
Project 1: Word Search CSCI 1913: Introduction to Algorithms, Data Structures, and Program Development

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3 Introduction
Word searches are a type of puzzle in which a grid of letters is provided, along side a series
of words. The task is then to find the given words inside the grid of letters. Depending on
the word search itself, the words can be found in different orientations, left-to-right, topto-bottom, or even at angles. While these are not terribly taxing puzzles compared to, for
example, a crossword, or a sudoku, word searches remain a simple and entertaining type of
puzzle for all ages.
From a programmer’s perspective, word searches create two interesting, and closely related, challenges. First, given a 2d grid of characters and a specific string – determine
whether or not the string is present, and if so report not only the location, but direction
at which the word can be found. Second, given a target size, and a list of words, generate
a pseudo-random 2d grid of characters such that all (or most) of the given words can be
found in the generated grid. By the end of this project you should have a program capable
of solving both of these problems.
4 Data Representation
A first step in any large program is making a deliberate decision about how real-world data
will be represented in the program. For this program we have chosen four things that need
specific, consistent decisions on data representation:
1. letter grids
2. locations
3. directions
4. solutions
4.1 Letter grids
Letter grids (or word grids – both terms will be used to mean the same thing) will be
represented as a list, of lists, of strings (where each string represents a single letter). This
representation might feel a little silly initially – after all, it has few apparent benefits over
a list of strings, which is easier to type, and would be used the exact same way. However,
there are some processes, especially generating puzzles, in which it is convenient to be able
to modify individual letters – for that we need the full list-of-lists-of-letters design.
An example: The following word grid:
(words: cat, dog, art, town)
would be represented by the following python list-of-lists-of-letters
grid = [[’c’, ’a’, ’t’, ’o’, ’s’],
[’m’, ’r’, ’d’, ’o’, ’g’],
[’q’, ’t’, ’o’, ’w’, ’n’]]
A few notes:
• The primary list (grid in the example above) contains lists of rows not lists of columns.
This effects the correct way to order indices for row vs. column. So to get the ’d’ in
the second row, 3 from the left, we would use grid[1][2]
• Each letter is represented by it’s own string. This makes it easy to change individual
• You are free to assume (without checking) that there is at least one row, at least one
column, and that the list-of-lists is properly “rectangular” (each sub-list of the primary
list has the same length). Your code will not be expected to deal with empty lists or
situations where different sub-lists have different lengths.
• We will represent the grid as only lowercase alphabetical letters.
• The width of the grid will be the number of letters left-to-right. The above example
has width 5
• The height of the grid will be the number of letters up-to-down. The above example
has height 3.
4.2 Locations
A location in a 2d grid is commonly represented as a pair (x, y) where x represents left-toright displacement, and y represented up-to-down displacement. We will follow the same
pattern, with the top-left of the grid (’c’ in the above example) being at location (0, 0). For
a few examples, the q in the above example is at location (0, 2), and the ’g’ is at location
(4, 1), and ’o’ can be found at the three positions: (3, 0),(3, 1),(2, 2).
4.3 Directions
Our program will allow four “legal” word directions:
• right (words positioned left-to-right)
• down (words positioned up-to-down)
• right-down (words going diagonal from top-left to bottom-right)
• right-up (words going diagonal from bottom-left to top-right)
While four more directions are logically possible, the other four directions would be simple
reverses of these directions, and are often considered hard to find, confusing, and unfair by
word-search fans, therefore we will not deal with them.
We will represent these directions in our computer as a pair (dx, dy) where dx describes
how to change the x value of the location to go in a direction, and dy describes the change
in the y values. The four legal directions can be defined as follows:
RIGHT = (1, 0)
DOWN = (0, 1)
RIGHT_DOWN = (1, 1)
RIGHT_UP = (1, -1)
For example, the tuple for right-down indicates that to go in the right-down direction you
add 1 to both x and y. You should not program your code using if statements to say “if the
direction equals right do this, if the direction equals down do this, etc.” instead you should
think about how you can use the values of these tuples to navigate the 2-d grid of letters.
“solving” that puzzle (how to loop over 2d space given a location and direction) will be your
primary hurdle for many of the required functions.
4.4 Solution
A “solution” to a word search is always defined relative to a specific letter grid, and a specific
word. Within this context – a “solution” defines where the word is (a location) and in what
direction. Therefore, we will represent a solution in python as a tuple with two elements a
location (specifically, the location of the first letter of the word), and a direction (indicating
which way to go to find the other letters of the word)
So, for example, consider the following word grid:
word “cat” has solution ((1, 0), (0, 1)) meaning it can be found at location (1,0) following direction (0,1) I recommend looking for the words “wax”, “paw”, “lid”, and “bet”
and formulating a “solution” to those 2
5 Core required functions
A template file has been provided on canvas. You will be required to rename this file and fill in the following functions:
• get_size(word_grid)
• print_word_grid(word_grid)
• copy_word_grid(word_grid)
• extract(grid, position, direction, max_len)
• find(word_grid, word)
It would be reasonable to check your “solutions” to those words against other students if you wanna
check your understanding.
