
Programming Assignment 1 CSC 4320/6320 – Operating Systems

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Purpose of This Assignment
To provide experience with process creation in Unix
Problem Statement:
Programming problem 3.21 (page 155), with the following extra information/requirements:
1. Besides requirements in Problem 3.21, your program should also display the process IDs of
both the parent and child processes. Follow the code in Figure 3.34 (page 152) to structure
your program and to print the process IDs. Capture a screenshot after running your program.
A sample screenshot is provided below (the output of your program should have the same
structure as in the sample screenshot).
2. A skeleton of the program is provided in iCollege, which has code to obtain user’s input
number from command line. Add your own code based on the existing code.
3. You can use the gcc command to compile the program. See the sample screenshot below.
What to submit (submit through iCollege):
Upload program file hw1.c and a project report (named as “HW1.pdf” or “HW1.doc”) to iCollege.
The project report should include 1) a sample screenshot of the output; 2) the source code of
Sample output screenshot
Sample compiling screenshot