This project is still fairly new to CS 143, so we encourage you to comment on this doc, or ask questions
on Piazza. I am happy to fix any data issues that may arise.
Just like with Project 1, the point of this project is to teach you something useful, and hopefully have fun.
In this second project, students will have to implement an ETL job using Spark, a very important big
data processing system.
You should find part of Project 2 to be similar to Project 1 except with Spark, and a bit of machine
learning, but the machine learning will be gentle.
Prerequisites are the same as with Project 1 (how convenient!). We expect familiarity with the Unix
environment as well as the ability to code effectively in Python, or can quickly get up to speed. We
expect the resources and links on the project pages will provide you with enough information to get
you started even in case you are not familiar with either one.
While Spark was initially developed to work natively with Scala, it was later extended to work natively
with Python, so we will use Python for this project.
System Setup
To help students set up the uniform environment for the class project, we will again be using
VirtualBox to run the Linux operating system in a virtual machine. VirtualBox allows a single machine
to share resources and run multiple operating systems simultaneously. You will need to download
the following files
● VirtualBox binary file for your host Operating System if you haven’t already
● VirtualBox Image: CS143-P2.ova (requires UCLA BOL login) – This is a very large file
(~3-4GB), so it may take a while to download.
As of 5/12/19 1:30pm, the proper hash for CS143-P2.ova is
7158ebb33d11d27665961fb7a58c78e1 (MD5) and
e3ee5b39bf15dc6122a8874556f6d884f71590db (SHA1).
Please follow our VirtualBox setup instruction to install VirtualBox on your own machine.
The provided virtual machine image is based on Ubuntu 19.04, PostgreSQL 11.2 (for homework),
Apache 2.4.27, Python 3.7.3, IPython 7.5.0, Spark 2.4.3 and R 3.5.2.
If you have access to an equivalent machine that has these packages, you may use it instead of the
virtual machine image. However, please note that we cannot provide support for systems other than
the virtual machine image, and that your project MUST be runnable on the provided virtual machine.
We will be using the virtual machine image for grading purposes, and if your submission does not
work within this setup, you may get zero points. We cannot make any exceptions to your project
schedule for problems incurred by using your own computing facilities.
Reddit ( is a hybrid URL bookmark and/or news site, and a forum. Redditors post articles,
links, or text on specific topics and other Redditors vote the submission up (meaning “like”) or down
(meaning “don’t like”), and can also write comments in response to the submission. These
comments can be nested very deeply in a submission.
Reddit is divided up into thousands of “subreddits” which are essentially forums dedicated to a
particular topic.
Politics is the subject that everyone either loves, hates or loves to hate. But, it is also a very
polarizing and emotional subject, so it provides a good basis for doing some machine learning. It is
also the most active subreddit on Reddit, so there is a lot of data we can use. An election year is
coming up, so we will use this Reddit data to find the sentiment across time, across topics, and
across states regarding President Trump. I do not know what results we will get. It may be that this
data is useless, but we do not know until we try to use it!
Caveat: /r/politics, and Reddit in general, is known to bias heavily towards young (18-29, 59%)
males (71%) that lean liberal / progressive / left (47% of overall users, but much higher anecdotally
in /r/politics), so we are already starting with biased data, but still, let’s see what we can get from it.
Jason Baumgartner has collected every Reddit submission and every Reddit comment posted on
the site since 2005. This data is available on his website in bz2 or xz format.
Your project is to parse the comments (Python or Scala), use what you have learned in 143 about
joins etc. to massage the data into the proper format (Spark and/or SQL in Spark) for training a
sentiment classifier (Spark MLLib). Then, generate a document containing your findings with plots
and answers to some questions.
Part A: Text Parsing
In Part A, you will write a function, in Python to take horribly messy text from Reddit comments, and
parse them into a smooth format that we can eventually use to train a classifier.
Due Date: Monday, May 20, 2019, 11:59pm
Part B: Transforming Data, Training and Evaluating a Classifier and
In this part, you will use the function you wrote for Part A to parse the text (if you didn’t already do it
in Part A), into a data frame containing not only text, but several other features using Spark SQL.
You will then train a classifier using a Spark package called mllib. You will then use this classifier to
study the wider population on Reddit. You will then prepare a “mini-report” that has several plots and
answers questions about the data.
Due Date: Monday, June 3, 11:59pm
Part C: Dashboard
Depending on time, you will then create a dashboard with a few visualizations about sentiment has
changed over time, over location, and other interesting findings.
Due Date: Wednesday, June 6, 11:59pm
Students may implement the project individually or in teams of up to two.
An identical amount of work is expected and the same grading scale is used for individual and team
projects. Faculty experience indicates that in general it is not necessarily easier or more productive
to work in teams of two – it’s largely a matter of personal preference and working style. If you choose
to work as a team, you are encouraged to make use of collaborative authoring tools for
synchronizing your work and ideas, such as version control software (e.g. CVS, SVN, Perforce,
Private git) and online document tools (e.g. Adobe Share, Buzzword, Google Docs, Dropbox Paper).
If you work in a team, choose your partner carefully. Teams are permitted to “divorce” at any time
during the course (due to incompatibility, one partner dropping the course, or any other reason), and
individual students may choose to team up as the project progresses, however students from
divorced teams may not form new teams or join other teams. Put another way, if a student turns in
any part of the project as part of a team, every later part of the project must be turned in individually
or as part of the same team.
Both partners in a team will receive exactly the same grade for each project part turned in jointly. We
will not entertain any complaints of the form “I did all the work and my partner did nothing.” Choose
your partner carefully!
If you work in a team, your work must be turned in jointly, as ONE submission. That is to say, only
ONE of you two should submit your work as a team. Your team will get 10 points off as penalty if you
violate this rule. Note that teamwork turned in as individual work will be considered as plagiarism
and handled through official University channels.
Late Submission Policy
To accommodate the emergencies that a student may encounter, each student (or team) has a
4-day grace period for late submission to use throughout the quarter, 2 per project. If you did not use
late days for Project 1, you may use 3 or 4 for this project. Note that the grace period can be used in
the unit of one day. even if a student submits a project 12 hours late, he/she needs to use a full day
grace period to avoid late penalty.
Electronic submission of Projects
All project submission should be done electronically. Steps for submitting your project electronically
is as follows:
1. Visit the online submission page for the particular project, linked from the corresponding
assignment page.
2. If you need to resubmit something, just redo these directions. The submission page will
notice if you are attempting to resubmit and overwrite your previous entry. Remember that
only the very last submission will be graded.
Project References
Unix & VirtualBox
● Unix tutorial
● VirtualBox overview
Python references
● Python 3 Reference
● Python 3 tutorial
● Another great Python 3 tutorial
● Python Regular Expression Tutorial
● Python function reference
● W3Schools Python Tutorial
● “The” Python Tutorial
● Python for Beginners
● The Python Guru
Spark references
● UCLA Brief Tutorial on Spark MLLib (Go Bruins!)
● Spark Quickstart
● Hands On Tutorial of Apache Spark in 10 Minutes
● Machine Learning in Spark (includes info about PySpark)