas. Do not delete the other files present in the .zip file or change
the names of any of those files in the project directory.
• Written Answers: Place all your written answers and responses to questions in ”Self
Analysis” in a single PDF document. This should be clearly named in the format
huidi-Projhnumberi-answers.pdf, where huidi is your Utah uid and hnumberi is
the Project number. Ex: u0006300-Proj0-answers.pdf Please make sure to write your
name at the top of the document!
• Group Submissions: If you haven’t done this already for previous projects and if
you are working in groups, You need to sign up to one of the project groups in
the people page in canvas and under the groups tab. Please sign up to one of the
”project groups” and ensure that your group member is signed up to the same
group. This ensures that submissions from one of the group members counts for
the entire group. Follow the file naming convention for the group member uploading the submission. i.e. do not mention the uid of your partner on the file name but
mention your partner’s details inside your answers.pdf .
Note: Each group is limited to maximum 2 members, so if a group is taken already
please choose the next free group.