• show_solution(word_grid, word)
• make_empty_grid(width, height)
• can_add_word(word_grid, word, position, direction)
• do_add_word(word_grid, word, position, direction)
• fill_blanks(word_grid)
Make sure that the file you turn in is able to have functions imported using standard python
imports. To do this, make sure any user interactions occurs with a if __name__ == “__main__”:
We will break these up into three groups of functions: helper-functions, solver-functions,
and generation-functions.
6 Helper functions
These functions represent basic tasks that are needed throughout the code, which make other
functions easier, or which ultimately exist to help make sure you know how to work with the
data representation used in this problem. Do these first, and test your answers very carefully
(write your own tests in addition to those provided) before moving forward.
6.1 get size
The get size function should have a single parameter – a letter grid in the list-of-lists-ofletters format discussed earlier in this document. The return value of this function should
be a tuple with two elements: the width, and height of the grid, in that order.
• This should not modify the word grid passed to it.
• This should not be a long function, it can be done in 1 line, and should not need more
than 4 lines of code in total.
• If you are having trouble with this function review the basic data representation and
make sure you understand how many lists work together to represent a letter grid.
• make sure you’re paying attention to the expected return order: width, height. Getting
these “backwards” is an easy mistake to make.
6.2 print word grid
The print word grid function should print the word grid in a “dense” format suitable for an
end-user. For example, the following function call:
print_word_grid([[’a’, ’b’, ’c’], [’c’, ’d’, ’q’]])
should cause the following text to be output to the user:
Note, this function has no return value – it is expected to output directly to the user.
• This should not modify the word grid passed to it.
• You may find it useful to review the advanced usage of python’s print statement, such
as changing the sep or end parameters. (This is talked about in zybooks 1.2)
• Make sure your output isn’t “sideways” – check the above example to make sure you
are thinking about the x and y locations in the list correctly relative to how it’s stored.
6.3 copy word grid
The copy word grid function takes one parameter, a grid, and returns a copy of this grid.
Notice, the copy must be made in such a way that it is fully independent from the original.
For this function to be correct it must be possible to make a copy of a letter grid, modify
the letter grid, and have the original remain unmodified.
An example may make things more clear here:
grid1 = [[ ’a ’ , ’b ’ , ’c ’] , [ ’c ’ , ’d ’ , ’q ’ ]]
grid2 = copy_word_grid ( grid1 )
grid1 [0][0] = ’z ’
grid1 [1][0] = ’z ’
print_word_grid ( grid1 )
# expected :
# zbc
# zdq
print_word_grid ( grid2 )
# expected :
# abc
# cdq
• This should not modify the word grid passed to it.
• This task is harder than it appears. Don’t move on from it until you’ve tested that
you’re doing it right.
• If you’re struggling with this, make sure you’re copying every list. The above example
has 3 lists, for example, so copying that grid would require 3 new lists to be made.
• The deepcopy library is explicitly not allowed here. If you use it here you will get a 0
on this function.
• Make sure your copy isn’t “sideways”
6.4 extract
The extract function should have four parameters:
1. grid – a letter grid
2. position – a location (tuple of two integers x and y)
3. direction – a direction (tuple of two integers as documented earlier)
4. max len – an integer
The purpose of the extract function is to extract a string from the grid of letters starting
at the given position, moving in the given direction containing no more than max len letters.
If there are max len letters available starting from the provided start location, going in the
provided direction, then a string of length max len should be returned. However, if the top,
left, right, or bottom edge of the grid is reached before max len is reached, a shorter string
should be returned.
The behavior of this function is best understood through a series of examples:
Consider the following letter grid:
• extract(grid, (0,0), RIGHT, 4) is “pcnd” (the first 4 letters going left-to-right starting at the top-left)
• extract(grid, (0,0), DOWN, 5) is “pwolf” (the first 5 letters going top-to-bottom
start at the top-left)
• extract(grid, (1,3), RIGHT_UP, 3) is “jwo” (the first 3 letters starting from the ’j in
(1,3) and going up and right)
• extract(grid, (4,2), RIGHT, 5) is “drk” (shorter than the requested 5 letters because
we hit the left-edge of the grid)
• extract(grid, (3,2), RIGHT_UP, 5) is “gah” (shorter than the requested 5 letters
because we hit the top-edge of the grid)
• extract(grid, (5,2), DOWN, 5) is “rew” (shorter than the requested 5 letters because
we hit the bottom-edge of the grid)
• This should not modify the word grid passed to it.
