PROGRAM 2: Catalog


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Write a program to read a data file from an XML file into memory. Specifically, the data file is an XML file containing a
catalog of book data.
De-serialize the XML data by reading each book into a Book object and adding that book object to the Catalog object, a singly
linked list of books. An input file is provided for development. The program will output the following information to the
A menu driven system provided by the Catalog object will allow the user to do the following:
1. Add a book to the catalog. (allows for duplicate book entries)
2. Remove a book from the catalog by title. (exact title string match)
3. Search for all books. (search by a given sub-string in the title)
4. Print the catalog. (onto the console, all at one time)
5. End program. (automatically saves the catalog to a file for next time)
Label and format the output to the console. Your formatting will be graded relative to your classmate’s job at text formatting in
the console window.
Application: All classes reside in a package called library. Call the class with the main method, The main
program is expected to interact with the Catalog object to produce the results on the console. Create other helper classes as you
need them to create a good object oriented design paying attention to OO design principles.
Abstract Data Type: Implement a List ADT using dynamic memory allocation (a Linked List implementation). For best
results, do not copy a linked list implementation from the Web. Implement your own. You will need to first implement the
Node class that will be used by the SinglyLinkedList class.
Create a generic SinglyLinkedList class to hold any type of object. This is the class that implements the List ADT (by
implementing the generic ListInterface) and that Catalog uses.
Create a Book class with private attribute names taken from the XML data file (or from the book XSD).
Create a Catalog class that uses a singly linked list to store and manipulate book objects as needed by the program
API: None from Java Collections is needed at this time.
GUI: None required.
Design Constraints: Use String parsing to read elements from the file to populate the Book objects. Be patient. At a later time,
we can rewrite the program using a DOM parser from java.xml. (The point of the program is to work with a list and not a tree.)
So I am first asking you to implement your own way to read this specific XML file, that is the specific xsd – XML Schema
Definition – that underlies this XML documents (instance of the XSD).
Provide internal documentation only as required in the program documentation standard in OAKS.
Updates and clarifications to this assignment, if needed, will be done on Discussions.
Use the corresponding dropbox in OAKS using the same naming conventions as given in Program 1.