
CMPE 250 Project 1: Big Integer

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CMPE 250, Data Structures and Algorithms
Welcome to the most entertaining class in department and, of course, welcome to your projects.
As your first project, since you are engineers and the word engineer means ”who does Math” in
Turkish, you will be doing Math! You are going to be implementing addition and multiplication
for very big integers that are represented as a LinkedList.
To do this you will be provided some code written by assistants and you are going to implement
the missing part.
The files you will be provided are: Node.h, Node.cpp, LinkedList.h, LinkedList.cpp,
BigInteger.h and main.cpp
The file you should fill in is: BigInteger.cpp
In other words, you are expected to implement the methods, constructors and destructor, which
are prototyped in BigInteger.h. So, for this project any code written outside BigInteger.cpp
will be useless.
Details of the Given Code
This class consists of an integer data field and a Node pointer to the next node which will
be used to construct LinkedList. So the data structure is the same as you learned back in
CMPE160. The copy constructor and destructor and some operator overloading is done by us,
so you can use help while implementing yours.
This class consists of two Node instances that represent heads and tails of the list and an integer
to keep the length of the list. Constructors, destructor and push methods are implemented for
you so you can make use of them too.
This is the class you will be implementing and contains a pointer to a LinkedList object,
which will be used to represent the number read. BigInteger.h is already written for you and
you are responsible for implementing BigInteger.cpp. To implement the project successfully,
you are going to
• overload + and ∗ operators
• write copy constructors
• overload assignment operator
• implement destructor
You can of course implement additional helper functions but make sure that you do not modify
header files as any other code written outside BigInteger.cpp is meaningless for grading.
Remember, you can implement methods whose signature do not contain scope operator (::)
without updating header.
This is the class where you will be handling the input and output. Most of the I/O stuff has
already been implemented. You are allowed to modify this class as we will replace yours with
the original. Note that when you execute the main after removing /* and */ signs, your output
must be the same as the corresponding result file.
Input & Output
Your code must be compiled by the simple cmake CMakeLists.txt and make commands and
your code must read the arguments from the command line. Your code will be tested with the
./project1 inputFile outputFile
Your program should read the input from the file which is specified while executing the program
from the terminal. Input file will have the following format:
operand type
The first line int the file contains one char either ’*’ or ’+’ which will determine the type of operation you will be applying to the numbers. The following two lines contain, not surprisingly,
the two numbers you will be dealing with.
Similar to the input, your program will output to the file specified from the terminal. And the
only thing you will output is the result of the operation with no new line at the end.Note that
this may result in wrong evaluations since it will be done automatically.
Some example cases are as follows:
Table 1: Sample Test Cases
Content of
Input File
Content of
Output File
1. You are not allowed to use any library or object provided by C++ for multiplying and
adding numbers. You will get zero in this case.
2. You must read the numbers as a string and transfer it to a Linked List. You are free to
determine the number of digits will be held in one node. In other words, you can split
the number digit by digit while pushing to the linked list or 5-digit by 5-digit.
3. You are expected to implement copy constructor and destructor, and overload assignment
operator. Otherwise, when extensively tested, your code will very likely give segmentation
fault and crash even though the addition and multiplication operations are just fine.
4. Make sure that an executable is created after executing cmake CMakeLists.txt and make
commands. Otherwise, no executable will be created and your code will fail in grading.
Submission Details
You are supposed to use the Git system provided to you for all projects. No other type of
submission will be accepted. Also pay attention to the following points:
• All source codes are checked automatically for similarity with other submissions and
exercises from previous years. Make sure you write and submit your own code.
• In our case, you are expected to use C++ as powerful, steady and flexible as possible.
Use mechanisms that affects these issues positively.
• Make sure you document your code with necessary inline comments, and use meaningful
variable names. Do not over-comment, or make your variable names unnecessarily long.