• Make sure you check for hitting the top, right, and bottom side – each is possible, and
missing any 1 check can lead to incorrect behavior in later functions.
• While the examples above look like extract(grid, (1,1), RIGHT_DOWN, 2) remember
that grid and the directions here are just variables, so your function would see something more like: extract([[…],[…],…], (1,1), (1,1), 2)
• The hardest part of this function is deciding how to loop given a location and a direction. Remember that both location and direction are represented as a tuple with 2
integers. If you’re struggling, try this:
– Look at each of the examples above.
– Do these examples yourself, but don’t just write-out the letters returned, also
write out the series of locations that are used Then find a relationship between
the location-tuple, the direction-tuple, and the (x,y) positions visited
– For example: extract(grid, (0,0), RIGHT, 4)
letter position
p (0,0)
c (1,0)
n (2,0)
d (3,0)
• Remember that you can write helper functions to make this task easier, or to avoid
code duplication between this and other functions.
7 solver functions
These functions are those that you would need to build a practical user interface for automatically solving word-searches. With these functions, a practical user-interface would be a
relatively simple matter.
7.1 find
The find function should take a letter grid and a word. If the word can be found in the grid,
then the location, and direction, at which the word can be found should be returned as the
solution. If the word cannot be found in the given grid, then the special value None should
be returned to indicate failure.
On it’s own this function can be solved many different times, and many different ways.
Depending on the exact approach you take, this may also be quite hard to program and
debug. To make things easier, we are strongly recommended a “brute-force” solution to this
Brute-force solutions are often less efficient, but are also (typically) easier to program,
test, and validate In this case, the brute force algorithm will be simple: For each location in
the grid, and each direction allowed, test if the word is contained starting at that location,
going in that direction. This may sound like an inefficient solution (a 10 by 25 word-grid
would involve testing 1000 possible “solutions” for each word). However, a computer can
handle this much work without any noticeable delay. Most word grids are not large by
computer standards, so we don’t need a more efficient solution.
• This should not modify the word grid passed to it.
• Think about how other functions can be used to test a specific combination of a location
and a direction. This ultimately shouldn’t need to do the whole thing on it’s own and
is expected to be making use of other functions.
• The return value of this function is somewhat tricky so we’ll recap it here: if the word
can’t be found return None (this is not a string, it needs no quotes. It’s a special
python value.) If the word can be found it should be a tuple with a location and
direction. In practice this might look like ((1,4), (1,-1))
7.2 show solution
The show function takes two parameters:
• the letter grid
• the word we are showing a solution for
If the word cannot be found in the word grid, a simple message saying the word could
not be found should be printed. As an example (for the word “cat”):
cat is not found in this word search
Alternatively, if the word is in the word grid, the word should be capitalized, and then the
grid should be printed. (Note, this should not modify the grid provided, you may find it
useful to make a copy of the grid in this function)
An example (again, for the word “cat”)
CAT can be found as below
Note that the word cat is capitalized, both in the printed word grid, and in the first line.
8 Generation functions
These functions work together (with the help of two additional provided functions) to generate novel word-search puzzles. While we would have liked to give you the task “write a novel
word-search generation algorithm” this task ends up being a little too open-ended for the
first-project. As such we’ve designed a general solution and provided you the core functions
for this solution. Your task will be implementing 4 important helper functions (I.E. the
functions that do the actual hard-work of making the new puzzle)
You should begin by reading the provided add word and generate functions. Getting the
“big picture” on how these functions work together will help you program the 4 required
8.1 make empty grid
The make empty grid function takes two integers: width and height, and return a new
word grid. The word-grid should initially have the specified width and height. Initially, the
word-grid should have ’?’ in all positions.
As an example (which I recommend testing)
grid = make_empty_grid (3 ,2)
print_word_grid ( grid )
# expected
# ???
# ???
grid [0][0] = ’q ’
grid [0][1] = ’k ’
print_word_grid ( grid )
# expected
# qk ?
# ???
• Like copy word grid this function has a few pitfalls that are easy to miss in testing.
Make sure you test your function carefully to make sure each position in the generated
grid can be changed independently.
• The ’?’ character represents an un-used space in the letter-grid. This will let us
remember as we’re generating a new word-search where we’ve already placed a word,
and where we have not.
8.2 can add word
The can add word function should take 4 parameters:
• a word grid in the list of lists format described earlier in this document
• a single word (a string)
• a position (tuple of two numbers)
• a direction (tuple of two numbers)
This function should check if it is currently possible to add a given word to a given word
grid, in a given place/direction. The function should return True if the placement is possible
and False if not. The rules for this are simple:
• There must be enough space starting in the given position for the word
– For example, if you want to place the word “ape” in a 4×3 grid, you cannot place
it at position (2,1) going right. There would not be room for 3 more letters.
– You could, however, put “ape” in a 4×3 grid starting at (2,0) if the word goes
• The word cannot conflict with existing word placements. In general, a word is said to
conflict if-and-only-if putting the word in this location would mean changing a nonblank (not-’?’) letter in the word-grid to some other letter. So you can place a word
where it would change any ’?’ to another letter, or you could place the word in such
a way that it overlaps with already-placed words (so long as no letter changes.)
• This is another situation that is best shown through examples first-and-foremost: Consider the following partially filled word grid:
We could place bat in several places without conflict. First, we could place the word
so it only overlaps unused ’?’ spaces
We could place the word so it’s ’a’ overlaps with the ’a’ from “rat” (as we wouldn’t
need to change the ’a’ stored there.)
But we can’t place it in such a way that other letters have to change (in this case, the
’a’ in (3,2) has to become a ’T’ causing a conflict.)
• Consider how other functions can drastically simplify this task.
• This is easy to get wrong so I’ll say it again: the rule is not “you can’t place a
word where any non-blank letter is” the rules allow you to place a word only where it
wouldn’t need to change any non-blank letters.
• This function should not actually modify the word-grid, that’s another functions job.
This function just indicates if a given placement would be valid.
8.3 do add word
The do add word function should take 4 parameters:
• a word grid in the list of lists format described earlier in this document
• a single word (a string)
• a position (tuple of two numbers)
• a direction (tuple of two numbers)
This function should change the word grid to add the word at the indicated position (in
the indicated direction). Your function does not have to worry about running out of space,
or changing letters in an invalid way: this function will only be called with inputs that
can add word indicates are valid and safe.
• This function will have a similar structure to extract, but instead of reading a word
out of the grid, it’s writing a word into the grid.
8.4 fill blanks
This function takes a single parameter, a word grid. It should loop over this word grid and fill
each position that currently has the blank letter ’?’ with a random lower-case alphabetical
• You should pick letters at random (not following any specific pattern or scheme)
• You should pick a new letter for each blank-space in the word grid (remember ’?’
represents a blank space)
• The choice method from python’s random module might be useful here, and does work
with strings.
• The autograder will be very light for this function since it has random (hard to test)
behavior. Make sure you’re running this a few times and looking our for anything that
feels like a “patern”.
8.5 Final testing
When you’re done with all the above functions you should be able to use the generate
function to create new word grids:
grid, words = generate(10, 10, [“java”, “python”, “list”, “set”, “tuple”,”string”])
OUTPUT (will be random, here’s an example)
You should test this on your own, both to validate that your code is correct, and because
it’s fun.
9 Additional Requirement
Finally, when done with all functions there is an additional requirement. At the top of the
template PDF is a series of 4 questions. Each question asks for you to evaluate the worstcase big-O running time of one function you’ve written. See the comments in that template
file for assumptions you should make. Input your answer to each question by filling in the
provided strings. This is a bit of a hokey way to do this Q&A part of the lab, but it keeps
all the answers in one file.
Each questions will be graded on the following rubric:
1. 0 points – no answer given, or a wrong answer is given with no explanation.
2. 1 points – A wrong answer with a (mostly) sound explanation is given.
3. 2.5 points – a correct answer is given
10 Grading
Testing is provided by the tester file which can be found on canvas. It should be noted
that functions with random behavior (fill blanks and generate) can not be truely tested.
Several other functions (make empty grid, copy word grid) require a structure that is hard
to validate by print-alone. We added code to the tester that should catch many mistakes,
but maybe not all of them. The autograder is more thurough, as is the manual review. If you
are worried about this possibility, you might want to add additional tests to make sure your
lists and sublists are properly structured and can be independently manipulated. Finally,
the find function can, in some cases, return a different answer than our answer key if there
are more than one valid answer and you search in a different order than we do. We are not
aware of any situation like this, but if you belive this is happening please email us and we
can investigate.
Grading will be split between 31 autograded points and 69 manually graded points. The
points are split as follows:
Autograder Manual Review Total
Code style 0 10 10
Correct files 3 0 3
4 Questions 2 10 12
get size 2 3 5
print word grid 2 3 5
copy word grid 2 4 6
extract 3 7 10
find 3 5 8
show solution 2 7 9
make empty grid 3 4 7
can add word 3 7 10
do add word 3 5 8
fill blanks 3 4 7
Total: 31 69 100
The code style expectations are equivalent to those used in labs. Like in the labs we will
be on the lookout for both a few explicit requirements:
• Properly formatted and located docstrings
• Good variable name choices
• A comment of some sort at the top of the file listing your name as author of the
provided file
As well as a more subjective sense of “things that make the core hard to read”. Remember,
code is communication – I don’t care if it works. If we can’t read it and understand why it
works thien it’s wrong.